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Jordan - Cluster of approximately 13 people with acute pneumonia type illness, 2 fatalities - April 20 - May 2012 - Novel coronavirus confirmed

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  • #31
    Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

    I think the last bit says that if they had not taken strict disease control measures hundreds would have been infected.

    Obviously they feel this is an infectious disease problem.


    • #32
      Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

      Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
      I think the last bit says that if they had not taken strict disease control measures hundreds would have been infected.

      Obviously they feel this is an infectious disease problem.


      • #33
        Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

        Subject Jordan - Infectious viral pneumonia - government announces 11 cases
        From flutrackers
        To promed, Larry Madoff
        Date Today 10:22


        We have been following this developing situation for a few days.

        Here is our thread with machine translations:

        The health care workers say there have been 19 cases, the government confirmed 11 today:

        11 cases of viral pneumonia in a hospital in the blue government

        (full english translation follows in email)


        • #34
          Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

          Thank you, Sharon.

          My summary of who is reported as infected so far is:

          In Zarqa:

          Filipino woman - died a couple weeks ago
          Nurse that treated her - died April 19.
          Brother of nurse - recovering in hospital, soon to be discharged
          Seven other nurses - all recovered.
          A doctor that treated some of the cases - recovered.

          Egyptian laborer - false report?
          Sri Lankan man - died in that hospital, but suspected not as a result of infectious disease.

          Several other reports of HCW, residents, cleaners, and other hospital staff being ill, but not enough detail to rule out duplications of above cases.

          In Ramtha:

          2 or 3 year-old girl - died, initially diagnosed as meningitis, diagnosis unclear
          4-5 contacts of girl - hospitalized

          In Ajloun:

          8 year-old girl died April 20

          I believe the cases in green are the officially reported ones.
          Last edited by sharon sanders; April 22, 2012, 09:55 AM. Reason: made a darker green


          • #35
            Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

            Great chart! Thanks.


            • #36
              Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

              I think some of these cases are new, including the second doctor and additional female.

              I also wonder whether those cases listed here as "recovered" are included in or in addition to those listed as "still in hospital". Either way, I think the counts here are not internally consistent (6+1+2 does not equal 8).

              11 pneumonia cases still in Zarqa hospital __ Minister

              Amman, Apr 22 (Petra) -- A total of 11 pneumonia infections remained at the Zarqa Public Hospital by Sunday morning, Health Minister Abdul Latif Wreikat said on Sunday.

              He told a press conference on the outbreak that two cases had been taken to the Prince Hamzah public Hospital in Amman on Saturday evening.

              "Two doctors were admitted to hospital, one recovered while the other is still receiving medication," Wreikat said, adding that 8 nurses had also been admitted to hospital, six of whom recovered, one died and two remained on medication.

              The minister said that another case, a female, was admitted to hospital and was still on medication.

              Wreikat added that the four people who are in hospital now are in stable condition, three at Prince Hamzah Hospital and one in the Islamic Hospital.

              //Petra// ON
              22/4/2012 - 05:27:09 PM


              • #37
                Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                From the Alert link:

                Automatic translation

                Refer to come out last night from Prince Hamza Hospital, putting the muzzle after the transfer of 6 cases of medical staff it was hit by a hospital blue lung disease mysterious

                (Photograph: Mohammed Abu references out yesterday evening from Prince Hamza Hospital, putting the muzzle after the transfer of 6 cases of medical staff it was hit hospital blue lung disease mysterious - (Photo: Mohammad Abu Ghosh said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Daifallah Lozi, healing all with pneumonia of workers hospital blue state, according to a press statement yesterday saying that "nurses six who have turned to the treatment in the hospital Prince Hamza government, left the hospital after recovery full "and added that the health status of the brother of the nurse who died well, and will leave the hospital after testing the final to confirm his recovery complete, adding that his ministry has taken preventive measures and treatment since the registration of infection among staff hospital blue.

                He said the ministry conducted laboratory testing in the laboratory of the Central and university laboratories to determine the cause of the disease, and will announce the results of tests if they terminate, asserting that the procedures for infection control carried out strictly in the hospital, assured that the situation in which good, and receives patients on a regular basis, not dangerous to them or Working on his staff.

                to that, held the Minister of Health Abdul Latif and Wreikat a press conference today at the ministry building, deals with, among other health issues, particularly respiratory disease in hospital blue.

                said Director of Information Office in the Ministry Hatem Alozraei The total casualties became 9, likely to be a reason Vyrusa much like pneumonia, in addition to the injury of a resident doctor at the hospital yesterday, carries symptoms of the disease itself, which he said was "The high temperature, cough, shortness of breath."

                denied Alozraei closed state hospitals to patients as a result of a pandemic, or send samples outside Jordan to find out the disease, indicating that the patients came out all but the brother of the deceased nurse, the doctor who is suspected wound infection.

                He explained that people put in isolation, medical and were disinfecting and sterilizing rooms and put them under constant surveillance, likely to show the results of tests today, and announced Wreikat, in his press conference.

                The ministry held a meeting yesterday afternoon to study the developments of the disease and cases infected, where the Commission issued infection control report stating that "the disease is likely to be Vairossia hit 9 workers in the hospital, where he met the experts and the owners of the jurisdiction in epidemics and infectious diseases, and confirmed that this season is the season of climate change, and the presence of 9 cases between medical staff and nursing, is expected."

                The report noted that the injured were to detect them from infection control staff, similar to 6 of them to heal without complications, and that this injury has had only one death.

                He said that what happened in the hospital pandemic is limited, Valjrthomh resistant to treatment, stressing the importance of cutting chain of infection, and that the medical team of senior ministry went to the hospital for follow-up field, and to take samples sent to the King-founder of a transplant, and the state of issuance of the results will be announced immediately.

                For his part, did not rule out the Director of Primary Care at the ministry, Dr. Bassam Hijjawi more injuries in the pandemic among the citizens, likely to occur between medical staff and nursing. He explained that what matters the ministry, is the process of diagnosis, whether virus or bacteria, but it certainly caused by the bacterium is unknown, will be identified after the results of cultivation of pathogens.

                blue state hospital director, Dr. Marwan Habashneh, he pointed to the "tomorrow" the discovery of new cases of the disease, has been transferred to Prince Hamza Hospital for treatment.

                declined workers in a hospital in blue for carrying out their duties after a steady drumbeat of news about the death of their colleague nurse, according to medical sources at the hospital.

                He Habashneh to reverse the gradual spread of the disease, where the "team technical specialist is currently conducting a sterilization process inclusive of the hospital, according to the established technical and scientific procedures on an ongoing basis ".

                and blue temporarily evacuated the hospital intensive care unit twice in the past two weeks, following a renewed discovery of injuries among patients, lung disease," fuzzy, "and is intended as Habashneh explained that the evacuation of patients, to enable the crews came from perform sterilization and disinfection.

                He re patients after sterilization of the hospital, and the formation of a technical committee by the Ministry and the hospital to deal with the infected cases and evictions, sterilization and infection control.

                The reviewers for the hospital blue deplored what they saw as "The absence of transparency" by the authorities concerned about what the infectious disease.

                show symptoms of the disease in the form of high temperature, cough and shortness of breath, followed by a change in the tissues of the lungs, while the incubation period of disease between two and nine days, and the disease through the change of white blood cells and tissues in the lungs is radial.

                Mahmoud Tarawneh and Ihsan Al-Tamimi


                اجع يخرج مساء أمس من مستشفى الأمير حمزة واضعا كمامة عقب نقل 6 حالات من الكوادر الطبية إليه كانت أصيبت بمستشفى الزرقاء بمرض رئوي غامض -(تصوير: محمد أبو مراجع يخرج مساء أمس من مستشفى الأمير حمزة واضعا كمامة عقب نقل 6 حالات من الكوادر الطبية إليه كانت أصيبت بمستشفى الزرقاء بمرض رئوي غامض -(تصوير: محمد أبو غوش أعلن أمين عام وزارة الصحة ضيف الله اللوزي، شفاء جميع المصابين بالالتهاب الرئوي من عاملي مستشفى الزرقاء الحكومي، وفق تصريح صحفي أمس قال فيه إن "الممرضين الستة الذين حولوا الى العلاج في مستشفى الأمير حمزة الحكومي، غادروا المستشفى بعد شفائهم التام" وأضاف إن الوضع الصحي لشقيق الممرضة التي توفيت جيد، وسيغادر المستشفى بعد إجراء فحوصات نهائية لتأكيد شفائه التام، مشيرا إلى أن الوزارة اتخذت إجراءات وقائية وعلاجية منذ تسجيل الإصابة بالمرض بين كادر مستشفى الزرقاء.<br><br>وبين أن الوزارة تجري فحوصات مخبرية في مختبرها المركزي والمختبرات الجامعية لتحديد مسبب المرض، وستعلن عن نتائج الفحوصات حال انتهائها، مؤكدا أن إجراءات ضبط العدوى تنفذ بصرامة في المستشفى، مطمئنا بأن الوضع فيه جيد، ويستقبل المرضى على نحو اعتيادي، ولا خطورة عليهم أو على كادره العامل. <br><br>الى ذلك، يعقد وزير الصحة عبد اللطيف وريكات مؤتمرا صحفيا اليوم في مبنى الوزارة، يتناول فيه جملة قضايا صحية وبخاصة الإصابة بالمرض الرئوي في مستشفى الزرقاء.<br><br>من جانبه، قال مدير المكتب الإعلامي في الوزارة حاتم الأزرعي إن مجموع الإصابات اصبح 9، مرجحا ان يكون السبب فايروسا يشبه الى حد كبير التهاب الرئة، اضافة الى إصابة طبيب مقيم بالمستشفى أمس، يحمل أعراض المرض نفسه، والتي قال إنها "تتمثل بارتفاع درجة الحرارة والسعال وضيق التنفس". <br><br>ونفى الأزرعي إغلاق اية مستشفيات امام المرضى نتيجة للجائحة، او إرسال عينات خارج الاردن لمعرفة المرض، مبينا ان المرضى خرجوا جميعهم باستثناء شقيق الممرضة المتوفاة، والطبيب الذي يشتبه بإصابته بالمرض.<br><br>وأوضح أن المصابين وضعوا في العزل الطبي، وجرى تطهير وتعقيم الغرف ووضعهم تحت المراقبة الدائمة، مرجحا ان تظهر نتائج الفحوصات اليوم، وان يعلن عنها وريكات في مؤتمره الصحفي.<br><br>وكانت الوزارة عقدت اجتماعا ظهر أمس لدراسة تطورات المرض والحالات المصابة به، حيث اصدرت لجنة ضبط العدوى تقريرا جاء فيه ان "مرضا يرجح ان يكون فايروسيا أصاب 9 عاملين في المستشفى، حيث اجتمع خبراء واصحاب اختصاص في الأوبئة والأمراض المعدية، وأكدوا ان هذا الموسم هو موسم التغيير المناخي، ووجود 9 حالات بين الكوادر الطبية والتمريضية، امر متوقع".<br><br>واشار التقرير الى ان المصابين تم الكشف عليهم من كوادر ضبط العدوى، وتماثل 6 منهم للشفاء بلا مضاعفات، كما ان هذه الإصابات لم تشهد سوى وفاة واحدة.<br><br>واعتبر ان ما حدث في المستشفى جائحة محدودة، فالجرثومة مقاومة للعلاج، مشددا على اهمية قطع سلسلة العدوى، وان فريقا طبيا رفيعا من الوزارة توجه إلى المستشفى للمتابعة الميدانية، وأخذ عينات ارسلت الى مستشفى الملك المؤسس لإجراء عملية زراعة، وحال صدور النتائج ستعلن فورا.<br><br>من جانبه، لم يستبعد مدير مديرية الرعاية الأولية في الوزارة الدكتور بسام الحجاوي مزيدا من الإصابات في هذه الجائحة بين المواطنين، مرجحا حدوثها بين الكوادر الطبية والتمريضية. وأوضح ان ما يهم الوزارة، هو عملية التشخيص، سواء كان فايروسيا او بكتيريا، لكنه بالتأكيد ناجم عن جرثومة مجهولة، سيتم التعرف عليها بعد ظهور نتائج زراعة مسببات المرض.<br><br>مدير مستشفى الزرقاء الحكومي الدكتور مروان الحباشنة، أوضح إلى "الغد" اكتشاف حالة جديدة مصابة بالمرض، تم تحويلها الى مستشفى الأمير حمزة لتلقي العلاج.<br><br>وامتنع عاملون في مستشفى الزرقاء عن القيام بواجباتهم بعد توارد أنباء عن وفاة زميلتهم الممرضة، وفق مصادر طبية بالمستشفى.<br><br>ولفت الحباشنة إلى انحسار تدريجي في انتشار المرض، حيث "يقوم فريق فني متخصص حاليا بإجراء عملية تعقيم شمولية للمستشفى، وفقا للأسس الفنية والعلمية المتبعة على نحو مستمر".<br><br>وأخلى مستشفى الزرقاء مؤقتا قسم العناية الحثيثة مرتين في الأسبوعين الماضيين، عقب تجدد اكتشاف إصابات بين مرضاه بمرض رئوي "غامض" ومعد، إذ أوضح الحباشنة أن إخلاء المرضى، جاء لتمكين الطواقم من إجراء عمليات تعقيم وتطهير. <br><br>وأشار الى إعادة المرضى بعد تعقيم المستشفى، وتشكيل لجنة فنية من قبل الوزارة والمستشفى للتعامل مع الحالات المصابة وعمليات الإخلاء والتعقيم وضبط العدوى. <br><br>وأعرب مراجعون لمستشفى الزرقاء عن استيائهم مما اعتبروه "غياب الشفافية" من قبل الجهات المعنية حول ماهية المرض المعدي.<br><br>وتظهر أعراض المرض على شكل ارتفاع درجات حرارة وسعال وضيق في النفس، يليها تغير في أنسجة الرئتين، فيما تتراوح فترة حضانة المرض بين يومين وتسعة أيام، ويظهر المرض عبر تغير كريات الدم البيضاء وأنسجة الرئتين في الصورة الشعاعية.<br><br>محمود الطراونة وإحسان التميمي


                • #38
                  Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                  The numbers seem a bit fuzzy. I changed the title last night to "approximately".

                  I think what we are watching for is an exponential jump in the numbers. If the numbers are not clear and we are still in the single digits, it is not a problem that is spreading.

                  Thanks everyone.


                  • #39
                    Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                    Translation (Google)

                    Minister of Health emphasized that Jordan is free of any disease or epidemic infectious

                    2012-04-22 19:48:40

                    Saraya - The Minister of Health Abdul Latif Wreikat, that Jordan is free of any disease epidemic or contagious during the hearing held by the House of Representatives on Sunday evening under the chairmanship of Karim Aldgma, and attended by Prime Minister Awn Al-Khasawneh and body ministry.

                    Said Wreikat in response to inquiries by a representative on the disease which has infected a number of nurses and doctors in a hospital in the blue government, the World Health Organization in its latest report indicated that it confirms that Jordan is free from any epidemic, and that the incidence of flu this year, less than last year .

                    The Minister of Health told Parliament that the ministry conducted a comprehensive medical examinations for all patients in the hospital in Zarqa, and the hospital staff, in addition to the residents of the surrounding area in the hospital, did not prove the existence of any injury in any epidemic of any kind.

                    He said the disease caused by a rise in temperature, which is not known, and has nothing to do with any kind of epidemic is known worldwide.
                    He said that the total Wreikat, who were injured in this disease eleven patients, including two doctors, eight nurses and the brother of one of the nurses.

                    He stressed that all people living with their situation is good, and all of them left the hospital, except for the brother of one of the nurses at the hospital, who is Muslim, and place it is excellent, and therefore, do not fear the spread of this disease is not contagious.

                    He heard a lot of talk recently about the death of people were injured in this disease, which is not true, as that one Filipino who died was because of an accident suicide, and child who died in a hospital in Ramtha, was due to disease of the meninges, and therefore did not Atov any person because of what happened in hospital blue, except for one nurse was announced for it.

                    In conclusion, the Minister of Health before the modern House of Representatives, saying that Jordan is free of infectious diseases, the disease which occurred in a hospital in the blue is still not known why, but it is not contagious and is not common, and the situation now is reassuring. (Petra)

                    Last edited by sharon sanders; April 22, 2012, 12:38 PM. Reason: added bolding
                    "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
                    -Nelson Mandela


                    • #40
                      Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                      How do they know it is not contagious if they have not diagnosed the disease?


                      • #41
                        Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                        Also consider a nosocomial outbreak of Crimea-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, Hanta Virus, Al Kurmah and similar.

                        Hantavirus: Days of incubation 7?28; Case/Infection Rate: Very high; Case fatality rate: 40%?50%; Features: Febrile stage followed by acute pulmonary edema and shock. Manifestations pulmonary largely limited to thoracic cavity.



                        • #42
                          Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                          Another emerging pathogen involved in nosocomial outbreaks is metapneumovirus. See:

                          Human metapneumovirus in patients with respiratory tract infection in Kuwait

                          1. <LI id=au1>Mariam Al-Turab<SUP>1,*</SUP>, <LI id=au2>Wassim Chehadeh<SUP>1</SUP>, <LI id=au3>Fahd Al-Mulla<SUP>2</SUP>,
                          2. Widad Al-Nakib<SUP>1</SUP>
                          Article first published online: 11 AUG 2011
                          DOI: 10.1002/jmv.22193


                          Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) has been recognized as an important cause of respiratory tract infections in all age groups and in all geographical area. The role of hMPV in causing respiratory tract infections in Kuwait was not yet investigated. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hMPV infection in Kuwait among patients with respiratory tract infection with respect to other respiratory viruses. During January?December 2009, 460 respiratory samples from 388 patients with respiratory tract infection were collected from different hospitals. They were tested for hMPV RNA by real-time PCR, and for other respiratory viruses by conventional PCR. Out of 388 patients, 110 (28%) were positive for viral respiratory infections; 21 (5.4%) were positive for hMPV, 29 (7.5%) were positive for rhinovirus, 13 (4%) were positive for respiratory syncytial virus, and 10 (3%) were positive for adenovirus. Most (n = 19, 90.5%) of hMPV-positive patients were admitted to the intensive care unit, 76% of them were of age 2 years and below, and 24% of age 59 years and above. All hMPV-positive elderly patients had pneumonia while 50% of hMPV-positive infants had bronchopneumonia. Children with hMPV/rhinovirus co-infection (n = 3, 1%) had recurrent chest infection and frequent intensive care unit admission. The hMPV infection was mostly detected between December and May, and genotype B was more prevalent than genotype A. This is the first study demonstrating the prevalence of hMPV infection in Kuwait, and suggests that hMPV infection is prevalent in infants and elderly patients with lower respiratory tract infection.

                          J. Med. Virol. 83:1811?1817, 2011. ? 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.



                          • #43
                            Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                            Originally posted by Giuseppe Michieli View Post
                            Also consider a nosocomial outbreak of Crimea-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, Hanta Virus, Al Kurmah and similar.

                            Hantavirus: Days of incubation 7–28; Case/Infection Rate: Very high; Case fatality rate: 40&#37;–50%; Features: Febrile stage followed by acute pulmonary edema and shock. Manifestations pulmonary largely limited to thoracic cavity.

                            I thought of those. Neither CCHF nor Alkhurma vrius are respiratory viruses; they produce hemorrhagic fevers. While there are several hantaviruses that can cause respiratory disease, none of them are normally found in that region of the world (and the HFRS hantaviruses found there do not cause respiratory symptoms). Two linked fatalities in healthy individuals due to HMPV would be very unusual, although there is at least one report discarding the case of the woman from the Philippines. And the rapid discharge of some of the cases, combined with the possible longer incubation period reported seems to exclude pneumonic plague.

                            If the "official" report of only the 11 cases in the one hospital is correct, it could still be either something linked to that hospital or a non-flu seasonal pathogen. If some of the unofficial reports are right...who knows...


                            • #44
                              Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities

                              Machine translated

                              April 23, 2012

                              Minister of Health: a viral illness and not the blue bacteria

                              Amman - The Constitution - Kausar Sawalha The Ministry of Health to commission of inquiry into the death of the nurse in a hospital in the blue government to stand on all the medical procedures that have been made ​​and the mechanism of treatment provided to them. and we will announce the results of the investigation for all, according to the announcement made ​​by Minister of Health, Dr. Abdul Latif Wreikat, at a news conference Yesterday at the ministry building to find out the latest developments for the emergence of human cases of pneumonia in a hospital in the blue government. He explained that the final results of laboratory testing on samples taken from patients are not yet clear, referring to the forecast by 90&#37; to be the cause of viral, not bacterial. indicated reports of the Ministry that the total number of cases detected was (11) case, it is still (3) of the Prince Hamzah Hospital, and one case dealt with in the Islamic Hospital, confirming the absence of all hospitals of the Ministry of injuries similar among the cadres, and stressing that climate change in this time helps the emergence of viruses and personal hygiene the most important, safety. and between the Minister and a number of specialists ministry pneumonia each year harvested a number of deaths range from 10% to 30% of the injuries, it is located all over the world. He attributed the minister &#171;amplification media&#187; through which shine the charge on the Ministry of Health and the attack upon the &#171;enemies of success who does not appeal to them what is achieved by the ministry of the successes of continuum&#187;, reiterated his confidence cadres of the Ministry of Health, said &#171;Ministry giant will rise&#187;. minister added in his talk about what was done by teams the ministry and its staff of medical response to the crisis that doctors bra in the Ministry and, although they at the highest levels, they asked for the use of doctors to specialize itself from the private sector to determine the actions taken and the consultation on points of scientific subject. He noted that the treatment that was followed was according to protocols existing global, has been sterilization of the hospital three times, according to the standards of international companies, stressing that it was formed a field team daily under active monitoring in a hospital in the blue government to assess the procedures of infection control at the Department of intensive care allocation in the entire hospital, as the Ministry has surveyed epidemic precaution of the area surrounding the hospital to search for cases similar among the population did not exist any case, in addition to the visit and follow up the health situation in other hospitals in the province of the blue. He said that coordination with a national team specializing in disinfection and sterilization increase in ensuring the cleanliness of the hospital environment, regardless of where the injury. In this direction, The minister emphasized issued strict instructions to all the medical staff of doctors and nurses to abide by the procedures of infection control, and that contrary to these instructions require deterrent penalties by the Ministry, in cooperation with their union the interest on them and their patients, pointing to the need for the use of personal protection and attention to hand hygiene and the use of disinfectants and detergents are used properly. and the minister during the conference that the infected cases all suffered from high fever and dry cough by 70%, weakness 50%, anorexia 40%, and that all patients had changes in chest x. He explained that the ministry teams of the Directorate of contagious diseases has to take samples from all patients examined at the Central Laboratory of the Ministry, in addition to that these samples were taken to the laboratories the university sector, particularly laboratory University of Science and Technology, denying completely to send any samples to outside the Kingdom. said Wreikat he did not record any injuries to patients or escorts or reviewers or staff of administrative and financial working in the hospital this year, and that the flu cases were significantly lower compared with last year, noting that this result came from the monitoring centers selected in the ministry to monitor the acute respiratory disease. also refuted the Minister of Health to be imported Serlankih are caused by infection He pointed out that these entered into the Department of intensive care in a coma sugar and then returned a week after it in the case of suicide. He confirmed that the injuries appeared on the medical staff in intensive care a week after the death of Sri Lankan. also refuted the possibility that the infection had reached the Kingdom through Patients Libyans, confirming the presence of 30 thousand Libby in the Kingdom were detected 14 cases of AIDS among them, and the number of TB cases and a large number of inflammation of the liver, where the ministry to take necessary measures according to protocols World. reviewed Wreikat, during a press conference what he said the reasons for paying some of the attack on Ministry of Health, including the Declaration of Prince Hamzah Hospital Hospital transformative, noting that the hospital provides health insurance to fund 15 million and that 40 million will be provided on the insurance fund when the Ministry of Health medical city that specializes in all disciplines and the efforts of her children. He announced that the ministry will appoint (400) doctor, pointing out that he would not be in the Ministry of Health of any general practitioner, and will be doctors specialists in many disciplines. In this context, he stressed Wreikat, that the ministry is included in the program of work mechanism of the delivery of drugs to the owners of chronic diseases in the Kingdom month without the citizen bother to go and wait, believing that &#171;this success does not appeal to some&#187;. In a related development the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdul-Latif and Wreikat that Jordan is free of any disease epidemic or contagious, explaining that the disease which occurred in a hospital in the blue is still unknown reason, but it is not contagious and is not common, and the situation now is reassuring. said Wreikat during the hearing held by the House of Representatives on Sunday, led by Abdel-Karim Al, and attended by Prime Minister Awn Al-Khasawneh and the ministry that the World Health Organization in its latest report confirmed the absence Jordan of any epidemic , and that the incidence of disease, the flu this year, less than last year. The Minister of Health in response to inquiries by a representative on the disease that has afflicted a number of nurses and doctors at the hospital blue state, that the ministry conducted a medical examination inclusive of all patients in hospital blue, and its cadres, in addition to residents of the area surrounding the hospital, without proof of the existence of any injury in any pandemic. He said the disease caused by a rise in temperature, which is not known, and has nothing to do with any kind of epidemic is known worldwide. said Wreikat that the total number who were wounded in this disease, eleven patients , including two doctors, eight nurses and the brother of one of the nurses. He stressed that all people living with their situation is good, and left the hospital, except for the brother of one of the nurses who is currently in the Islamic Hospital, and put it excellent, and therefore he does not fear the spread of this disease &#171;It is not contagious&#187;. said &#171;we heard talk a lot during the last period on the death of people were injured by the disease, which is not true since the death of a Filipino was due to accident suicide, and child who died in a hospital in Ramtha, was due to disease of the meninges, and therefore did not Atov any person because of what happened in hospital blue, the exception of one nurse was announced for it. He said the disease appeared on 4/4/2012 when injured nurse, denied that the disease is (SARS or swine flu or bird).
                              Last edited by sharon sanders; April 23, 2012, 06:02 AM. Reason: added date and bolding
                              Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                              The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                              • #45
                                Re: Jordan - Cluster of approximately 19 people with acute pneumonia type illness - approximately 4 fatalities


                                Infectious disease outbreak under control ? Wreikat
                                Emergency team searching for cause of unidentified illness
                                by Hani Hazaimeh | Apr 22,2012 | 22:29

                                AMMAN ? The disease that broke out in the Intensive Care Unit of Zarqa Public Hospital late last week has not yet been identified, but the outbreak is under control, Minster of Health Abdul Latif Wreikat said on Sunday.

                                The ministry on Friday closed the hospital?s ICU after an unknown illness believed to be pneumonia affected seven nurses, one of whom died on Thursday, one doctor, and the brother of one of the nurses.

                                The minister said that so far, only 11 people have been confirmed infected with the disease, four of whom are receiving treatment and responding positively to medication, while six others have already been discharged from the hospital.

                                The ministry has set up an emergency team from its Communicable Diseases Directorate to investigate the cause of the illness, he said.

                                "The ministry's team took samples from the infected citizens, who also underwent intensive care measures to identify the cause," Wreikat told reporters at a press conference on Sunday, noting that the infected patients? symptoms are similar to those of pneumonia...

