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H1N1 in south Trinidad: 3 deaths

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  • H1N1 in south Trinidad: 3 deaths

    Health Min?is?ter Ter?rence Deyals?ingh says there is a cri?sis in the out?break of H1N1 or swine flu in Trinidad es?pe?cial?ly in the south?ern part of the coun?try where there have been three re?port?ed deaths.
    Deyals?ingh made this dis?clo?sure to the me?dia af?ter the of?fi?cial open?ing of the San?gre Grande En?hanced Health Cen?tre at Ojoe Road, San?gre Grande yes?ter?day.
    The Min?is?ter of Health con?firmed that three deaths have been record?ed as a re?sult of H1N1 and not?ed there are many more lab-con?firmed cas?es.
    He ad?vised the pop?u?la?tion of Trinidad and To?ba?go to get the in?fluen?za vac?cine as it is be?ing of?fered at the na?tion?s health in?sti?tu?tions free of charge.
    He said some peo?ple are lack?adaisi?cal as they nev?er seem to seek the in?ter?est of their own health.
    Deyals?ingh made an ap?peal to all present to en?cour?age mem?bers of their fam?i?ly and com?mu?ni?ty to take the flu shot be?fore its too late. He said in 24 hours some?one hav?ing the virus can die.
    The Min?is?ter of Health has been ap?peal?ing to the pop?u?la?tion to get the vac?cine but he says his pleas have fall?en on deaf ears.

    Health Min­is­ter Ter­rence Deyals­ingh says there is a cri­sis in the out­break of H1N1 or swine flu in Trinidad es­pe­cial­ly in the south­ern part of the coun­try where there have been three re­port­ed deaths.
