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Coronavirus cases April 24, 2014 (confirmed cases: 12, confirmed deaths: 2) (suspected cases: 0, suspected deaths: 0) MERS
Re: Coronavirus cases April 24, 2014 (confirmed cases: 12, confirmed deaths: 2) (suspected cases: 0, suspected deaths: 0) MERS
The count has changed several times during the day, reflecting the additional case reported. It is not a blip, this time. They are behaving differently.
Re: Coronavirus cases April 24, 2014 (confirmed cases: 12, confirmed deaths: 2) (suspected cases: 0, suspected deaths: 0) MERS
In the past this number has been wrong and not reflected the correct count in the corresponding written report. So for now we are noting this but not changing our count for today.
If a corresponding report emerges we will post it here and change the corresponding daily totals.
Coronavirus cases April 24, 2014 (confirmed cases: 12, confirmed deaths: 2) (suspected cases: 0, suspected deaths: 0) MERS
[Source: Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health, full page in Arabic: (LINK). Automatic translation.]
Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health reported twelve new MERS-CoV cases
(April 24 2014)
Daily situation report cases of novel Coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Thursday, (April) 24
total number of confirmed cases within 24 hours: 12 cases
total number of deaths within 24 hours: 2
Distribution of cases on the cities of the Kingdom :
Riyadh - 5 cases
Grandmother - 6 cases
Holy City - One case
A summary of the health status of cases:
? one case without symptoms
6 cases, in stable condition
5 cases in intensive care
distribution of cases to hospitals Kingdom:
Prince Sultan Medical City in Riyadh Military:
Two cases in stable condition
One case without symptoms to a nurse
Security Forces Hospital in Riyadh:
One case is critical condition
King Saud Hospital for Chest Diseases in Riyadh:
One case in stable condition
King Fahd Hospital in Jeddah:
one in stable condition
on in Critical condition
King Saud Hospital in Jeddah:
One case is critical condition
Bakhsh Hospital in Jeddah:
One case of in critical condition
one stable condition
Hospital doctors Challengers in Jeddah:
One in critical condition
Al Noor Hospital in the capital of the Holy:
One case of a nurse stable
Details of the cases:
A - in the city of Riyadh:
1. a 79 years old, suffering from leukemia and cancer of the prostate, security forces entered the hospital on April 01.2014 AD complaining of abdominal pain, and developed respiratory symptoms after a week of Tnoima, and receiving treatment in the intensive care unit on an artificial respiratory system.
2 Filipina nurse nationality, 40 years old, working in the cardiac unit at the hospital for the military contact with a confirmed case, do not show symptoms
3. a 76 years old, suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, previous stroke, he entered the military hospital on 01 April 2014 symptoms of pneumonia and fluid in the lungs and the suspicion he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and proven passivity of tuberculosis, and on 21/04/2014 AD increased Unit respiratory symptoms and tested positive for CZK, stable condition, receiving treatment in the ward
4. a 62 years old, suffers from high blood pressure entered the military hospital on 21 April 2014 AD respiratory symptoms, in stable condition receiving treatment in Wing
5. a 44 years old, entered the King Saud Hospital for Chest Diseases on April 21/2014 AD respiratory symptoms, and a stable condition and receiving treatment in the suite.
B - in the capital of the Holy:
1. Filipina nurse nationality, 34 years old, and working in a hospital intensive care unit of the light, contact with a confirmed case, and developed respiratory symptoms on 04/21/2014 AD and receive treatment in the wing and in stable condition.
T - in the province of Jeddah:
1. A Syrian doctor, 51 years old, working in the intensive care unit at King Fahd, developed respiratory symptoms on 19/04/2014 AD stable condition and receiving treatment in the suite.
2. a 47 years old, and entered the King Fahd Hospital in respiratory symptoms on 04/21/2014 AD, and receiving treatment in intensive care on a respirator.
3. an Indonesian national, 28 years old, she developed respiratory symptoms on 04/15/2014 AD, and entered the hospital, King Saud on 04/19/2014 AD, and receive treatment in intensive care on a respirator.
4. a Palestinian national, 68 years old, developed respiratory symptoms on 04/20/2014 AD, and entered the hospital Bakhsh on 22/04/2014 AD, and receiving treatment in intensive care.
5. a Egyptian national, 47 years old, works in a hospital receptionist Bakhsh developed respiratory symptoms on 19/04/2014 AD, and receiving treatment in the wing and his health condition is stable.
6. a Palestinian national, 19 years old, developed respiratory symptoms on 04/15/2014 AD, and entered the United Doctors Hospital on 04.18.2014 AD, and receiving treatment in intensive care.
deaths within 24 hours:
? Two deaths from pre-recorded conditions:
1) a citizen at the age of 68 years in the Holy City, God's mercy
2) citizenship at the age of 72 years in Riyadh, God rest her soul.
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