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Wash Your Hands

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  • Wash Your Hands

    I doubt it is any coincidence that I keep seeing reminders to people to wash their hands (and how to do it) lately in the MSM

    Wash Your Hands
    And There's A Right Way To Do It, Says Dr. Emily Senay

    Sept. 22, 2006
    (CBS/The Early Show)

    (CBS) You've heard it thousands of times from your mother. Now it's time for you to hear it from The Early Show's Dr. Emily Senay:

    Wash your hands.

    Dr. Senay cited a survey that indicates that 36 percent of people never wash their hands after they cough or sneeze, and 31 percent rarely wash their hands before they eat lunch. And a total of 70 percent don't wash their hands long enough to adequately remove dirt and germs.

    Seems pretty basic, but to do the job, you need soap, hot water, a clean, dry towel and you need time. As Dr. Senay demonstrated on The Early Show, you need 20 seconds to do it right, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

    Vigorous action is important too "because you are removing the germs… You have to have friction."

    Also, in a public restroom, get your towel first and tuck it under your arm. As a matter of fact, after you wash your hands, make sure you don't touch anything you touched with your hands when they were dirty. Turn off the tap using the towel, too.

    "It is a little involved," admits Dr. Senay. "I tell my kids this, they think I am a little crazy. But I see them being cautious."

    You don't really need to use anti-bacterial soap. They might even be harmful because they might increase bacterial resistance.

    Alcohol hand sanitizers are a good option but remember that they don't remove dirt.

    And finally, when you're done, make sure your hands are dry.

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