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Mexico Offers Free Anti-virals to Diagnosed Cases, 1004 Cases in Mexico, Classes Suspended Until Further Notice

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  • Mexico Offers Free Anti-virals to Diagnosed Cases, 1004 Cases in Mexico, Classes Suspended Until Further Notice

    20 confirmed SF (swine flu) other deaths under investigation -

    68 are killed and 1, 004 infected in the Valley of Mexico

    The federal government has sufficient supplies of antiviral drugs to cope with the epidemic of swine influenza virus-identified and-after tests, which will be distributed for free under diagnosis.

    En conferencia de prensa, el secretario de Salud, Jos? C?rdova Villalobos ?acompa?ado de los titulares del ramo en el DF y el Estado de M?xico?, inform? que se cuenta con un mill?n de dosis que s?lo ser?n prescritas para atender los mil 004 casos acumulados que se tienen reportados en el Distrito Federal y en la zona conurbada del Estado de M?xico.

    At a press conference, Health Secretary Jose Cordova Villalobos, together with the holders of the sector in the City and the State of Mexico, reported that it has a million doses that will only be required to meet the 004 thousand total cases which are reported in the Federal District and the metropolitan area of the State of Mexico.

    En el sal?n Manuel ?vila Camacho, indic? que hasta el momento las defunciones acumuladas son en total 68, y s?lo 20 de estos casos tienen relaci?n con la epidemia y el resto sigue en an?lisis.

    In the Manuel ?vila Camacho Hall, he said that so far the deaths accumulated a total of 68, and only 20 of these cases are related to the epidemic and the rest are under examination.

    En su intervenci?n, el doctor Samuel Ponce de Le?n ratific? que "tenemos una epidemia por un virus diferente".

    In his speech, Dr. Samuel Ponce de Leon confirmed that "we have an epidemic of a different virus.

    Se?al? que su reconocimiento fue puntual y oportuno a partir del comportamiento y n?mero de casos de influenza, y empezaron los estudios muy intensos, "pero ten?amos que esperar a tener la confirmaci?n de cu?les eran los virus participantes".

    He noted that his was timely and appropriate recognition from the conduct and number of cases of influenza, and studies started very intense, "but we had to wait to have confirmation of what the virus involved."

    Explic? que como era el final de la temporada en abril, se pens? que eran los ?ltimos casos que hab?an repuntado, "pero ese repunte se estudi? exhaustivamente y en consecuencia se lleg? a que era un nuevo virus".

    He explained that as was the end of the season in April, it was thought they were the last cases that had rebounded, but the rebound was studied extensively and therefore found it was a new virus. "

    Se trata de un virus porcino.
    This is a pig virus.

    Es una mutante diferente del H1N1.
    A mutant is different from H1N1.

    El secretario de Salud coment? que para este nuevo germen no hay una vacuna, y para combatirlo se cuenta con un mill?n de dosis de antivirales: Oseltamivir y Zanamivir, que se administrar?n gratuitamente por m?dicos de las instituciones p?blicas.

    The Health Secretary said that this germ is not a vaccine to combat it and there are a million doses of antiviral drugs: oseltamivir and zanamivir, which is administered by physicians free of public institutions.

    "Habr? un control estricto en la prescripci?n, no se ofrecer?n como si fuera ?cido acetilsalic?lico.

    "There will be strict controls on the prescription, will not be offered as if it were aspirin.

    El director general de Birmex, doctor Samuel Ponce de Le?n, dijo no saber d?nde se desarroll? este nuevo virus porcino.

    The director general of Birmex Dr. Samuel Ponce de Leon, said he did not know where he developed this new pig virus.

    "No lo s?, lo m?s probable es que no. La parte del genoma es de un virus euroasi?tico del cerdo. No s?. Alg?n mexicano que andaba por all? a lo mejor lo trajo. No lo s?. La verdad es que es muy dif?cil poder dar un rastreo", coment?.

    "I do not know, you will most likely not. The part of the virus genome is a Eurasian pig. I do not know. Some Mexicans who walked there brought him to the best. I do not know. The truth is that it is very difficult able to a crawl, "he said.

    Subray? que la recomendaci?n de la OMS es que la forma m?s eficaz del combate a la enfermedad no es la vacuna sino el antiviral.

    He stressed that the WHO recommendation is that the most effective way of combating the disease but not the antiviral vaccine.

    Manifest? que el saldo en San Luis Potos?, de acuerdo al ?ltimo reporte, es de 46 casos probables y confirmados como influenza por virus porcino, cuatro casos como causa de muerte.

    He said that the balance in San Luis Potosi, according to the latest report, 46 cases of probable and confirmed as pig influenza viruses, four cases as the cause of death.

    "Fuera de estos casos, no ha habido repunte sustancial en ninguna de las entidades".
    "Apart from these cases, there has been no substantial rebound in any of the entities."

    Respecto del origen de la epidemia, C?rdova Villalobos se?al? que el reconocimiento de esta epidemia se hizo de manera oportuna.

    Regarding the origin of the epidemic, C?rdova Villalobos noted that recognition of this epidemic is made in a timely manner.

    Refiri? que el primer caso se report? el 13 de abril.
    He said that the first case was reported on April 13.
    Se decret? alerta epidemiol?gica el 16 de abril y la demostraci?n del nuevo virus se hizo la v?spera -23 de abril- hacia las 16 horas.

    Epidemiologic alert was declared the April 16 and the demonstration of the new virus was -23 on the eve of the April-to 16 hours.

    Hacia las 22:00 o 23:00 horas ya se hab?an instrumentado todas las acciones para enfrentar esta influenza estacional.

    At about 22:00 or 23:00 am and were all implemented actions to deal with this seasonal influenza.

    En el ?mbito laboral, las recomendaciones son que cualquier persona que tenga cualquier sintomatolog?a no acuda a trabajar.

    In the workplace, the recommendations are that anyone who has any symptoms do not go to work.

    "Hasta ahora no hay la posible necesidad de paros laborales. Estamos en observaci?n.

    Las clases escolares siguen suspendidas hasta nuevo aviso".

    "So far there is no need for any work stoppages.

    We are under observation. The school classes are still suspended until further notice."
