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Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

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  • #91
    Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

    And back to Oaxaca. The "mixteca" are a pre-Colombian tribe that resides in and around the city of Oaxaca.

    Second councilor dies of [atypical pneumonia] Mixteca
    Written by Erika Lucero
    Monday, September 28th, 2009 20:50
    Huajuapan de Leon, Oaxaca .- The mayor of San Antonio Acutla died of atypical pneumonia in the hospital Pilar Sanchez Villavicencio this city after having been hospitalized about 10 days in the hospital, where doctors can not yet rule out that death gave cause human influenza AH1N1, that they are waiting for results by the official laboratory where the tests were sent.

    The now deceased by the name of Eleuterio Santiago Rivera Reyes 50-year-old who came to this city to be served by a strong box which he developed flu-like [atypical pneumonia], which has not been determined whether it was acquired by the spread of influenza AH1N1 .

    The days before his death the mayor of family visits was isolated by the critical condition where he was, according to unofficial sources commented that there was sufficient attention paid to attend this lung condition and results of the analysis to far have not come, so could not give the right doctor since they know the cause of pneumonia.

    So far two deaths now number of councilors of the Mixteca in less than a week since last Monday the Mayor of San Miguel Tulancingo who answered to the name of Daniel Jimenez Rivera died of this disease and health authorities have not making known the results of the analysis to verify whether the president was infected by the virus AH1N1.

    The residents of these municipalities ask the Health Services Oaxaca (SSO) which would reveal the results of both biopsy so they can take appropriate precautions as respiratory disease in these populations have increased by at least 30%.


    • #92
      Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

      And the blue text is the MOTHER of a fatality, who says her daughter died of influenza, but the doctors called it atypical pneumonia. This is telling evidence of coverup...

      Reynosa, Tamaulipas.-The cases of people suffering AH1N1 virus continues to increase, just in Tamaulipas thousand have been detected 283 cases, mostly in the southern state, though the collective psiociosis still making mischief, are many who go to hospitals and health centers in the town searching for answers to their symptoms that clearly coincide with the moral virus.

      Many return to their homes and jobs, with recipes influenza in hand, others remain hospitalized but labeled "Possible Influenza" which are then replaced by "atypical pneumonia" as happened to the daughter of Rosalie Vera Olguin who after 10 days died fighting.

      "Pay doubt expensive, on learning we intend to make a common front to help staff suffering from this disease, we remain drug that killed our daughter and then we were at the disposal of donating and then came out to claim the concern, and today my daughter's loss motivates us to look like trying to save lives that are in a similar situation "refers Olguin Vera.

      Rosalio Olguin Vera who heads the Union of Veracruz to Reynosa asked whether the media who build on this front to provide them medication to families.

      She said her daughter left to die in 3 children orphaned and therefore strive to ensure that this situation is not repeated so that the citizens requested more awareness and adhere to the preventive measures to avoid more deaths from influenza virus.

      Finally include the death of Jasmine Martinez Olguin Veracruz daughter of the leader came after a respiratory arrest after the General Hospital determined that it was a pneumonia, Vera Olguin nevertheless considers, upon being transferred from Macallen Hospital in search of a better attention they established that it was influenza.

      "The Macallen wanted to move, nurse determined that it was influenza, but unfortunately no longer could do anything after 10 days of symptoms and the disease was far advanced, had paralyzed bodies so unfortunately died," he said.

      Today it is only Rosalio claim for lack of credibility about the virus so AH1N1 has already contacted several patients with influenza to help them get medicine and even though the death of his daughter's death was established as pneumonia today more than ever think it was influenza who took the life of his daughter just 34 years.


      • #93
        Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

        Originally posted by alert View Post
        OK. This might be bad. Here's a case diagnosed as influenza, treated with antivirals (Tamiflu?), but the antivirals didn't work. And now her daughter (7yr old) was hospitalized as well.

        This is not in Puebla - it is in Tamaulipas.

        Sigue psicosis en Reynosa ?Neumon?a at?pica o influenza? [Continues] psychosis in Reynosa "atypical pneumonia or influenza?
        30 Sep 2009(19:15:52) 30 Sep 2009 (19:15:52)

        1 - ?Lo cierto son los gastos! 1 - The truth is the expenses!

        Anabel Rocha Garc?a/EnL?neaDIRECTA Anabel Rocha Garcia / EnL?neaDIRECTA

        Reynosa, Tamaulipas . . .
        Note that Reynosa, Tamaulipas, is directly across the border from McAllen, Texas.


        • #94
          Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

          Two dead teachers. Sounds like H1N1.

          ACCUSED OF KILLING OF TEACHERS IN HIDE SINALOA The teachers union accused the Health Sector to conceal the death of two teachers of technical secondary schools in Culiacan and Guasave, Sinaloa, influenza, since in the death certificate identifies "problems of pneumonia" .

          Jaime Qui?ones, secretario general de la Secci?n XXVII del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educaci?n (SNTE), indic? que se tienen datos sobre un n?mero muy alto de mentores que est?n contagiados y hospitalizados por el virus, por lo que se requiere que las autoridades de Salud reaccionen en su atenci?n. Jaime Quinones, general secretary of Section XXVII of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), indicated that data are available on a very high number of mentors who are infected and hospitalized by the virus, which requires that authorities Health react in their care.


          • #95
            Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

            The rebound comes with strength AH1N1 E-Mail E-Mail
            Carlos Flores Mancilla Carlos Flores Mancilla
            mi?rcoles, 07 de octubre de 2009 mi?rcoles, 07 of 2009 of octubre

            La hora pol?tica Time policy

            La ciudadan?a lo soslaya y las autoridades sanitarias tratan de minimizar el problema para no generar p?nico . It circumvents Citizenship and health authorities try to minimize the problem to avoid creating panic. Lo cierto es que la pandemia del virus A H1N1 crece y rueda a velocidad exagerada por toda la geograf?a mexicana. The truth is that the pandemic of H1N1 virus grows and exaggerated wheel speed around the Mexican geography. El rebrote viene con fuerza y se acentuar? all? por el mes de noviembre. The resurgence comes with strength and will increase back in November. Lo peor, lo tr?gico es que a?n no hay vacunas para combatir el mal. The worst, the tragedy is that there is still no vaccine to combat [the illness].

            Tratar temas de salud, en este espacio dedicado a abordar temas pol?ticos, no es casual. Addressing health issues in this space devoted to addressing political issues, not incidental. Nos sobresaltaron los comentarios vertidos, durante mesa de caf?, por un grupo de m?dicos especialistas en medicina interna y neumon?a. We jumped the comments made during coffee table, by a group of doctors specializing in internal medicine and pneumonia. Ellos, como jefes de departamento del sector salud y responsables del ?rea m?dica en hospitales privados, recibieron instrucciones para acondicionar el mayor n?mero de espacios para alojar a pacientes con s?ntomas del virus A H1N1 . They, like the department heads responsible for the health sector and medical field in private hospitals were instructed to put as many spaces to accommodate patients with symptoms of the H1N1 virus.

            Advierten los especialistas que el rebrote del virus cobre, ya se siente, -los hospitales ya presentan saturaci?n-, pero cobrar? fuerza a finales del mes de noviembre cuando est? por empezar la temporada invernal. Experts caution that the virus outbreak copper, and feels, "the hospitals are already saturated, but will come into force in late November when the winter season to start. Mientras tanto, para estar preparados y cumplir con las indicaciones de la Secretar?a de Salud, ya se empezaron a acondicionar todos los espacios disponibles en cl?nicas y hospitales. Meanwhile, to be prepared and comply with the directions of the Ministry of Health, and began to put up all available space in clinics and hospitals. Vaya, se contempl? hasta los pasillos de los nosocomios. Well, she looked up the corridors of the hospitals.

            Definitivamente no se trata de alarmar, comentaron los galenos, pero s? de que la poblaci?n haga conciencia sobre la gravedad de la pandemia y se tomen todas las medidas preventivas, pues de lo contrario el n?mero de pacientes, producto de contagios, podr?an rebasar la capacidad de atenci?n por parte del sector salud. Definitely it is not alarming, they said the doctors, but that people make awareness of the seriousness of the pandemic and to take all preventive measures, otherwise the number of patients, the result of contagion, may exceed the capacity of attention from the health sector.

            El tratamiento del mal, en su fase inicial puede ser controlado y curado, pero cuando se convierte en neumon?a, la situaci?n se complica y el paciente se enfrenta a dos graves problemas: la muerte, pero si se salva, est? condenado tener una mala calidad de vida, por las graves secuelas de la enfermedad. The treatment of the disease in its early stage can be controlled and cured, but when it turns into pneumonia, the situation is complicated and the patient is facing two serious problems: the death, but if he escapes, is doomed to have poor quality of life, serious consequences of the disease.

            Hasta el momento no han llegado las vacunas contra el mal . So far, no vaccines have gone wrong. Los primero ant?dotos que lleguen ser?n aplicados a m?dicos, enfermeras y todo el personal del sector salud que tenga trato directo con pacientes contagiados. The antidotes to arrive first will be applied to doctors, nurses and all health sector staff who have direct contact with infected patients. Mientras tanto, el cuerpo m?dico que atiende este tipo de enfermos, toma todas las precauciones, una de ellas, utilizando cubre bocas, batas, guantes y todas las medidas necesarias para evitar el contagio. Meanwhile, the medical staff attending such patients, taking all precautions, one of them, using covers mouths, gowns, gloves and all necessary measures to avoid contagion.

            Los hospitales p?blicos y privados, seg?n cifras oficiales, registran hasta el momento 890 pacientes con esa sintomatolog?a y 5 muertes por el virus A H1N1 , pero de acuerdo con comentarios de los especialistas, el n?mero de enfermos y decesos es mucho mayor. The public and private hospitals, according to official figures so far recorded 890 patients with fevers and 5 deaths from H1N1 virus, but according to hotel experts, the number of patients and deaths is much higher. Puebla pas? del lugar 24 al 17 en n?mero de casos. Puebla has moved from 24 to 17 in number of cases.

            Mientras el problema crece, nuestros pol?ticos ni por enterados se dan. As the problem grows, our politicians aware nor given. Su preocupaci?n es el poder, el dinero y el glamur. Their concern is power, money and the glamor.


            DIQUES .-Ante los diques, -ya son murallas-, que colocan sus adversarios pol?ticos, en el caminar de Blanca Alcal? Ruiz, para descarrilar su proyecto de construcci?n del viaducto elevado, cada d?a se aleja la posibilidad de que se haga realidad su "obra maestra". DAMS .- Before the levees, walls-are-who put his political adversaries in the journey of Blanca Alcal? Ruiz to derail his plans to build the elevated viaduct, each day that makes the possibility to fulfill its " masterpiece. " Para conseguir el financiamiento, el Ayuntamiento tiene que contar con el aval del Congreso del y Gobierno del Estado. To get financing, the City must have the endorsement of Congress and the State Government. ?Usted cre? que la alcaldesa va a contar con ellos? Do you think that the mayor will have them? Claro que no, cuando ellos mismos son los empe?ados en hacer abortar la intenci?n . Of course not, when they themselves are determined to abort the intention. ?El prop?sito?? "The purpose ...? Frenar su carrera en busca de la gubernatura. Curbing his race for governor. Lamentablemente la obra se ha politizado. Unfortunately the work has been politicized. El viaducto elevado ser?a un buen pasaporte para seguir su caminar pol?tico. The elevated viaduct would be a good passport to continue his political journey. . .

            REUNIONES .-Trascendi? que Javier L?pez Zavala viene sosteniendo reuniones "ultra secretas" con el reci?n nombrado gobernador de Nuevo Le?n y con el diputado federal Javier Duarte, "delf?n" de Fidel Herrera, gobernador del Veracruz. MEETINGS .- Javier L?pez Zavala learned that holding meetings is "top secret" with the newly appointed governor of Nuevo Leon and U.S. Rep. Javier Duarte, "dolphin" Fidel Herrera, governor of Veracruz. Tratan de integrar un grupo de poder pol?tico fuerte, para imponerse a las decisiones de Beatriz Paredes, dirigente nacional del CEN del PRI. They try to join a group of strong political power to overrule the decisions of Beatriz Paredes, national leader of the CEN of the PRI.

            BERRINCHE. -La comida del pasado viernes en un sal?n de la recta a Cholula, convocada por el mismo Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, estuvo m?s que desangelada. Tantrum. "Dinner last Friday in a straight Hall of Cholula, called by the same Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, was more than soulless. Cuentan quienes estuvieron en el evento que fueron ordenados 400 cubiertos con un costo de 200 pesos cada uno. They who were on the order 400 events were covered at a cost of 200 pesos each. Llegaron a la reuni?n s?lo 120 personas, de las cuales s?lo 80 pagaron su comida. Arrived at the meeting only 120 people, of which only 80 paid for their meal. Cuando lleg? el senador de la rep?blica y observ? la escaza asistencia, mont? en c?lera, medio comi? e inmediatamente se retir?, no sin antes rega?ar, -como ?l solo sabe hacerlo-, a los responsables de la organizaci?n. When the senator, noting The shortage assistance, flew into a rage, half ate and immediately retreated, but not before scolding, "as he alone knows how, those responsible for the organization.

            FUERA .-Arturo Varela, hasta hace algunos d?as, Secretario de Organizaci?n del sindicato del IMSS a nivel nacional y originario de Cholula, fue destituido de su cargo. OUT .- Arturo Varela, until a few days ago, Secretary of Organization of the IMSS union at national level and a native of Cholula, was removed from office. Por cierto, dicen los enterados que Enrique Doger, invit? a Roberto Vega Galina, ex Secretario General del Sindicato Nacional del IMSS para sumarse a su campa?a proselitista. Indeed, insiders say that Henry Doger invited Roberto Vega Galina, former Secretary General of the National Union of IMSS to join his campaign. HASTA LA PROXIMA UNTIL THE NEXT


            • #96
              Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla


              Google translation:

              Increased maternal deaths due to influenza. Puebla with more deaths
              By In?s Garc?a Nieto
              Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

              An Internet statement by the Epidemiology Division of the SS mentions the deaths of nine women per month as a result of pneumonia and influenza, and the letter stated that the August 19, 2009 there had been 682 maternal deaths.

              He also claims that the problem is growing, in 2008 it was recorded and confirmed four deaths from the disease mother.

              Why pneumonia or respiratory complications and does not mention that the patient died of influenza?

              Was the question asked physicians IMSS de Orizaba, to the knowledge of the death of a pregnant teacher from the Technological Institute, a victim of the influenza virus.

              A doctor asked that his name not commenting no knowledge of the case, yet contributed valuable data to reinforce hygiene measures as prevention citizen said .- "The influenza virus facilitates the entry of many other bacteria in the airways , so when the person dies it is said that complications due to pneumonia or acute respiratory "

              As at 30 September 2009, the Health Ministry recorded 32 thousand confirmed 950 cases of human influenza in the population.

              According to epidemiological system report of the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the SS, the states with most cases of maternal deaths due to pneumonia-influenza are Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz, Hidalgo, Mexico City, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Merida, Yucatan and the State of Mexico.

              The health problem is greater when the patient is diabetic, has low defenses, HIV or cancer, suffer from liver problems, asthma, obesity, heart disease and for women in pregnancy.

              Deaths according to age.

              Deaths in 236 confirmed cases of influenza at 30 September 2009, the population aged 45 to 49 people have died by 14%. From 35 to 39 years by 11 percent. From 25 to 29 years has passed 10.6%. From 20 to 24 years 10.2%

              And 50 to 54 years has died about 6 percent.

              Maternal deaths, the vast majority who have not been settled because of the influenza virus, because the study more effective at the time, the RSP takes over 20 days to return to the Sanitary Jurisdiction they referred to the Infectious Diseases Race / National Institute of Epidemiological Reference (Indre)

              At present health sector doctors rely on the diagnosis of patient symptoms, and in other cases with the "test" but is not reliable, according to professionals of the Indre.

              The documentary broadcast on the Discovery Chanel on Friday, October 9 reported that the first two cases of swine flu were reported in March in California: "A new virus is present", adding:

              In April 2009 the 60 percent of the population of La Gloria, Veracruz had symptoms of influenza. On 13 killed in Oaxaca, a victim of H1N1, a 39-year-name Adela Maria Gutierrez.

              The growth of swine flu that makes the chair of WHO Margaret Chan that the world is on alert, affecting 74 countries.

              Present in Cancun Quintana Roo, warns: "The outbreaks are cyclical, and therefore future epidemics can be more lethal than the longer view. The next winter, the emergence of a new virus is possible, therefore it is important that authorities and population, extreme preventive measures.


              • #97
                Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                That last article is damning with respect to severity of H1N1: In 2009 (thru 8/19) there have apparently been 682 maternal deaths due to P&I (although there might be an extra digit in that figure, as the article says that amounts to nine per month). In 2008, for the entire year, there were four.


                • #98
                  Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                  Originally posted by alert View Post
                  That last article is damning with respect to severity of H1N1: In 2009 (thru 8/19) there have apparently been 682 maternal deaths due to P&I (although there might be an extra digit in that figure, as the article says that amounts to nine per month). In 2008, for the entire year, there were four.
                  Need to see the actual statement they report on but it could possibly be read as - officially 9 deaths during pregnancy per month were put down to P&I (or maybe flu specifically?) but that in total there had been 682 deaths - presumably leaving a lot unexplained.


                  • #99
                    Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                    Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

                    An Internet statement by the Epidemiology Division of the SS mentions the deaths of nine women per month as a result of pneumonia and influenza, and the letter stated that the August 19, 2009 there had been 682 maternal deaths.

                    He also claims that the problem is growing, in 2008 it was recorded and confirmed four deaths from the disease mother.

                    I infer from that statement that there were 678 more maternal deaths alone in Puebla than the previous would that number added to the current Mexico H1N1 stats yield a total more in line with current US stats? If so, I'm wondering if there's similar increases of ILI's and secondary bacterial infections in pregnant women in the other states...then we'd see that Mexico may actually already have more deaths than the USA. Are other countries reporting increases in maternal mortality year-on-year vs longterm averages? If so, are those stats being collated and added to official tallies?


                    • Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                      It is absolutely clear that Mexico cannot (and isn't really trying to) count all its H1N1 deaths. Even the US is counting "P&I syndrome" deaths, as opposed to H1N1 deaths. As far as the actual statement in Spanish, it reads:

                      Un comunicado publicado en internet por la Dirección de Epidemiología de la SS menciona el fallecimiento de nueve mujeres por mes a consecuencia de neumonía e influenza, y el escrito precisaba que al 19 de agosto de 2009 se habían registrado 682 defunciones maternas.

                      which I translate as:

                      A communication published over the internet by the Authority of Epidemiology of the SS mentions the deaths of nine women per month as a consequence of pneumonia and influenza, and a document written on August 19 indicates they have registered 682 maternal deaths.

                      To me, that means that the 682 is the total number of dead pregnant women (from all causes, including non-infectious ones), and of those, about nine per month are due to P&I. Six hundred maternal deaths over six months in an entire state is not that surprising (from all causes). The four deaths in 2008 are due to P&I. I would estimate that this represents no more than 50 unreported H1N1 fatalities in Puebla (9 per month times 6 months of pandemic minus the four background P&I deaths). We really should expect that, as there should be no reason the death rate in Mexico should differ significantly from that in the US. But 682 unreported H1N1 fatalities in one state is not to be expected at this point.


                      • Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                        I don't really mean to jump in here but from what I know and I know the spanish language quite well. That translates to:

                        Un comunicado publicado en internet por la Direcci?n de Epidemiolog?a de la SS menciona el fallecimiento de nueve mujeres por mes a consecuencia de neumon?a e influenza, y el escrito precisaba que al 19 de agosto de 2009 se hab?an registrado 682 defunciones maternas.

                        A statement communicated over the internet by the Authority of Epidemiology of the SS says the deaths of nine women per month as a consequence of pneumonia and influenza, a document dated August 19, 2009 states there has been 682 maternal deaths.

                        Which means that there has been 682 maternal deaths from this year up until august 19 from ALL causes. Alert you are correct on your assumptions. I spent 5 years in middle/high school and one year in college so far studying French and Spanish. I am very good at these two languages. Que tan bueno es usted en alert espanol?


                        • Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                          Isn't the deaths of nine pregnant women per month in just one region an alarming indicator in itself?
                          "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta


                          • Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                            This was the original message by Mexican Heath Secretariat:

                            18 de Septiembre del 2009

                            Al 19 de agosto de 2009 se han registrado 682 defunciones maternas, en comparaci?n con el mismo per?odo de 2008 en que se hab?an registrado 661 defunciones.
                            El incremento en las defunciones maternas por influenza o neumon?a se observa a partir del mes de abril y desde entonces se han registrado en promedio nueve defunciones por mes.
                            Los estados que han presentado mayor incremento en las defunciones por esta causa, en comparaci?n con a?os anteriores son Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz, Hidalgo, Distrito Federal, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoac?n, Yucat?n y especialmente el estado de M?xico que ha registrado 17 defunciones hasta la fecha, en tanto que registr? cuatro en el 2008 y una en el 2007.
                            De las 683 defunciones registradas, 118 cuentan con diagn?stico de neumon?a o influenza en cualquiera de las causas de defunci?n; de ?stas, 58 tienen el diagn?stico como causa b?sica.
                            Con respecto al resultado de laboratorio 12 cuentan con resultado positivo a influenza A(H1N1), 5 a influenza A sin tipificaci?n, 4 son negativas a influenza, 3 est?n pendientes de resultado y el resto no cuenta con toma de muestra para diagn?stico.
                            A nivel mundial se ha documentado un incremento en la morbilidad y mortalidad materna durante la pandemia de influenza por el virus A(H1N1), elevando hasta siete veces el n?mero de defunciones maternas por esta causa.
                            La infecci?n por influenza durante el embarazo puede ser m?s grave que en otros pacientes sanos y plantea riesgos para el feto.
                            Adem?s de un incremento en la morbi‐mortalidad materna, las madres con infecciones respiratorias graves pueden tener mayor riesgo de parto prematuro. El riesgo se ha observado particularmente en el segundo y tercer trimestre del embarazo.
                            Las recomendaciones para mujeres embarazadas, son:
                            *Ante la presencia de s?ntomas respiratorios, acudir de inmediato a la unidad de salud m?s cercana, para recibir atenci?n m?dica oportuna.
                            *Mantenerse alejadas de personas que tengan una infecci?n respiratoria aguda.
                            *Lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jab?n.
                            *No automedicarse.
                            *Evitar acudir a lugares concurridos.
                            *Si el m?dico decidi? el manejo ambulatorio, quedarse en casa y mantenerse en reposo hasta que hayan remitido los s?ntomas, si es posible aislada de la familia.
                            Google translation:

                            September 18, 2009

                            At August 19, 2009 there have been 682 maternal deaths, compared with the same period in 2008 when there had been 661 deaths.
                            The increase in maternal deaths from influenza or pneumonia were observed from April and since then there have been an average of nine deaths per month.
                            The states that have submitted largest increase in deaths from this cause compared with previous years are Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz, Hidalgo, Distrito Federal, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Yucatan, and especially the state of Mexico that has recorded 17 deaths to date, as recorded four in 2008 and one in 2007.
                            Of the 683 deaths, 118 have a diagnosis of pneumonia or influenza in any of the causes of death, of these, 58 have a diagnosis as the underlying cause.
                            On the outcome of laboratory 12 have positive to influenza A (H1N1), 5 to influenza A without typing, 4 were negative for influenza, 3 are pending outcome, the remainder has no sampling for diagnosis.
                            Worldwide there has documented an increase in maternal morbidity and mortality during a pandemic influenza virus A (H1N1), bringing to seven times the number of maternal deaths from this cause.
                            Influenza infection during pregnancy may be more severe than in other healthy patients and poses risks to the fetus.
                            Apart from an increase in maternal morbidity and mortality, mothers with acute respiratory infections may be at greater risk of preterm delivery. The risk has been observed particularly in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
                            The recommendations for pregnant women, are:
                            * In the presence of respiratory symptoms, go immediately to the nearest health unit, to receive timely medical attention.
                            * Keep away from people who have an acute respiratory infection.
                            * Wash hands often with soap and water.
                            * No self-medicate.
                            * Avoid going to crowded places.
                            * If the doctor decided the ambulatory treatment, stay home and keep at rest until the symptoms have resolved, if possible isolated from the family.
                            Source: Mexican Heath Secretariat


                            • Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla


                              Google translation:

                              Reports the Union of Social Security three deaths from influenza in Atlixco AH1N1

                              DOMINGUEZ MIGUEL ANGEL RIOS

                              Atlixco. Reyes Hernandez Rosas, section 1 Puebla general secretary of the National Union of Social Security Workers (SNTSS), said in Atlixco are recorded three deaths from influenza AH1N1 atypical. And one of them said at a news conference, is related to an employee of Social Security, specifically the washing plant installed on the auxiliary board of Metepec.

                              So far "we much strengthening measures and actions against influenza. The aim of constantly talking with the media is well discern this worrisome problem. Two weeks ago the issue came to terms for alarm, but today it dropped significantly.

                              The report is that "we had two weeks ago to 56 inpatients. Today the figure is 47. From first to last day of September 48 deaths occurred only atypical pneumonia in the hospital of St. Alexander. In this hospital arrive 2 thousand 800 workers and is visited by 20 thousand people. That the sixth floor is devoted exclusively to respiratory problems. In the emergency area created a flag for every patient also with respiratory complications, and thus prevent further contamination of others ".

                              This same "policy is applied in the clinic 34 of Atlixco and the sanatorium of Metepec. We hire extra time, especially doctors, to meet demand in centers such as Amalucan and Las Margaritas of such diseases. "

                              "In the case of the hospital in Metepec, how many cases of atypical influenza deaths are registered?

                              "Until last week we had three atypical pneumonia. One of them unfortunately were employed by the washing plant. Here's a fact: it is important to review the preventive measures and when you start feeling bad is almost obligatory to visit the doctor.

                              In the case mentioned, "the recommendation for that person was addressed promptly, but she refused. Even in San Alejandro was offered a disability for five days and refused to continue working with the argument that he needed money. That's the issue. He was finally admitted on Friday in hospital in Metepec, but the state of health deteriorated and was taken to San Alejandro where he died on Monday. "

                              The case of LFC

                              On the issue of dismantling the Union of Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LFC), ordered by President Felipe Calder?n, Reyes Hernandez said this was an issue "very difficult. In fact we were already giving it up three weeks ago and discovered an internal struggle between Alexander Munoz treasurer and secretary general. There were several things, like patterns and inflated pride came the two. As they did not negotiate, the federal government seized them. "

                              To go to adding that "a grant of more than 45 billion pesos annually. It's peak. In times of crisis good money to be applied where there no longer seems complicated background. Following this action of the Executive, we hope that it can happen only under law and that workers are paid liquidating plan accordingly as marked on the collective agreement.

                              We are "out of it. We come from a difficult process of revising the collective agreement. So the recommendation for unions is to maintain internal unity. It is important that the general secretary of any trade organization to give way to politics, not personal problems. That happened with Luz y Fuerza del Centro and there are consequences. "

                              - At some point they have no fear that the federal government sticking their hands in their union?

                              "Those are the risks of a struggle or an internal contest for power. When things are bad, illegally, there are not good omens. The best measure for unions is internal democracy, no reelection, transparency, legality and the law framework. Especially now that the government goes too fussy and badly can grab one of us. Such disunity of Alexander and Augustine Luz y Fuerza del Centro hurt more than 40 thousand workers.


                              • Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                                Originally posted by Rwilmer View Post
                                Alert you are correct on your assumptions. I spent 5 years in middle/high school and one year in college so far studying French and Spanish. I am very good at these two languages. Que tan bueno es usted en alert espanol?
                                Your translation is essentially the same as mine in the previous post. I had a total of six years of Spanish between high school and college. I haven't taken any formal French - all the French I can read comes from tracking disease (and from my high school and college Spanish!!!)

                                If there were 661 maternal deaths last year, then 682 this year is not much of an increase. At most 21 excess deaths, and that could just be year-to-year fluctuation.

