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The Discovery of the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic - Mexico: April 17 New Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

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  • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

    Another Mexican source. If there have supposedly been on 20 deaths in the whole country (and only 13 in Mexico City), explain the red lines below. Again, the reference to SARS should read atypical pneumonia - the translator makes that error.

    Atypical influenza kills 10 in one day
    Laura Toribio, Lilian Hern?ndez y Jaime Contreras Laura Toribio, Jaime Hernandez and Lilian Contreras
    Los decesos ocurrieron ayer en hospitales del IMSS; el gobierno admite que las defunciones aumentar?n The deaths occurred yesterday in hospitals of the IMSS, the government admits that deaths will increase Ayer, s?lo en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) diez personas murieron por neumon?a at?pica presumiblemente causada por el virus de la influenza estacional; seis fallecimientos se registraron en el Distrito Federal. Yesterday, only in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) ten people died from SARS presumably caused by seasonal influenza virus, and six deaths were recorded in the Federal District.

    En tanto, la Secretar?a de Salud inform? que en la presente temporada (de octubre a marzo) creci? tres veces el n?mero de casos probables y confirmados de influenza, comparado con los dos periodos anteriores. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health reported that in the present season (October to March) increased three times the number of probable and confirmed cases of influenza, compared with the two previous periods.

    El reporte del IMSS, en poder de Exc?lsior, revela que del viernes 17 de abril hasta las 17:30 horas de ayer, ?nicamente en las unidades del pa?s del instituto 28 personas perdieron la vida por esta causa. The report of the IMSS, in power Exc?lsior, reveals that on Friday, April 17 until 17:30 pm yesterday, only in units of the institute in the country, 28 people lost their lives for this cause.

    El foco de las defunciones est? en la capital de la Rep?blica, donde se concentran 17 decesos. The focus of the deaths in the capital of the Republic, where there are 17 deaths.

    No obstante, hay desconcierto entre las autoridades sobre la cifra exacta de defunciones. However, there is confusion among the authorities on the exact number of deaths. La Secretar?a de Salud tiene registradas 20 muertes desde el 18 de marzo hasta ayer por la ma?ana. The Health Ministry has recorded 20 deaths since March 18 until yesterday morning.

    De ellas, seg?n la Ssa 13 ocurrieron en el Distrito Federal, cuatro en San Luis Potos?, dos en Baja California, y una en Oaxaca. Of these, 13 occurred as the SSA in the Federal District, four in San Luis Potosi, Baja California in two, and one in Oaxaca. Cinco de las muertes en la Ciudad de M?xico se presentaron entre s?bado y domingo. Five of the deaths in Mexico City were between Saturday and Sunday.

    Por ello, la dependencia federal puso en marcha una alerta nacional para tener una vigilancia estrecha de las hospitalizaciones y de las defunciones que se pudieran asociar a este padecimiento. Therefore, the federal agency has launched a national alert for a close surveillance of hospitalizations and deaths that could be associated with this disease. Se trata de una ?red de notificaci?n negativa?, que significa que inclusive los hospitales que tienen cero casos tienen que notificarlo. This is a "negative reporting", which means that even hospitals that have had no cases to report.

    El subsecretario de Prevenci?n y Promoci?n de la Salud, Mauricio Hern?ndez ?vila, reconoci? que ?desafortunadamente los padecimientos van a crecer porque hay pacientes graves que est?n entubados y la mortalidad en ellos es alta?. Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Mauricio Hernandez Avila, acknowledged that "unfortunately, the suffering will grow because there are serious patients who are tube and mortality in them is high."

    El funcionario admiti? que todav?a no se sabe cu?l es el curso que tomar? el virus, ni si lleg? ya a su m?ximo nivel de afectaci?n. The official admitted that it is still uncertain what course to take the virus, or if already reached its maximum level of involvement.

    ?A?n no sabemos qu? curso va a tomar este pico de reactivaci?n. "We still do not know what course you are taking this revival peak. Lo sabremos m?s o menos en una o dos semanas, ya que tengamos reportando a toda la red de hospitales que echamos a andar?, refiri?. We know more or less in one or two weeks, and we have to report to the entire network of hospitals that miss to walk, "he said.

    Sin embargo, tanto la Secretar?a de Salud como el IMSS insistieron en que la poblaci?n no debe de preocuparse, porque no existe epidemia, y s?lo hay una alerta por el fen?meno in?dito de que casos de influenza se est?n presentando fuera de temporada. However, the Ministry of Health as the IMSS insisted that people should not worry because there is no epidemic, and there is only a warning by the unprecedented phenomenon of cases of influenza are being presented during the off season. Y ambas instituciones garantizaron que el personal de salud, que es el que tiene un alto riesgo de contagio, estar? completamente protegido. And both institutions ensured that health staff, we will have a high risk of infection, be fully protected.

    ?No queremos causar p?nico, pero tampoco podemos ocultar la realidad. -We do not want to cause panic, but we can not hide reality. ?Hay epidemia o no hay epidemia? Is there no epidemic or epidemic? se le inquiri?. he inquired.

    ??No, no hay epidemia! - No, no epidemic! ?No hay epidemia de influenza! There is no epidemic of influenza! respondi? el subsecretario. replied the undersecretary.

    El secretario de Salud, Jos? ?ngel C?rdoba Villalobos, admiti? que el gobierno federal no cuenta en estos momentos con vacunas suficientes ante una emergencia, pero aclaro que de ser necesario las comprar?n para evitar que el mal se expanda. Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, acknowledged that the federal government does not currently has enough vaccine in an emergency, but said that if necessary the purchase to prevent the evil from spreading.

    Pidi? a los mexicanos no alarmarse por los brotes de influenza que han surgido en el territorio nacional. He asked the Mexicans do not be alarmed by the outbreaks of influenza that have emerged in the country. ?El llamado a la poblaci?n es que no haya p?nico, hay que cuidarse si se tiene un problema respiratorio, quedarse en casa y ver al m?dico para que puedan ser atendidos?, pidi? el titular de la Ssa. "The call to people is that there is no panic, one must be careful if you have a respiratory problem, stay home and see your doctor so they can be cared for," asked the Secretary of Health.

    Ante la posibilidad de que este brote estacional se extienda con mayor velocidad en el pa?s y cobre la vida de m?s personas, aclar? que no se trata de una epidemia; para ello tendr?a que afectar a m?s de cinco millones de habitantes de la poblaci?n nacional. Faced with the possibility that this seasonal outbreak spreads faster in the country and killed more people, he clarified that this is not an epidemic, for it would affect more than five million inhabitants of the national population.

    ?Una pandemia es cuando ya se extiende a la mayor parte de la poblaci?n, estamos hablando de un cinco a diez por cierto de la poblaci?n?, explic?. "A pandemic is when it extends to most of the population, we are talking about a five to ten by the way of the population," he said.

    Sin embargo, reconoci? que es necesario estar en una alerta epidemiol?gica, por lo que esta dependencia buscar? obtener cerca de 400 mil vacunas para el personal de salud, con el fin de prevenir un brote entre m?dicos y enfermeras, para que puedan atender a los pacientes sin ning?n problema. However, he acknowledged that it is necessary to be in an epidemiological alert, so this unit will seek to obtain about 400 thousand vaccinations for health care, to prevent an outbreak among doctors and nurses to meet patients without any problem. Asimismo, especific? que durante el invierno aplicaron 19 millones de vacunas, por lo que descart? que se trate de una falla en la campa?a de vacunaci?n. It also specified that it applied throughout the winter 19 million vaccines, it denied that it is a failure in the vaccination campaign.

    ?Es una prolongaci?n de la ?poca estacional de la influenza que normalmente se termina en febrero, pero estamos viendo casos en marzo y abril y que muy probablemente est? relacionado con una epidemia de Estados Unidos y que tambi?n gener? algunas defunciones y es la colita de la epidemia lo que no est? afectando a nosotros?, se?al?. "It is an extension of the period of seasonal influenza, which normally ends in February, but we are seeing cases in March and April and most likely is related to an epidemic of United States and also generated some deaths and is the tail of the epidemic which is affecting us, "he said.

    En entrevista, el doctor Santiago Echeverria Zuno, director de Prestaciones M?dicas del IMSS, asegur? que el brote de influenza ?no es algo significativo que conduzca a una alarma generalizada?. In an interview, Dr. James Zuno Echeverria, director of the IMSS medical benefits, said the outbreak of influenza "is not something that leads to a significant widespread alarm."

    ?Simplemente tenemos algunos casos m?s de los que normalmente deber?amos de tener en estas ?pocas del a?o, pero alarma no hay?, reiter?. "We simply need some more of that normally should take these times of year, but no alarm," he said.

    El funcionario inform? que el sistema de vigilancia epidemiol?gica especial que implementaron al fin de semana en el IMSS para registrar probables casos de influenza arroj? m?s de 500 en todo el pa?s durante los ?ltimos cinco d?as. The official reported that the epidemiological surveillance system that implemented the special weekend in the IMSS to record probable influenza cases yielded more than 500 throughout the country over the past five days.

    En conferencia de prensa, el subsecretario Mauricio Hern?ndez se?al? que, a diferencia de a?os anteriores, en los que los picos invernales que son noviembre y diciembre, hoy se est? observando un exceso de casos durante este abril. At a press conference, Deputy Secretary Mauricio Hernandez said that unlike previous years, the peaks where winter is in November and December, is now having an excess of cases during this April.

    ?Algunos casos tienen manifestaciones graves, que han ocasionado muertes y hospitalizaciones. "Some cases are severe, that have caused deaths and hospitalizations. Estos se presentan en adultos j?venes, principalmente porque es el grupo que no vacunamos?, explic?. These are young adults, mainly because it is the group that did not vaccinate, "he explained.

    Esto sucede porque la poblaci?n m?s vulnerable a contraer esta enfermedad son los ni?os menores de 36 meses y los mayores de 60 a?os. This is because the people most vulnerable to contracting this disease are children under 36 months and older than 60 years.

    Sobre el origen del brote, Hern?ndez dijo que la epidemia procede de Estados Unidos, donde ya est? de salida. On the origin of the outbreak, Hernandez said that the epidemic comes from United States, where it is already out. ?Este virus que viene recorriendo las poblaciones, y la relaci?n climatol?gica de por qu? tenemos este pico ahora en abril, no lo tenemos claro; no sabemos cu?l es la explicaci?n, si es las caracter?sticas de la humedad, las caracter?sticas de sequedad que hay en el ambiente?, dijo. "This virus that comes down the stock, and the climate of why now we have this peak in April, we do not have clear, we do not know what the explanation, if the characteristics of moisture, dryness of the characteristics that are in the environment, "he said.
    Los decesos ocurrieron ayer en hospitales del IMSS; el gobierno admite que las defunciones aumentar?n The deaths occurred yesterday in hospitals of the IMSS, the government admits that deaths will increase Ayer, s?lo en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) diez personas murieron por neumon?a at?pica presumiblemente causada por el virus de la influenza estacional; seis fallecimientos se registraron en el Distrito Federal. Yesterday, only in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) ten people died from SARS presumably caused by seasonal influenza virus, and six deaths were recorded in the Federal District.

    En tanto, la Secretar?a de Salud inform? que en la presente temporada (de octubre a marzo) creci? tres veces el n?mero de casos probables y confirmados de influenza, comparado con los dos periodos anteriores. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health reported that in the present season (October to March) increased three times the number of probable and confirmed cases of influenza, compared with the two previous periods.

    El reporte del IMSS, en poder de Exc?lsior, revela que del viernes 17 de abril hasta las 17:30 horas de ayer, ?nicamente en las unidades del pa?s del instituto 28 personas perdieron la vida por esta causa. The report of the IMSS, in power Exc?lsior, reveals that on Friday, April 17 until 17:30 pm yesterday, only in units of the institute in the country, 28 people lost their lives for this cause.

    El foco de las defunciones est? en la capital de la Rep?blica, donde se concentran 17 decesos. The focus of the deaths in the capital of the Republic, where there are 17 deaths.

    No obstante, hay desconcierto entre las autoridades sobre la cifra exacta de defunciones. However, there is confusion among the authorities on the exact number of deaths. La Secretar?a de Salud tiene registradas 20 muertes desde el 18 de marzo hasta ayer por la ma?ana. The Health Ministry has recorded 20 deaths since March 18 until yesterday morning.

    De ellas, seg?n la Ssa 13 ocurrieron en el Distrito Federal, cuatro en San Luis Potos?, dos en Baja California, y una en Oaxaca. Of these, 13 occurred as the SSA in the Federal District, four in San Luis Potosi, Baja California in two, and one in Oaxaca. Cinco de las muertes en la Ciudad de M?xico se presentaron entre s?bado y domingo. Five of the deaths in Mexico City were between Saturday and Sunday.

    Por ello, la dependencia federal puso en marcha una alerta nacional para tener una vigilancia estrecha de las hospitalizaciones y de las defunciones que se pudieran asociar a este padecimiento. Therefore, the federal agency has launched a national alert for a close surveillance of hospitalizations and deaths that could be associated with this disease. Se trata de una ?red de notificaci?n negativa?, que significa que inclusive los hospitales que tienen cero casos tienen que notificarlo. This is a "negative reporting", which means that even hospitals that have had no cases to report.

    El subsecretario de Prevenci?n y Promoci?n de la Salud, Mauricio Hern?ndez ?vila, reconoci? que ?desafortunadamente los padecimientos van a crecer porque hay pacientes graves que est?n entubados y la mortalidad en ellos es alta?. Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Mauricio Hernandez Avila, acknowledged that "unfortunately, the suffering will grow because there are serious patients who are tube and mortality in them is high."

    El funcionario admiti? que todav?a no se sabe cu?l es el curso que tomar? el virus, ni si lleg? ya a su m?ximo nivel de afectaci?n. The official admitted that it is still uncertain what course to take the virus, or if already reached its maximum level of involvement.

    ?A?n no sabemos qu? curso va a tomar este pico de reactivaci?n. "We still do not know what course you are taking this revival peak. Lo sabremos m?s o menos en una o dos semanas, ya que tengamos reportando a toda la red de hospitales que echamos a andar?, refiri?. We know more or less in one or two weeks, and we have to report to the entire network of hospitals that miss to walk, "he said.

    Sin embargo, tanto la Secretar?a de Salud como el IMSS insistieron en que la poblaci?n no debe de preocuparse, porque no existe epidemia, y s?lo hay una alerta por el fen?meno in?dito de que casos de influenza se est?n presentando fuera de temporada. However, the Ministry of Health as the IMSS insisted that people should not


    • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

      A Latin American source. This source has bungled facts before on other outbreaks, but its numbers are worth seeing here. This is the first article that mentions 23 hospitals in DF. If one hospital reported 10 deaths yesteday alone, and the outbreak has been going on for over a month, and there are 23 hospitals in DF, how many people do you estimate have died in DF alone?

      Remember they are still only reporting one case in Oaxaca, and we have read of at least three deaths (maybe five) and at least two ill HCW.

      The Mexican officials are having trouble catching up with the death count.

      Noticias de lo que pasa en Latinoamérica y del Mundo, desarrolladas minuto a minuto desde las redacciones y corresponsalías de Prensa Latina.

      Causing 20 deaths from flu outbreak in Mexico
      jueves, 23 de abril de 2009 Thursday, 23 April 2009

      23 de abril de 2009, 10:11 M?xico, 23 abr (PL) La secretaria de Salud de M?xico report? que a 20 se eleva hoy el n?mero de muertes por un brote de gripe detectado en el territorio nacional. April 23 2009, 10:11 Mexico, April 23 (PL) The secretary of Health of Mexico reported that today stands at 20 deaths for a flu outbreak detected in the country. El comunicado de la entidad gubernamental niega que exista una epidemia, en tanto aclara que en esta ?poca de primavera es poco usual que se registren tantos casos de contagio, lo que ocurre ahora en la poblaci?n que es menos vulnerable. The communique from the government denies that there is an epidemic, and explains that in this time of spring is unusual that so many cases are recorded of contagion, which now occurs in the population that is less vulnerable.

      Tras precisar que la situaci?n no es como para crear un cuadro de alarma, se deben acentuar las precauciones ante s?ntomas de la enfermedad, como fiebre, dolor de cabeza y congesti?n nasal, ante lo cual se llama a la ciudadanìaa acudir de inmediato a centros asistenciales. After clarifying that the situation is not to create a table of alarm, should emphasize precautions before symptoms such as fever, headache and nasal congestion, to which the citizen is called aa ? go immediately centers.

      Los 20 casos de deceso se registraron hasta hoy en cinco entidades federativas: 13 en el Distrito Federal, cuatro en San Luis de Potos?, dos en Baja California y otro en Oaxaca, estos dos ?ltimos estados ubicados en los extremos norte y sur del pa?s. The 20 cases of death were recorded so far in five states: 13 in the Federal District, four in San Luis Potosi, two in Baja California and one in Oaxaca, the latter two states located in the north and south.

      El reporte precisa que los fallecidos por la gripe son personas entre 25 y 45 a?os de edad, cuando lo normal es que esta enfermedad afecte principalmente en el invierno a ni?os menores y personas mayores, con m?s de 60 a?os. The report states that the dead from the flu are people 25 to 45 years old, when it is likely that this disease affects mainly children under the winter and the elderly, with more than 60 years.

      Ante esta situaci?n, se informò que el ministerio mexicano de salubridad adquiri? 19 millones de dosis para vacunar a ni?os y ancianos, as? como el personal hospitalario. In this situation, ? was reported that the Mexican Ministry of Health purchased 19 million doses to vaccinate children and elderly, and hospital staff.

      Se precis? que se mantienen ingresados en 23 hospitales del Distrito Federal 144 enfermos con s?ntomas de neumon?a, asociada a la gripe, por lo que a la capital del pa?s se le ubica como el centro del actual brote del padecimiento. It was explained that remain hospitalized in 23 hospitals in the Federal District 144 patients with symptoms of pneumonia associated with influenza, for which the capital is located as the center of the current outbreak of disease.


      • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

        There is no report of spread outside of Mexico yet. The CDC in its briefing today acknowledged the illness in Mexico but does not have a link with the illnesses in California and Texas.
        Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


        • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

          Originally posted by Thornton View Post
          There is no report of spread outside of Mexico yet. The CDC in its briefing today acknowledged the illness in Mexico but does not have a link with the illnesses in California and Texas.
          There is the one suspected case mentioned above in isolation in Ontario. Can you post a link to that CDC briefing?
          Last edited by alert; April 23, 2009, 04:01 PM. Reason: grammar


          • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca


            • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

              Thank you very much. If 7 swine flu cases recoved without serious pneumonia or ARDS, I think I can now safely say the illness in Mexico is probably not swine flu. Everyone who gets it gets severely ill. The HCW who got infected in Oaxaca both developed severe pneumonia.

              Also note that the Diario (the source that started this a week ago) is no longer mentioning specifics - how many ill, etc. They can't keep track.


              • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                this would be a novel, reassorted virus which is prone to
                mutations and further reassortments, that could quickly change the clinical

                But, shouldn't they have detected it by now, if it were
                swine flu ?
                or H5 or H7 or whatever
                I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                my current links: ILI-charts:


                • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                  Ssa called for calm in cases of influenza
                  Jose Angel Cordova explained that hospitals in the Federal District, San Luis Potosi, Baja California Norte, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo and Veracruz, health fences were installed to prevent the spread of the virus.

                  Thu, 23/04/2009 - 13:21

                  A researcher performs tests for influenza vaccine. Photo: Do I need special Influenza? These are the symptoms

                  Mexico City .- The Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos reported that only seven states of the republic "fortunately" focuses on health alert for unusual "outbreak of the epidemic of seasonal influenza," and reiterated that have so far 20 people died, and no more, because of the virus.

                  C?rdova Villalobos explained that in the hospitals of the Federal District, San Luis Potosi, Baja California Norte, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo and Veracruz, were installed two fences that are limiting health access for patients and families, installing isolation wards, to vaccinate medical staff to avoid infection and to get this and the donation of 200 thousand to buy vaccine and another 300 thousand doses.

                  "They are fortunately only seven Mexican states that have not been affected and that is why a pandemic," he said after referring to the alert will remain as long as necessary until there is a reduction of cases they were still entering some cases to hospitals. "

                  On the Union of Health claims that so far 500 workers have been infected and that this weekend, this figure will increase to 500 thousand, C?rdova Villalobos said, "but may be mild influenza, we have not had so far, fortunately, No worker who has had severe influenza or casing have needed. "

                  After the inauguration of the forum "Current status and challenges to address addiction in the workplace" by Margarita Zavala, wife of the president, C?rdova Villalobos said the 28 deaths reported by the IMSS does not necessarily reflect cases seasonal influenza virus.

                  The IMSS reported cases of death due to respiratory problems overall, there is no evidence that it is for influenza, even now, there are patients with HIV who have respiratory problems that they cause death, such as Pneumocystis pneumonia, but pneumonia is not caused by influenza virus.

                  "We can not mix all the details until we have confirmed by the complications of influenza in the past month, in the age group 5 to 65 years," he said.

                  Similarly reported that young people are being "involved in a more virulent" with the virus and this "probably is because they were not vaccinated and never lost or antibodies.

                  Meanwhile, Mexico is working in coordination with United States and Canada to study the virus, "the diagnoses were made initially in the Indre in Mexico but we are taking information with Canada and United States to see if it is not otherwise viral threat. "

                  Responsible for health policy of the country reiterated that this is not a "pandemic" but to "an epidemic outbreak, so" we must remain calm.

                  "Families must cooperate in the sense that if they have symptoms with your doctor, if they do not sneeze directly toward each other, and if they have no problem hello or kiss or hand, not sharing utensils if they are not washed or pallets, in order that this can somehow transmit the virus because it is coming very easily, even a sneeze. "

                  In an interview, C?rdova Villalobos blamed the medical staff who are now very worried because the outbreak of influenza, which have not come in time to apply the vaccine. "Some believe they are immune to all, the truth is not true, there are places where staff were vaccinated at 80 percent but there are others who do not reach or 15 percent."

                  The SSA is currently working with the authorities of the Ministry of Education so that where teachers identify a child is sick it is returned to his home.



                  • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                    Originally posted by alert View Post
                    Thank you very much. If 7 swine flu cases recoved without serious pneumonia or ARDS, I think I can now safely say the illness in Mexico is probably not swine flu. Everyone who gets it gets severely ill. The HCW who got infected in Oaxaca both developed severe pneumonia.

                    Also note that the Diario (the source that started this a week ago) is no longer mentioning specifics - how many ill, etc. They can't keep track.
                    There is little doubt that the cases in Mexico are swine flu. You are only citing the most severe cases. One case of swine flu in the US was on a ventilator.


                    • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                      Quer?taro detected eight probable cases of influenza
                      The deputy director of the Epidemiology Department of Health state that the state agency ordered its 280 health units to intensify the search for possible cases and vaccinating the population, after the national alert after the deaths of 20 individuals from March to date the country.

                      Thu, 23/04/2009 - 15:55

                      Queretaro .- The Deputy Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health State, Martina P?rez Rend?n, which analyzed eight reported probable cases of influenza in the state, recorded so far this year.

                      The official estimated that next week could inform the public if they are real cases of influenza.

                      He explained that the state agency ordered its 280 health units to intensify the search for possible cases and vaccinating the population, after the national alert after the deaths of 20 individuals from March to date in the country.

                      Quer?taro argued that maintaining the operational and strengthens the application of vaccines in health, for the deaths as a result of the influenza virus that spread increases during the winter season and continues this season in the heat .

                      September 2008 to last February, were implemented more than 184 thousand doses to children under five years of age and adults older than 65 years, but the population is susceptible to infection, so it will expand the vaccination.

                      The head of Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology and Statistics, Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), Juan Carlos Aguilar Davis said it is very important that people go to health units to seek attention.

                      The ISSSTE used 308 doses of the vaccine until March 18 at the medical unit of El Marqu?s, 53 Cadereyta, 900 in Ezequiel Montes, 99 Tequisquiapan, Tolim?n 135, 331 in San Juan del R?o, 184 in Arroyo Seco and 99 in the capital.



                      • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                        Originally posted by niman View Post
                        There is little doubt that the cases in Mexico are swine flu. You are only citing the most severe cases. One case of swine flu in the US is was on a ventilator.
                        Can you give me a link that says this about the ventilator? If this is true, you're probably right - although I still want to know about that detection of the coronavirus.


                        • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                          My reading of the CDC briefing contains:

                          4. All confirmed cases have recovered.

                          That would seem to contradict that one of the cases is on a ventilator.


                          • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                            embassy for us in mexico...nuttin!
                            no public annouincements
                            nothin from canada, england, australia or the us



                            • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                              Canada has put out a health alert, but you're right - nothing from any other country. We need to get an alert out on Promed. Can somebody send some of the more alarming articles to ProMed?


                              • Re: Mexico: Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

                                Reported 79 cases and 13 deaths related to influenza in Mexico City
                                El secretario de Salud del Distrito Federal, Armando Ahued, llam? a los capitalinos a acudir al m?dico en caso de tener alguna infecci?n de v?as respiratorias y les pidi? que ?de ninguna forma se automediquen?.
                                Health Secretary of Mexico, Armando Ahued called the capital city to see a doctor if you have any respiratory tract infection and asked them "in no way automediquen.
                                Jue, 23/04/2009 - 16:13
                                Thu, 23/04/2009 - 16:13
                                Pidi? tambi?n tomar medidas higi?nico-diet?ticas.
                                Also requested to take action on diet and hygiene.
                                Foto: H?ctor T?llez
                                Photo: H?ctor T?llez

                                Ciudad de M?xico.- El secretario de Salud del Distrito Federal, Armando Ahued, inform? que en la ciudad de M?xico existen 79 casos cl?nicamente compatibles con la influenza en 23 hospitales y se han registrado 13 decesos relacionados con esa enfermedad.
                                Mexico City .- The Secretary of Health of Mexico, Armando Ahued, reported that in Mexico City there are 79 cases clinically compatible with influenza in 23 hospitals and 13 deaths have been associated with the disease.
                                Entrevistado luego del acto en el que se celebr? el segundo a?o de que entr? en vigor la Ley de Interrupci?n del Embarazo, llam? a los capitalinos a acudir al m?dico en caso de tener alguna infecci?n de v?as respiratorias y alert? que la influenza es altamente contagiosa.
                                Interviewed after the event which was held in the second year of the entry into force of the Interruption of Pregnancy Act, called the capital city to see a doctor if you have any respiratory tract infection and warned that the flu is highly contagious.
                                "Que vaya a nuestros centros de salud, los 28 hospitales del gobierno de la ciudad, o acuda al ISSSTE, el IMSS oa donde acostumbre ir, pero que de ninguna forma se automedique", puntualiz? Ahued Ortega.
                                "To go to our health centers, 28 hospitals of the city government or go to the ISSSTE, IMSS, or usually where to go, but in no way automedique," said Ortega Ahued.
                                Pidi? tambi?n tomar medidas higi?nico-diet?ticas, como lavarse las manos y abstenerse de salir de sus casas o de asistir a la escuela si presenta s?ntomas del mal.
                                Also requested to take action on diet and hygiene, including washing hands and refrain from leaving their homes or to attend school if you have symptoms of evil.
                                "La influenza es altamente contagiosa, por lo que estornudar o toser puede ser el medio de contacto.
                                "The flu is highly contagious, so they sneeze or cough can be the means of contact.
                                "Quien est? enfermo que no comparta alimentos, cucharas o bebidas con otras personas, no acuda a lugares p?blicos, ni salude de beso o de mano a nadie, que se cubra la boca y que, si se limpia con un papel, lo deposite en una bolsa de pl?stico. Tratamos de minimizar el riesgo de contagio", puntualiz?.
                                "Anyone who is sick who does not share food, drinks or spoons with other people, not go to public places, or health of a hand or kiss anyone, who is covering his mouth and, if cleaned with a paper, placed in a plastic bag. We try to minimize the risk of contagion, "he said.
                                Tras indicar que la Secretar?a de Salud (SSA) coordina los esfuerzos en este tema, dio a conocer que ese organismo federal efect?a un monitoreo diario de todas instituciones p?blicas y privadas para llevar el seguimiento respectivo.
                                Noting that the Health Secretariat (SSA) is coordinating efforts in this matter, announced that a federal agency conducts daily monitoring of all public and private institutions for follow-up.
                                El funcionario capitalino coment? que la Secretar?a de Educaci?n P?blica, en coordinaci?n con la SSA, tom? la decisi?n de mandar una alerta a los maestros, padres de familia y ni?os para que, quien se enferme, de inmediato asista al m?dico y evite sitios concurridos.
                                The official said that the City Department of Education, in coordination with the SSA's decision to send a warning to teachers, parents and children to who gets sick, the doctor immediately and avoid attending crowded places.
                                Aclar? que no todas los casos son provocadas por la influenza.
                                He clarified that not all cases are caused by influenza.
                                Hay bacterias de otro tipo, "por eso es importante que no se automediquen ni tomen antibi?ticos hasta que el m?dico sea quien lo prescriba".
                                There are other bacteria, so it is important not to take antibiotics automediquen or until the doctor who is prescribing. "
                                Se?al? que no se trata de una epidemia.
                                He noted that this is not an epidemic.
                                "No es una epidemia, de ninguna manera; es un caso at?pico y un alargamiento del periodo estacional de la influenza".
                                "There is an epidemic in any way that is unusual and a lengthening of the period of seasonal influenza."


