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China - WHO confirmed: Guangdong province announces coronavirus MERS case - isolated and symptomatic - traveled from South Korea via Hong Kong - May 28, 2015 - fully recovered

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  • #16
    China's Response to MERS Proper: Expert

    2015-06-03 08:55:46 Web Editor: Xu

    Zhong Nanshan is a doctor specializing in respiratory diseases, who earned international fame during the struggle against the deadly SARS epidemic in 2003.

    Along with other medical experts, Zhong visited Huizhou Municipal Central hospital on Tuesday and entered into the intensive care unit housing the first MERS patient in China.

    Zhong says he is impressed by measures taken by the hospital. All nearby rooms to the ICU have been emptied so as to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

    "As we have adopted such strict quarantine measures, MERS cannot be spread through air, it cannot even be spread in hospitals. I think we have done well in the quarantine work. We have isolated spaces and pay attention to cross infection. So we should not worry about its spread."
    Zhong also discussed treatment options and found that the patient's condition was stable, but at a low level.

    "His lung infection became a little worse in the past two days. But his clinical situation turned better today. I think that's a stable condition at a low level, a little better. Why we are so cautious to say this? Because we know little about MERS in China and this disease fluctuates sometimes. So we'll see what happens."

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    • #17
      Translation Google

      MERS close contacts are still six people "lost contact"

      June 4, 2015 07:10:33 Source: Beijing News

      Yesterday, reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Health Planning, patients diagnosed May 29 release of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Korean Kim, now improved mental state, vital signs were stable.

      It is reported that Kim had improved appetite, occasional mood swings, but there is still fever, body temperature 38.4 degrees Celsius, compared with before the fall peak heat; with occasional cough, shortness of breath a little; vital signs were stable. In addition, yesterday, chest radiographs show obvious aggravation double lung lesions, the presence of a small amount of pleural effusion on the right.

      Guangdong Province yesterday traced to close contact with the new three people, all of the East Wing of bus passengers. Up to now, to be followed by 78 close contacts have been traced to 72 people, all the way to take centralized quarantine, temporarily no discomfort. East Wing also ride buses six passengers do not get in touch.

      Reporters learned yesterday, Guangdong Province set up the expert group in the Middle East respiratory syndrome epidemic prevention and control. Chinese Academy of Engineering, Guangzhou Medical College, Zhong Nanshan, director of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases in any team leader. Expert Group set up under the clinical expert, prevention and control of the Group of Experts, the etiology of the Group of Experts.

      In addition, the Guangdong Provincial Health Planning Commission yesterday to allocate 300 sets of protective clothing, protective goggles 150, four disinfection sprayers Huizhou Central People's Hospital, strengthen the hospital infection control and personal protection.

      Reporter yesterday from Huizhou Central People's Hospital was informed, in order to prevent the spread of the virus MERS, to protect medical personnel from infection, the hospital of the hospital 1587 clinical staff were trained mainly personal MERS isolation precautions, health care workers against content protection technology and other professional training.

      MERS密切接触者仍有6人“失联”---昨日,记者从广东省卫计委获悉,5月29日发布的中东呼吸综合征(MERS)确诊患者韩国人金某,目前精神状态好转,生命体征稳定。机场对外国旅客进行发热检测  昨日,韩国总统朴槿惠召开应对MERS疫情会议,敦促相关部门全力控制疫情扩散,并向国民公开疫情应对方案。


      • #18
        June 3rd Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) epidemic reporting

        2015-06-03 17:43:22 Ministry of Health and Family Planning Commission | Views (171 ) | Text background color:

        [Letter] Guangdong healthfont

        Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission informed patients diagnosed May 29 release of improved mental state, improve appetite, occasional mood swings; there are fever, body temperature of 38.4 degrees Celsius, the heat decrease compared with the previous peak; with occasional cough, shortness of breath a little; vital signs were stable. This morning chest radiographs show obvious aggravation double lung lesions, the presence of a small amount of pleural effusion on the right. Today, I appointed the allocation of 300 sets of protective clothing, protective goggles 150, four disinfection sprayers Huizhou Central People's Hospital, strengthen the hospital infection control and personal protection.
        The province continue to strengthen close contacts search and quarantine today traced to close contact with the new three people, all of the East Wing of bus passengers. Up to now, the province close contact to be followed by a total of 78 people have been traced to 72 people, all the way to take centralized quarantine, temporarily no discomfort. Now, there are bus passengers ride the East Wing 6 people do not get in touch.

        machine translation


        • #19
          Translation Google

          The good news first case of imported MERS patients four days without fever

          Date: [2015-06-10] Edition: [A09]

          As of yesterday, 75 close contacts in Guangdong's no discomfort, relevant test results were negative

          ■ edition have written: Express reporter Li Qiuling

          Correspondent Guangdong Health Letter

          According to the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the provincial Health Planning) reported yesterday, May 29 release of China's first imported Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) patients - a gold from South Korea for four days without fever, Room cough, no sputum, shortness of breath under no oxygen, the chest radiograph showed lung inflammation still, oozing over the previous reduction. Overall condition stabilized, but still wary of infection and change. Timely adjustment of the treatment regimen based on the views of the expert group academician Zhong Nanshan.

          Prevention Expert Group in close contact with the guideline to quarantine work. As of yesterday, 75 close contacts in Guangdong's no discomfort, in close contact with throat swab specimens caught by two Middle East respiratory syndrome virus nucleic acid, the results were negative.


          Most worried about the situation did not appear

          Patients with the most difficult time has passed

          "After the efforts of medical experts, patients with Kim in good condition, which is in recovery rehabilitation." Yesterday, the Director of Medical Affairs Provincial Planning Commission, Zhang Wei, said Kim treatment, medical staff made great efforts, the provincial health Planning Commission in recent days had already sent a total of nine groups of experts to 25 people involved in Huizhou City People's Hospital for treatment.

          Experts in place and the day and night to pay, so that the treatment of a gold assured. "Patients all indicators are slowly improving. Overall, he has spent the most difficult time." Guangzhou No.8 People's Hospital ICU chief physician Deng Ciron director, said the past few days the experts most fear is that the disease will Kim deteriorating, eventually intubation, ventilator, so that not only the treatment of heavy tasks among health care workers, patients' own risk will be further increased. Fortunately, through the pre-treatment program designed to eventually put a gold condition under control.

          Treatment process that requires time to time face to face contact with the patient, in Korea, many medical personnel therefore infected MERS, this, Deng Xi admits: "Because there is no contact with such patients before the beginning of health care is more or less afraid of But the experience of the 'SARS' baptism, followed by learning the Ebola also organized training, medical treatment or have a degree of certainty. "

          Deng Xi also disclosed that the state, the group arrive in Guangdong Province, the first-line treatment of health care also play a stabilizing role of morale, "especially 78-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan People's Hospital of Huizhou center, in the ICU ward spent more than four full hours, careful history, adjust the treatment plan, when he ate lunch too busy, the academician Zhong Nanshan professionalism, so we are very touched by these younger admire. "

          Prevention 75 is expected to close contacts without discomfort tonight all desegregation

          Deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Center technician bell Hero is the first one of the experts involved in the treatment of Huizhou arrival, he told reporters about the Middle East respiratory syndrome patients found that treatment and tracking some of the behind the scenes details of close contacts.

          Guangdong Zhong hero gave first "SARS" blood did detect, and this time they close to a blood sample of the gold. After taking samples tested, 5 am when more nonstop arrived in Guangzhou, it is 7:00, the day is bright. Quickly into laboratory samples, the day 12:00, the first test results came back positive. As a precaution, the experts conducted a round of testing is positive. Subsequently, the samples sent to Beijing for review. Chinese Center for Disease Control at 1:30 on May 29 received specimens, the same day around 6:00 in the morning to complete the review, results were consistent: positive. Kim was diagnosed Middle East respiratory syndrome, the first example of this is found in China.

          "Every aspect, there are many people working on it. Track close contacts, which is to ensure that the country will not be an important part of the spread of the disease." Bell hero that evens close contact, also an unusually difficult process. Through the media, ports, airports and other cooperation, June 3, 78 close contacts all found.

          "As of 9, 75 close contacts in Guangdong's health without exception." Chung hero said that if nothing unexpected happens, the evening of June 9, 10 evening, all close contacts of the two batches lift the quarantine. This means that the risk of secondary cases emerged in China can be lifted.

          Questions and answers

          All indicators are getting better, but we can not say 100% secure

          Q: A patient's condition Korea Kim how?

          Deng Xi: According to foreign rescue experience, patients generally between two weeks before the condition will worsen, a condition gold also experienced this process, the treatment process, but also to constantly adjust the program. In the meantime, some of the mood swings of gold is relatively large, and I have put off smile, I say thank you, but sometimes said poor appetite, sleep, headache, do not want to eat. In order for him with the treatment, we also want some way, such as the provincial Planning Commission has to communicate with the health staff of the Korean consulate, consulate people to visit him four times, we respect his eating habits, he was prepared to Korean food, etc. . Fortunately, now two weeks, all the indicators are improving. 4 consecutive days without fever, cough between, no sputum, shortness of breath under no oxygen, the chest radiograph showed bilateral pulmonary still has inflammation, but oozing over the previous reduction. But now it can not be said to have one hundred percent secure.

          Q: When will the lifting of the isolation of Kim?

          Bell Hero: To be judged according to test results. Good indicators for 5 consecutive days of blood, throat swab test, showing a negative, but the sputum testing, there are still positive. So still further observation. Still wary of infection and change.

          Q: The next prevention should pay attention to what issues?

          Bell Hero: Middle East respiratory syndrome is not only South Korea has the disease, a greater risk of imported cases from other parts of the Middle East and to the Middle East pilgrimage tourism personnel. When the latest assessment: Enter risk still exists. Then, for unexplained pneumonia and severe pneumonia, especially in the Middle East to monitor people coming back will strengthen.


          • #20
            Translation Google

            The first case imported mers still positive sputum specimens

            2015-06-16 07:41 Source: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

            Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Prevention and Control Center on the 15th Guangdong Provincial Disease release information, he said, China's first imported Middle East respiratory syndrome Kim current temperature is normal, but the patient's sputum mers still positive response to the virus, the group will sustained attention for a longer period of time.

            Up to now, under medical observation after two close contacts within the sampling, test results were negative, the normal body temperature monitoring. After two weeks of medical observation, no abnormal situation, achieve the lifting of medical observation standards.

            The center bell hero, director of Public Health Emergency analysis, in Guangdong all 75 mers close contacts removed from medical observation, means the current round of second-generation cases have occurred, that is, from the input of the patient will spread the disease to Basically other Risk Eliminated People CAN be. "Despite Close Contacts have Been removed from medical Observation, Case has the Circumstances Surrounding the Managing Director More stable and Better, BUT the Risk of Epidemic input Remains."

            The Center for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, the physician in charge Kangmin said outside the Middle East did not happen mers community transmission of the virus, and nosocomial infections mers are mainly people the chance of infection is very low. People to do personal hygiene, unless the family has the flu, diarrhea patients, or without the use of disinfectants.

            (Zhongxin Cai Minjie)


            • #21
              Health | Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:45am EDT

              South Korean man who was China's only MERS case recovers


              A South Korean man who became China's only case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has fully recovered and is being released from a Chinese hospital on Friday, the South Korean health ministry said.

              The 44-year-old man, whose father is another MERS patient, had defied recommendations from health authorities in South Korea to remain in voluntary quarantine, flying to Hong Kong in late May before taking a bus to mainland China.

              He later tested positive for the MERS virus and had been hospitalised in the Chinese city of Huizhou, where his initially unstable condition gradually improved, the ministry said.

              There have been no other MERS case reported in China or Hong Kong.

