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Dominican Republic: Ministry of health confirms first death from flu H1N1

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  • tetano
    Re: Dominican Republic: Ministry of health confirms first death from flu H1N1

    They reported two deaths in Dominican from flu A

    DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, may 27 (UPI)--a pregnant and a teenager are the first cases of death allegedly caused by influenza A Dominican, whose authorities have triggered a health alert system.

    The measure was adopted after the death of a pregnant woman in the mother and child hospital San Lorenzo de los Minas, in Santo Domingo Este, as checks that this virus was the cause of the death of 13-year-old at a health center of Santiago, in the northern part of this Caribbean nation, said Prensa Latina.

    This does not mean that there is an outbreak of flu in the country, but the measures have been adopted by the resurgence of the flu in the United States and Europe, where most of the tourists that visit us, come from the Deputy Minister of health, Rafael Schiffino said.

    Influenza A (H1N1) in 2009, caused a pandemic which the World Health Organization was finalized in August 2010, and left after themselves a balance of 19 thousand victims in the world. Specifically in the Dominican Republic was the cause of the death of 22 people in 2009.

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  • Dominican Republic: Ministry of health confirms first death from flu H1N1

    A woman died from effects of the influenza A H1N1 virus in Dominican Republic, the first fatality of the disease two years ago according to LISTIN DIARIO confirmed the Deputy Minister for collective health, Rafael Schiffino.El official also said that there is no outbreak today which might endanger the population. Schiffino, said that the victim is a pregnant woman who died last week in Santo Domingo Este.El H1N1 is a non-fatal disease that occurs with high fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and malaise.In 2009, year in which there was a global epidemic of the disease, the H1N1 virus caused 23 deaths in the country, and another three in 2011.
