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Mexico - H1N1 Case Tracking: 1,329 Dead Through July 2010

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  • medstudent55
    Re: 4/26: Discharged, 929 patients who had INFLUENZA

    Ahhhh finally some good news.

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  • JetStuuby
    Re: 4/26: Discharged, 929 patients who had INFLUENZA

    Can someone clarify the line in th epost above "from rose to 324 thousand 384 thousand," ?

    Regards JS

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  • Shiloh
    Re: 4/26: Discharged, 929 patients who had INFLUENZA


    Google translation:

    Suman thousand 384 cases related to influenza virus: Calder?n

    By: Nurit Mart?nez

    Sunday April 26 2009, updated 11 minutes ago

    Mexico, 26 Apr 09 (EL UNIVERSAL) .- In the last few hours has increased the number of patients who have pneumonia and that could be infected with swine influenza virus in Mexico, from rose to 1,324 to 1,384
    [al pasar de mil 324 pasaron a mil 384], gave know the president Felipe Calder?n.

    Of all the people who had respiratory infections with symptoms similar to those of influenza, 929 were discharged and are back home, while 374 patients (27%) remain hospitalized.

    In a message to members of the National Health Council, meeting at the Ministry of Health, the President also reported that it maintained the number of 81 persons killed, as was reported on Saturday, and in those cases continued research to confirm how many were for swine flu.

    A number of deaths that were added late in the cases of five people killed, according to the government of Mexico City, and one that was registered in the state of Nuevo Leon, the figure rose to 87 dead across the country.

    After the president ensure that this is a serious but curable disease if diagnoses and medications are taken on time, Mexico has said the drugs "enough to address issues that may arise."

    Later, at the conclusion of the meeting attended by 32 secretaries of health states, were seen leaving the meeting Unicel loading boxes or plastic bags with antiviral Birmex company to address the epidemic of swine flu. The dose distribution was different, as was confirmed in the case of Oaxaca, which assigned "the first 100 doses," said Martin Vazquez Villanueva secretary.

    After confirming by telephone to the governor of the state, Ulises Ruiz, the delivery of such treatment, an official of the entity, where the epidemic emerged in swine influenza, said it had only 8 people hospitalized on suspicion of having the virus influenza, including one in serious condition and three deaths.

    At the meeting with the secretaries were informed that the shares of detection and care for the population will also be given through Seguro Popular.

    By participating in the opening of the Council, the chief executive reaffirmed the continued determination to make people refrain from going to places of recreation, entertainment, cinemas, theaters, nightclubs, cultural and sporting activities, including what the Young called dens, as well as the suspension of classes.

    President Calderon said that in Mexico the next 72 hours may have laboratories capable of identifying with certainty the new virus and it will have greater precision in diagnosis and treatment for the affected population.

    He reiterated the need to address the population campaigns with preventive recommendations, such as unhealthy hand, avoid the kiss of greeting, cubrebocas use on public transport, blocked the sneezing, washing hands frequently and avoid going to crowded places .

    In the message, the President reported that the Mexican government is in collaboration with the World Health Organization and other governments to "act quickly and seriously."

    At the exit of President-twenty minutes, the secretary for nearly three hours discussed the status of the epidemic in Mexico.

    There, state officials and directors of the IMSS, ISSSTE, and medical directors of Pemex, the National Defense and the Navy, were notified of the warrant that it will launch the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (COFEPRIS) for pharmacists, doctors , laboratories, distributors and advertisers of health products no longer advertise in the media selling products that allegedly cure the swine influenza, given that only confuse people. "
    Last edited by Laidback Al; April 26, 2009, 11:21 PM. Reason: Changed the incorrect machine translation of the number of cases, see post 5 below

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  • Shiloh
    Mexico SF - case tracking


    Google translation:
    Discharged, 929 patients who had INFLUENZA
    The president Felipe Calder?n said that the virus is now a curable disease if diagnoses and medications are taken at time

    In a message to the nation, the President announced that in patients with respiratory infection with symptoms similar to those of influenza, 929 cases were discharged and are back home. "
    By: El Universal
    2009-04-26 20:46:58

    Mexico City .- On Sunday President Felipe Calder?n announced that in the next 72 hours can be in Mexico with specific laboratories capable of identifying swine influenza virus, a disease identified as a serious but curable if serving time.

    In a message to the nation, the President announced that in patients with respiratory infection with symptoms similar to those of influenza, 929 cases were discharged and are back home. "

    He said that so far only 374 patients, representing 27% of the total, remain hospitalized in different hospital.

    Calder?n Hinojosa said that this is a? Serious and curable disease? if diagnoses and medications are taken in time.

    ? It is good news? reiterated to say that it is a curable disease if treatment is initiated in a timely manner.

    The president asked the state health systems to collect, document, and to accurately report all possible cases of the disease and sent to the Ministry of Health, in order to maintain control over the evolution of this outbreak.

    "The best strategy for dealing with such situations is transparency and accurate information, we will continue to report," concluded.

    Following an extraordinary session the National Health Council, the President outlined the measures taken to confront this epidemic caused by the mutation of the influenza virus and asked the population to remain calm, go to the doctor, and no self-address the recommendations for prevention to contain the outbreak.

    "We have enough drugs in Mexico to treat this disease," said the president.

    "If they feel sick should not be self may disappear because some of the symptoms complicating diagnosis," he said.

    Commented that the Mexican Army has helped in the distribution of 6 million face mask.

    While noting that additional measures can be taken such as cleaning the door handles, railings and toilets, as well as refrain from sharing eating utensils.

    He reiterated that the state of Mexico, the Federal District and San Luis Potosi, as urban areas of concentration are the entities with the highest incidence.

    Before concluding it was reported that the Mexican government is in collaboration with the World Health Organization and other governments? Act fast uy seriously?.

    The federal executive made a new appeal to remain calm and seek medical advice if a person has symptoms. He explained that the only way you can have an attitude of responsibility against the contingency of this outbreak which arises from a new virus that has mutated
    > swap

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  • Shiloh
    Tamaulipas: Suspected cases of swine influenza increases to 48


    Google translation:

    10 suspected cases of influenza in the south

    The pandemic caused collective psychosis in the metropolitan area in central bus and airport intensifies surveillance
    By: Diana Alvarado / Altamira
    Sunday April 26 2009

    Altamira, Tamaulipas .- Efetue collective psychosis in southern Tamaulipas, the influenza has been declared a global pandemic. At least in the metropolitan area and apparently there are 10 suspected cases that are registered with different hospital.

    A group of students from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas reported that after an intensive support to the health sector to implement a health fence in the area, suspected cases were detected in different hospitals.

    Such is the case of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, where apparently there were four patients with symptoms of influenza. In ISSTE are two, at the Hospital Carlos Canseco, and two more in the Regional Hospital of Ciudad Madero, an equal number of cases.

    Those who have symptoms as severe headache, fever and runny nose are being treated with a medicine called "Zanamivir, which is used for influenza A and B.

    The Zanamivir Zanamivir (Relenza ?) is a new antiviral marketed for the treatment of infection with influenza virus. Its mechanism of action involves inhibition of neuraminidases of influenza viruses A and B, resulting in inhibition of virus replication.
    Treatment of Influenza A and B (main types of viruses that cause influenza epidemics) in adults and adolescents (≥ 12 years) showing typical symptoms of the flu when it has detected the virus in the community. Is not indicated for the prevention of influenza (1).

    Intensifies siege health bus and airport

    Cristal de los Santos, head of the central module of the bus in the town of Tampico, stressed that the influenza begins to develop psychosis among the population and they are more travelers who come to the modules to request information about the measures preventive.

    He assured that no suspected cases have been filed thankfully, but are reviewed on a passenger arriving from the states of San Luis Potosi, Monterrey, Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Mexico City.

    "It has become a wild, we are on alert," said a student at the medical faculty of the UAT to say that the modules in health care no vaccines, these apply only in hospitals.

    "The campaign against the flu is not at this time, that is why we are seeing that the virus was brought forward in the country. We want as the public support we have reinforced the actions cited.

    He said that while the drivers and their supporters warn people coming from entities which have been similarly declared fence epidemiological or deaths have been presented, this is the case of DF

    Some preventive measures include washing hands frequently, avoid places massive use hydrants lid on public transport, covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing, avoid going to movie theaters, restaurants, etc..

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  • Giuseppe
    Re: Federal District: Cases 2009/04/24+

    Mexico. Reportan cinco muertes m?s por influenza porcina en el DF - D.F. - Noticias
    Reportan cinco muertes m?s por influenza porcina en el DF

    26/04/2009 | Notimex.-M?xico-

    El jefe de Gobierno del Distrito Federal, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, confirm? que en las ?ltimas horas se report? la muerte de cinco personas, con lo que la cifra de v?ctimas mortales por el brote de influenza porcina ascendi? a 15.

    En rueda de prensa, anunci? que como medida preventiva se suspender?n las actividades en el Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Distrito Federal (TSJDF), la Junta de Conciliaci?n y Arbitraje, y se cierran los zool?gicos de Chapultepec y San Juan de Arag?n.

    En el acto el titular de la Secretar?a de Salud del Distrito Federal, Armando Ahued, detall? que tres de los decesos ocurrieron en hospitales del Gobierno del Distrito Federal y dos en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).

    Ebrard Casaubon se?al? que hay 73 personas internadas con s?ntomas de influenza porcina y dada la gravedad de la situaci?n que se presenta en esta capital entre este domingo y el lunes se distribuir?n entre la poblaci?n m?s de un mill?n de cubrebocas, en los sistemas de transporte colectivos.

    Anunci? que este domingo se reunir? con un n?mero muy importante de empresas a las que les pedir? que a partir del lunes, sin paralizar la ciudad econ?micamente, reduzcan al m?ximo posible sus actividades.

    Resalt? que la ciudad est? en un momento cr?tico por lo que es necesario, como primer objetivo, hacer todo lo humanamente posible para frenar la propagaci?n del virus.

    El segundo objetivo, agreg?, es que las personas que tengan molestias respiratorias acudan a atenderse a cl?nicas y hospitales "porque lo que nos dicen los datos que tenemos es que aquellos pacientes que ingresan de manera temprana se logran controlar los efectos del virus".

    Adem?s se mantendr?n cerrados el zool?gico de Los Coyotes, as? como los bosques de Chapultepec y San Juan de Arag?n, adem?s de los centros de Educaci?n Ambiental Acuexcomatl (Xochimilco), Yautlica (Iztapalapa) y Ecoguardas (Ajusco).

    En su oportunidad, Ahued Ortega refiri? que ayer se otorgaron cinco mil 902 consultas en centros de salud capitalinos: cinco mil 289 era infecciones agudas respiratorias y 298 cl?nicamente sospechosos; 25 de ?stos fueron referidos "con car?cter importante hacia los hospitales".

    Destac? que la promoci?n y la prevenci?n es un factor indispensable y es la parte fundamental para hacer el corte de la enfermedad, por lo que llam? a la poblaci?n a utilizar el cubrebocas y lavarse las manos.

    Ahued Ortega mencion? que se han instalado m?dulos de atenci?n y orientaci?n en los principales centros de transporte p?blico de la ciudad, donde m?dicos y enfermeras orientan a la poblaci?n.

    En tanto, el presidente del TSJDF, Edgar El?as, confirm? que del lunes 27 de abril al 6 de mayo se suspender?n actividades en los juzgados de lo familiar, civil y mercantil, y s?lo funcionar?n normalmente los juzgados penales.

    Mencion? que los 22 inmuebles de este ?rgano reciben todos los d?as un flujo de entre 25 mil y 30 mil personas.
    <cite cite="">Terra - Reportan cinco muertes m?s por influenza porcina en el DF - D.F. - Noticias</cite>

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  • Shiloh
    Re: Federal District: Cases 2009/04/24+


    GDF registra 15 muertes por influenza
    Este domingo murieron cinco personas m?s a causa de la gripe porcina en el Distrito Federal; en Nuevo Le?n aparece el primer caso de gripe porcina; declaran estado de alerta.
    Domingo, 26 de Abril de 2009

    Google translation:

    GDF recorded 15 deaths from influenza
    On Sunday, five more people died because of the swine flu in the Federal District, Nuevo Leon appears in the first case of swine flu, declare a state of alert.

    MEXICO CITY (CNNExpansi? - On Sunday, five people died of influenza victims in the Federal District, which added 15 deaths in the capital, according to information from the local Ministry of Health.

    However, 79 patients were treated in the network of public hospitals in the capital, have been recovered.
    At this time all the local secretaries are meeting behind closed doors to discuss the risks and preventive measures against the epidemic.

    Also killed the first person in Nuevo Leon swine flu, bringing the Governor Natividad Gonzalez Par?s declared a state of alert.

    The Archdiocese of Mexico reported yesterday that was canceled this Sunday Masses in all Catholic churches in Mexico City. The Church of Texcoco allowed parishioners not to attend Mass and to do so, I recommend avoiding the greeting of peace.

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  • Shiloh
    started a topic Mexico - H1N1 Case Tracking: 1,329 Dead Through July 2010

    Mexico - H1N1 Case Tracking: 1,329 Dead Through July 2010


    Se estudian 24 nuevos casos de influenza en el DF
    Por Redacci?n
    Hoy 12:18 ? Ciudad de M?xico, M?xico
    La cifra se mantiene en 13 muertes
    Actualmente se encuentran 97 pacientes hospitalizados

    Google translation:
    Studied 24 new cases of influenza in the City
    By Editorial / SDP
    Today (4/25/09) 12:18 - Mexico City, Mexico
    The figure remains at 13 deaths
    There are currently 97 inpatients

    While there have been no more deaths due to swine influenza in the Federal District, it is currently studying 24 possible new cases of people who have shown symptoms of the disease.

    According to Health Secretary of Mexico City, Armando Ahued, these possible cases could join the 97 that are already infected in hospitals in the capital.

    During a press conference he held with former secretary of Local Health, Ignacio Villase?or, head of the Government and the City, Marcelo Ebrard, said that patients are under study and samples have already been sent to the national laboratory Federal Ministry of Health to confirm whether it is people who are infected with swine influenza.

    For its part, Marcelo Ebrard said that in order to keep the population, their administration will give a press conference every day at 8:30 pm for the duration of the contingency health.

    Presenting a report of activities at the premises of the Secretariat, an official said yesterday that since the two have been received 366 thousand applications for care by telephone to people who thought they could have the virus. Reminded that they are open clinics and hospitals in the capital and reiterated that there is sufficient medication for the contingency.

    Reported that health alert to the head of the government canceled a trip to New York scheduled for April 30, where he would attend an event to receive a recognition related Interruption of Pregnancy Act.

    He asked people not to look at pharmacies drugs to treat influenza because they are not available, and it is not effective if not used properly.

    Armando Ahued called again to the people seeking medical care in case of headache, high fever, generalized discomfort in the body, cough and flu symptoms.

    With information from Notimex
    Last edited by JimO; April 28, 2010, 07:19 PM. Reason: Case count