The secretary of Health and Social Well-being of the Government of Colime, Agust?n Lara Esqueda, informed that in the last week I increase to 121 the number of persons affected for influenza in the entity and laboratory examinations are realized at present ' to be able to confirm if the decease of a person of the masculine sex, happened in Manzanillo, was because of the virus AH1N1 '.

The state official informed that another two persons are interned at present in the Regional University Hospital of the city of Colime, to which a serious picture of influenza has been diagnosed and are at present low taken care intensive.

Lara Esqueda indicated that until February 16 121 cases of influenza have been confirmed in the entity, of which 119 are of the virus A H1 N1 and two of the type ' A' '. He added that of the whole, 57 cases have registered in Manzanillo, for the persons' high flow that registers in this municipality; 39 in Colime and 19 in Town of ?lvarez.