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France - Patient, 43, suspected coronavirus hospitalized in isolation - travel history to Saudi Arabia - test negative

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  • France - Patient, 43, suspected coronavirus hospitalized in isolation - travel history to Saudi Arabia - test negative

    hat tip Diane Morin

    October 29, 2013

    New probable case (not cases - s.) of infection with coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in France
    A new probable cases of infection with coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was reported on Oct. 28 at the Institute of Health Surveillance (VS). The Pasteur Institute in Paris was seized for further expertise and confirmation of this case. The new case, if confirmed, would be the third case reported in France. The first two cases were identified in May 2013.

    It is a 43-year-old returned from a stay in Saudi Arabia. She was hospitalized in isolation since 28 October in northern France. His condition is stable, this day.

    A thorough epidemiological investigation surrounding this case was implemented immediately without waiting for confirmation of this case. All persons who had close contact with the patient are informed today by the health authorities of steps to follow.

    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health noted that in France, so far, the contamination have been reported in the following two situations: either after a trip to the Arabian Peninsula with occurrence of respiratory symptoms and fever 14 days after the return, or after close contact with a person infected with coronavirus.

    Any person in any of these situations should contact their physician or center and 15 mention the trip in the Arabian Peninsula or close contact.

    24 October 2013, the balance of the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 144 cases worldwide, including 62 deaths since September 2012. WHO does not recommend travel restrictions with the countries concerned.

    The information on coronavirus established by the Department can be reached toll-free Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 19 pm (0800 13 00 00).

    Le ministère Ministère de la santé et de l'accès aux soins met en œuvre les politiques relatives à la solidarité, à la cohésion sociale, à la santé publique, à l'organisation du système de santé et à la protection sociale.

  • #2
    Re: France - Patient, 43, suspected coronavirus hospitalized in isolation - travel history to Saudi Arabia - tests pending


    France reports possible new case of deadly MERS virus
    (AFP) ? 16 minutes ago

    Paris ? France said Tuesday a person who had just returned from Saudi Arabia was likely infected by the deadly MERS coronavirus, in what would be the country's third such case.

    "The person is 43, and has come back from a trip to Saudi Arabia. The person has been in hospital in isolation since October 28 in northern France, and is stable so far," the health ministry said, without identifying the patient...

    ...It is unclear whether the possible patient in France had gone to the annual hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, which gathered hundreds of thousands of faithful earlier this month in an event that was nervously monitored for any MERS outbreak...


    • #3
      Re: France - Patient, 43, suspected coronavirus hospitalized in isolation - travel history to Saudi Arabia - tests pending

      French patient tested negative - No new Coronavirus case

      Coronavirus: pas de nouveau cas en France

      Le 29/10/2013 à 22:08

      Il n'y a pas de nouveau cas de coronavirus en France. L'Institut Pasteur, qui avait été saisi pour des analyses après un cas probable d'infection signalé le 28 octobre dans le Nord de la France, vient de confirmer que les résultats sont négatifs.

