The secretary of Health Patricia Mora Gonz?lez, admitted that the population 'subestimated' the risk for influenza in this winter period, which generated up to the moment 12 deaths and others that are waited before thousand 183 suspicious cases that are still had in analysis. The official informed that although he already concluded the winter period this week it will continue in circulation the virus of the influenza in his three types, hence the need to keep on applying the preventive measurements as: not to greet of kiss, to wash his/her/its hands frequently and to avoid the sudden changes of temperature. Of thousand 183 persons who are had by possible virus of the influenza, have confirmed to themselves 206 cases as positives and till now 12 deaths are had according to the results of the laboratory. This means that six persons have not died in one week but in the whole period 12 cases have been generated in whole.