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Brazil: Outbreak of pneumonia in the House of Representatives, already reaches 48 cases

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  • Brazil: Outbreak of pneumonia in the House of Representatives, already reaches 48 cases

    Portuguese to English translation

    published on 26/05/2011 at 12h32:
    Outbreak of pneumonia in the House, already reaches 48 cases
    Also increased the number of examinations in the medical service of the House in recent weeks

    Christina Lemos, columnist

    ... Mrs Rose Freitas (PMDB-ES), first vice chairman of the House can no longer preside over the meetings of the House without much sacrifice to your health. She is one of 48 people infected with pneumonia in the House of Representatives, according to reports the Rose itself.

    Mrs withdrew from the presidential chair around 18h ​​on Wednesday (25) and advised the deputy Marco Maia (PT-RS) that is not physically able to replace it, much less in the case of president's trip. Rose has been ill for at least two weeks.

    Medical service in the House of Representatives, the demand for scintigraphy has increased dramatically in recent weeks. There were about 200 such tests, according to vice president, who is concerned about the problem.

    - I'll order an inspection of air-conditioning system in the House and carpet cleaning. Imagine if we were faced with a contagious disease?

    In the Senate, the latest victim was Magno Malta (PR-ES), which also had to cope with treatment for pneumonia. The air-conditioning the house was contraindicated by the physicians who initially treated the Senator Itamar Franco, who was facing a severe cold. After a blood test, it was discovered that the former president was suffering from leukemia.

    The president spent a month Rousseff difficulties motivated by a cold, later diagnosed as double pneumonia. Also in the case of Dilma, doctors recommended that she avoid the air conditioner in his office on the Plateau, which led the president to dispatch two weeks from the official residence, the presidential palace.

    Fatal bacteria

    . The lack of maintenance and cleaning the air-conditioning in Brasilia has produced at least one fatality among federal authorities, the then communications minister in the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, S?rgio Motta, who died in April 1998 because of infection lung combined with his delicate health.

    Evidence exists that Motta had contracted one of the most dangerous bacteria found in the pipes of air-conditioning and not maintenance or cleaning, legionella pneumophila, which causes acute infections and pneumonia.

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