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South Korea reports 3 cases of MERS Coronavirus - May 20 - 24, 2015 - Gov holds emergency meeting

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  • South Korea reports 3 cases of MERS Coronavirus - May 20 - 24, 2015 - Gov holds emergency meeting

    Before symptoms, 68-year-old male returns from Bahrain
    * Patient's wife shows minor symptoms; test results on Thursday
    * "No possibility" of spread among general public (Adds detail, comment)
    SEOUL, May 20 (Reuters) - South Korean health officials on Wednesday confirmed the country's first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in a patient who recently returned from Bahrain and is in stable condition after being treated for a high fever and cough.
    The 68-year-old man was in Bahrain from April 18 through to May 3 and was engaged in farming-related business, South Korea's health ministry said in a statement. He returned to South Korea on May 4 through Qatar, it said.
    Last edited by tetano; May 20, 2015, 03:50 AM.

  • #2
    from Ministry of Health twitter account
    • Immigration by nationals from May 20 One person has been identified as Bahrain Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Homers) patients. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has continued to the present Middle East respiratory syndrome are caused mainly from the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia in April '12 coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is an acute infectious disease caused by respiratory infections in humans. Currently the patient is in a stable state into the therapeutic state-designated hospital care beds. Families with additional inlet and quarantine to prevent the spread reinforcement, isolation of close contacts, such as staff, an epidemiological investigation is being conducted.

    Department of Health and Human Services (warm Ari)

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    • #3

      Department of Health and Human Services (warm Ari)mohwpr ? 3h 3 hours ago
      The domestic sector the highest authority on infectious diseases gimwooju infection Institute Director for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Homers) is the first Korean patients about what occurred "is likely to be disseminated to the public is very low," we had expected.

      Department of Health and Human Services (warm Ari)mohwpr ? 4h 4 hours ago
      May 20 immigration by nationals from Bahrain one person has been identified as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Homers) patients.

      machine translation


      • #4
        If confirmed by WHO, this will be the first recorded case for both South Korea and Bahrain. Bahrain is adjacent to Saudi Arabia, who has recorded 1018 cases (including 17 exported cases).


        • #5
          A Korean media report. Apparently the patient went on a work trip to Bahrain in April. It appears this work is related to agriculture. At the time he returned to S. Korea he did not have any symptoms. About a week later he developed a fever and cough and sought medical treatment.

          Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) patients occurred for the first time in Korea. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control came 68-year-old man went to Bahrain Korea announced 20 days been confirmed to be infected with Homers. According to the headquarters of the male-related crop cultivation jungyimyeo engaged in work visit to Bahrain last month, 18 days for the purpose of travel. Until the last three days later and remained in Bahrain was entering through the last four days of Incheon International Airport. The man blossomed and other symptoms, but did not have any symptoms at the time of entry Entry 7 days 11 days later, fever and cough got medical treatment at a hospital . Even if he did not improve state medical men had to be hospitalized in another hospital was transferred to another hospital after emergency room. The hospital has investigated the blood of the men entrusted to the National Institutes of Health is the result of men diagnosed Homers She received. Headquarters is currently under isolation treatment in men Seoul National University Medical Center and explained the state is not wijung andago.seuneun Mer gotta coronavirus infection caused by a high fever and severe acute respiratory disease cough, shortness of breath, etc. The main symptom is the mortality rate It amounts to 40%. Also last 2012 Saudi Arabia was the first patient has occurred in the world since 1142 patients occurred in which 460 people have died so. The exact route of infection is mediated coronavirus that causes a camel and bats did not clear up to now it is estimated that only animals.The headquarters is in contact with the patient while the patient's family to identify the infection, the epidemiological investigation and medical personnel began.

          중동호흡기증후군(MERS) 환자가 국내에서 처음으로 발생했다.보건복지부 질병관리본부는 바레인에 다녀 온 68세 한국 남성이 메르스에 감염된 것으로 확인됐다고 20일 밝혔다. 본부에 따르면 이 남성은 농작물 재배 관련 일에 종사 중이며 지난 달 18일 출장을 목적으로 바레인을 방문했다. 이후 지난 3일까지 바레인에 머물렀으며 지난 4일 인천국제공항을 통해 입국했다.이 남성은 입국 당시 특별한 증상이 없었으나 입국 7일 후인 11일 발열과 기침 등의 증

          machine translation


          • #6
            South Korea confirms second case of MERS virus; third case possible

            SEOUL South Korean health officials have confirmed the country?s second case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in a patient who nursed her infected husband before he was diagnosed with the disease after a trip to Bahrain.

            The woman is in stable condition. A 76-year-old man who shared the hospital room with the first confirmed patient had developed a high fever on Wednesday, a statement from the health ministry said.

            The ministry said on Wednesday it saw no chance of the disease spreading into the wider population because those who had been in contact with the first patient have been isolated. The original patient was in stable condition.

            First identified in humans in 2012, MERS is caused by a coronavirus, from the same family as the one that caused a deadly outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China in 2003. There is no cure or vaccine.


            • #7
              South Korea confirms third case of MERS virus; 64 isolated

              South Korean health officials confirmed the country's third case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) on Thursday, with the two latest cases found in people who had been in contact with the first patient after he returned from the Middle East.
              Authorities have also isolated as a precaution another 64 people who are family members or medical workers treating those three patients, said Yang Byung-guk, director of the health ministry's Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
              Test results came back positive for a 63-year-old woman, the wife of the first proven case, as well as for a 76-year-old man who shared a hospital room with him, the health ministry said.
              The first man was diagnosed with the disease on Wednesday after a trip to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where the disease broke out, Yang told a briefing.


              • #8
                Government opens emergency meeting. Central Defense Headquarters involved.

                Department of Health and Human Services (warm Ari)mohwpr ? 2h 2 hours ago
                Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) relevant, open the emergency meeting careful steps to upgrade the level of infectious disease crises in the interest stage, MERS and operating the Central Defense Headquarters. Strengthening quarantine, isolation therapy, contact investigations is being actively supported.

                machine translation


                • #9
                  Nothing on WHO website yet but this notice is on the S. Korea CDC site - 2 more cases including the wife of the 1st case. 64 people in isolation:

                  □ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Director: Ms. byeongguk) were from one wife to care for entry into the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome nationals from Bahrain confirmed cases have respiratory symptoms perform genetic diagnostic tests , said that the positive test. ○ the current status of the treatment being denied a stable and isolation in the National Inpatient beds Meanwhile □, the initial diagnosis of a patient was admitted to hospital B 5.15 to 5.17 days from the last day in the hospital with double who the patient (male, 76 years old) has been confirmed in epidemiological studies courses that fever from 5.20 days in the morning, and National Power to 5.20 days hospitalized in isolation wards pm, specimen entered the gene diagnostic tests in the Centers for Disease Control. □ Centers for Disease Control said that the symptoms will continue to perform active monitoring of the contactor.


                  machine translation


                  - Add introduced to prevent the spread and strengthening quarantine, isolation therapy, contact investigations and conducted active monitoring of symptoms, such as general measures - □ Government Thurs the 21st meeting Homers crisis response specialists in infectious disease management to the Director subjective 12:00 held, assess the current situation and discuss infectious disease emergency response to the crisis stage for future comprehensive measures remains a "careful step," but response was to strengthen actions proactively. ○ The conference is the first confirmed patient from 5.15 days last of B was admitted to the hospital until 5.17 days, with one hospitalized elderly patients (male, 76 years) follow-up was conducted in accordance with egeseodo As tested positive genetic test result is out, it is * 5.20 days with a fever from epidemiological am In the process, it has been confirmed on the same day afternoon National hospitalized in isolation wards actions already completed power The Conference results May 20 "Caution" crisis alert level is upgraded into family and medical power is maintained but suspected close contact (64 people ) immediately to perform the isolation and, ○ diagnosed patients to take proactive measures to determine whether or not additional symptoms through daily monitoring for a maximum incubation period of 14 days from the day contact. □ The government further epidemiological survey first Bahrain Middle East respiratory syndrome patients than gukin Saudi Arabia, UAE was also confirmed that you have visited history, and the world ○ The domestic case to the current phase of infection, all patients reported in the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome direct ‧ indirectly Middle East because it is associated with,○ stay in contact with the camels known as a mediator in the Middle East hayeotgeona visit if you visit a medical facility within 14 days fever, cough and breathing difficulties such as respiratory symptoms after returning home, and later also to inform health professionals of the fact that these A medical patient care were also advised to report aggressive.

                  machine translation


                  • #10
                    Mers-CoV outbreak ?did not originate in Bahrain?

                    may 22 2015

                    "The South Korean health officials told us that the first patient, who was diagnosed with Mers-CoV, had also travelled to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE during the time he was in the region," he said.

                    "This has made it clear that he contracted the infection from one of these other countries."

                    Dr Al Sayyad said there was "nothing to worry about" as the man had only started to show symptoms on his return to South Korea. "If the patient had showed symptoms while in Bahrain, then it could have spread to those in close contact and we would have had to take samples from everyone who was in contact with this man," he said.

                    "The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed that the Korean citizen diagnosed with coronavirus was not contagious during his stay in Bahrain.

                    "However, we are still waiting for more information from South Korean officials about the details of where the man was working so that we can conduct our own investigation."
                    An outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (Mers-CoV) in South Korea did not originate in Bahrain, according to health officials.


                    • #11
                      The wife of the index case has been released:

                      2) #1151 - Female, 64, onset May 18, tested positive May 20, stable condition, wife of case #1149, South Korea WHO Released 5/6

                      [Homers horror] Now the first confirmed today denied hospital

                      Last modification 05/06/2015 18:05 articles, enter 06/05/2015 18:05

                      [Asia Economic delayed Jin News] Korea's first Middle East respiratory syndrome is expected to confirm his wife's second patient (63) to be discharged five days (MERS ? Homers). anmyeongok National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea President Park Geun-hye chapters day National In his visit to Headquarters Hospital Homers "The good news today is that day," he said, "the wife of the first patient today (Homers in genetic testing) gotta confirmed by voice seems to be discharged," he said. Not ledger "( seuneun MER) normal health with those who like to keep the flu situation, after recovering can see that much any nagalsu "yet" if the underlying disease should be careful, however, is not worsened by severe When discovered early treatment, "he explained . "The two people had died dolbodeon among six patients from the Medical Center, if the underlying disease is very serious They are aggravated by severe," said "not my best, but can not recover deplorable," he said

                      [아시아경제 지연진 기자]국내 중동호흡기증후군(MERS·메르스)의 최초 확진자의 부인인 2번째 환자(63)가 5일 퇴원할 예정이다. 안명옥 국립중앙의료원장은 이날...

                      Homers confirmed characters in 1, the first hospital
                      2015-06-06 90
                      CHANG Young Jin Homers central management task force
                      Homers Confirmed characters first name ,the first hospital
                      □ Department of Health and Human Services ' central Homers management task force " has Homers test results to be positivepatients identified one people 6 month 5 day ( Friday ) announced that it has improved to a state hospital . ○ the patient has symptoms such as fever isolated on a day 7days since the temperature of the closely watched the progress back to normal , two test results appear in turn was discharged by voice .


                      • #12
                        Posted : 2015-06-24 17:40
                        Updated : 2015-06-24 22:12

                        MERS 'patient zero' recovering

                        By Kim Se-jeong

                        The first patient confirmed to have Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Korea is recovering after receiving treatment for over one month, according to health authorities Wednesday.

                        The 68-year-old man who still has pneumonia tested negative for the virus Tuesday. His MERS infection was confirmed May 20.

                        The authorities are waiting for the results of a second test, and if that is negative, he will be discharged from the negative pressure quarantine room at the National Medical Center (NMC) and sent to a general ward where he will be treated for pneumonia. His condition is still uncertain and he is having extracorporeal membrane oxygenation intermittently.

                        He was transferred to NMC from Seoul Medical Center where he was diagnosed with the virus.

                        If he recovers, he will be the second super spreader to overcome the disease. The nation's 14th patient, a 35-year-old man, who contracted the virus from the first patient at St. Mary Hospital in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, recovered and was sent home Tuesday.

                        No new deaths from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) have occurred in the past two days, an indication that the outbreak of the deadly virus may be easing. The Ministry of He...


                        • #13
                          MERS outbreak appears to be finally dying out

                          June 30,2015
                          Among those under treatment is Patient No. 1, a 68-year-old male who began the outbreak with the virus he contracted on a business trip to the Middle East in May. He tested positive on May 20, and his health became unstable at one point. But Patient No. 1 was moved out of a quarantined hospital room and into a normal ward on Monday.

                          ?The reason we did not make an official announcement that [Patient No. 1] fully recovered even after he tested negative twice,? said Kwon Yong-jin, an official of National Medical Center, ?is because he is still suffering from MERS-oriented complications such as bed sores and a tracheotomy.?

                          Kwon also emphasized that Patient No. 1 did not intentionally lie about his itinerary in the Middle East, saying he was not in a condition to properly answer questions at the time. The Ministry of Health and Welfare previously said they could not properly quarantine the man in the early stage because the 68-year-old said he had only traveled to Bahrain.

                          ?He doesn?t seem to have lied intentionally given that he had difficulty breathing when he was asked about his trip,? said Prof. Jo Jun-seong, head of the National Medical Center?s respiratory center, who took care of Patient No. 1. ?The National Medical Center?s stance is that he should not face unreasonable criticism when he gets back into society.?

                          ?He might have looked fine when he arrived at the hospital, but actually, he wasn?t able to communicate,? Ahn Myoung-ock, a director of the hospital, added. ?He couldn?t speak properly due to the tracheotomy at this time.?

                          With no new patients reported for two days, Korea’s outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) seems to be dying out. The outbreak infected 182 people and the last one was a 27-year-old nurse at Hallym University Medical Center in eastern

