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Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

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  • #16
    Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

    I am wondering if, The H274Y (Tamiflu Resistance) and The E627K (one found in the netherlands) changes are behind this.


    • #17
      Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

      It is not fully clear that these are even H1N1 cases. This would be a much worse mutation than either of those if this is simply caused by a mutated H1N1. This might be co-infections, or this could even be a separate outbreak. It is unusual that they would still call them atypical pneumonia cases, not suspected H1N1 deaths.

      This could be anything, but it is not good.


      • #18
        Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

        Originally posted by alert View Post
        It is not fully clear that these are even H1N1 cases. This would be a much worse mutation than either of those if this is simply caused by a mutated H1N1. This might be co-infections, or this could even be a separate outbreak. It is unusual that they would still call them atypical pneumonia cases, not suspected H1N1 deaths.

        This could be anything, but it is not good.
        They are calling at least 19 of them suspected H1N1 deaths.


        • #19
          Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

          Originally posted by Rwilmer View Post
          They are calling at least 19 of them suspected H1N1 deaths.
          Good catch. I had my outbreaks confused. They are suspecting at least 19 H1N1 deaths in that hospital in one week, so 44 in one month is consistent with that. That's what happens when you track two similar outbreaks at once - you get confused.


          • #20
            Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

            Originally posted by alert View Post
            Good catch. I had my outbreaks confused. They are suspecting at least 19 H1N1 deaths in that hospital in one week. That's what happens when you track two similar outbreaks at once - you get confused.
            I also believe most of them have tested positive for influenza A on the rapid test in some of the higher up articles in this thread.


            • #21
              Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

              Also of note is that, four of them have tested positive for H1N1. So most of these are likely H1N1.

              "The general secretary of SNTSS, Reyes Hernandez Rosas, reported that in September there were 44 deaths by SARS in the Hospital de San Alejandro, ie there were more than one death per day. Some of them might have been caused AH1N1 virus but not yet know the results of confirmatory testing. For now, remain hospitalized 53 patients diagnosed with atypical pneumonia, but also found in the list of suspected cases of human influenza, and four people who already have the test confirmed of carrying the virus are in the emergency department. In an interview with La Jornada de Oriente, the union leader said the ground that the direction assigned to care for patients suspected influenza AH1N1 is about to collapse, with only 47 beds were arranged and hospital patients with symptoms of the new strain and exceeded capacity."


              • #22
                Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                They don't seem to get this. They think they only have 4 H1N1 fatalities, but are having an emergency meeting about the atypical pneumonia outbreak. They don't think it is related. They think only a small amount of the atypical pneumonia is H1N1.

                Puebla 751 total human cases of influenza, 568, in September E-Mail E-Mail
                Por M?nica Franco By Monica Franco
                viernes, 02 de octubre de 2009 friday, 02 of 2009 of octubre

                En 5.77 por ciento aumentaron los casos de influenza AH1N1 entre martes y viernes , seg?n la Secretar?a de Salud (SSA), la cual inform? que el n?mero de personas con este mal creci? de 710 a 751, adem?s de 4 muertos por el virus, hasta el momento. 5.77 percent increase in influenza cases AH1N1 between Tuesday and Friday, according to the Health Secretariat (SSA), which reported that the number of people with this disease increased from 710 to 751, plus 4 killed by the virus, until the time.

                La subdirectora de Epidemiolog?a de la dependencia estatal, Araceli Soria C?rdoba, admiti? que los enfermos por influenza humana suman una cantidad menor a los de neumon?a at?pica, enfermedad que ha repuntado 10 por ciento en el ?ltimo mes y ha provocado mayor cantidad de muertes. The deputy director of epidemiology at the state agency, Soria Araceli Cordova admitted that human influenza patients [add] a smaller amount [to] atypical pneumonia, a disease that has surged 10 percent in the last month and has caused much death.

                Asimismo, Soria C?rdoba admiti? que es inusual el panorama epidemiol?gico relacionado con las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas (IRAS). Also, Soria Cordova admitted that the picture is unusual epidemiological related to Acute Respiratory Infections (IRAS).

                Este d?a, a las 12 horas en las instalaciones de Casa Aguayo sesionar? de manera extraordinaria el Consejo Estatal de Salud para definir nuevos mecanismos para enfrentar la ola de contagios por Influenza Humana y el incremento at?pico de enfermedades respiratorias This day, at 12 noon at the premises of Casa Aguayo will meet in an extraordinary way the State Board of Health to define new mechanisms to face the wave of infection by human influenza and atypical increase of respiratory diseases


                • #23
                  Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                  And they just announced a fifth confirmed fatality, and say there are 11 more probable ones IN THE ENTIRE STATE. Do they not realize the atypical pneumonia outbreak is likely H1N1? Or do they have some reason to rule it out?

                  Health Ministry confirms fifth death from human infuenza E-Mail E-Mail
                  Por Mónica Franco By Monica Franco
                  viernes, 02 de octubre de 2009 friday, 02 of 2009 of octubre

                  El secretario de Salud, José Alfredo Arango García informó suman 5 los muertos por influenza AH1N1 en el estado ; además, hay 11 casos probables en espera de la confirmación del Indre. The health secretary, José Alfredo Arango Garcia equals 5 reported dead AH1N1 influenza in the state, in addition, there are 11 probable cases awaiting confirmation of the Indre.

                  Asimismo, el funcionario estatal reiteró que suman 751 contagios de la enfermedad ; la ciudad de Puebla donde se concentra el 70 por ciento de los casos. Also, the state official reiterated totaling 751 infections of the disease, the city of Puebla where it concentrates 70 percent of cases.

                  Al terminar la reunión del Consejo Estatal de Salud, precisó que el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) cuenta con los expedientes de 8 decesos registrados entre finales de agosto y el mes de septiembre por posible influenza humana, mientras que el ISSSTEP tiene otros 3. After the meeting the State Board of Health, said the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has records of 8 deaths occurred between late August and September for possible human influenza, while the other 3 [were in] ISSSTEP .

                  Actualmente, Arango García informó hay 60 personas hospitalizadas en el IMSS por ser positivos a la enfermedad ; en el ISSSTEP hay 13 y en el ISSSTE 8. Currently, Arango Garcia said there are 60 people hospitalized in the IMSS to be positive for disease in ISSSTEP is 13 and ISSSTE 8.

                  Recordó que el lunes próximo se iniciará la vacunación contra la Influenza Estacional y que, en breve, se adquirirán 2 mil 500 dosis de Tamiflú para garantizar abasto para el tratamiento del padecimiento. He recalled that on Monday will begin vaccination against seasonal influenza and, in short, will be acquired 2 thousand 500 doses of Tamiflu to ensure supplies for the treatment of disease.


                  • #24
                    Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                    And an editorial from the area accusing authorities of blaming H1N1 deaths on pneumonia.

                    The SEP of Puebla Unable to stop the outbreak of Avian Influenza A H1 N!
                    Escrito por Contraparte Written by Counterparty
                    Viernes, 02 de Octubre de 2009 07:45 Friday, 02 of Octubre of 2009 07:45

                    Ineficientes las medidas de la SEP contra la influenza, acusan padres de familia Inefficient measures against influenza SEP accuse parents
                    01 de Octubre de 2009/13:42:13 01 October 2009/13: 42:13

                    - A - A
                    + A + A

                    * Exigen renuncia de Dar?o Carmona * They demand resignation of Dario Carmona

                    Trinidad Gonz?lez Trinidad Gonzalez

                    La Asociaci?n de Preescolares de Puebla AC, calific? como ineficientes las medidas implementadas por la Secretaria de Educaci?n P?blica (SEP), -que dirige Dar?o Carmona Garc?a- para combatir el rebrote de influenza A H1N1 en las escuelas, por ello exigen la renuncia del titular de la dependencia. Preschool Association of Puebla AC, described as inefficient measures implemented by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), which leads Dario Garcia-Carmona to combat outbreak of influenza A H1N1 in schools, thus demanding the resignation of incumbent dependency.

                    En conferencia de prensa, la presidenta de dicha asociaci?n, Dalia Huallpara Ticona, dio a conocer que supuestamente la SEP entregar?a kits de limpieza, sin que hasta el momento las escuelas tengan conocimiento de ello, por eso calific? como de negligencia las acciones de Carmona Garc?a, puesto que ?parece que le interesan m?s sus actividades pol?ticas?, agreg?. At a press conference, the president of that association, Dalia huallpa Ticona, announced that supposedly deliver SEP cleaning kits, no school until they have the information, so called as negligence actions Carmona Garcia because "he seems more concerned with their political activities," he added.

                    Dijo tambi?n que los kits de limpieza no cubren las necesidades de las escuelas, ya que s?lo se componen de cuatro litros de cloro, una franela, diez cubrebocas, una escoba y un trapeador, lo cual obliga a que las escuelas y los padres de familia tengan que poner de su bolsa. He also said that cleaning kits not meet the needs of schools, as only consisting of four liters of chlorine, a flannel, ten masks, a broom and a mop, which requires that schools and parents should put in your purse.

                    ?Las medidas han resultado insuficientes debido a la negligencia de las autoridades educativas que encabeza el secretario Dar?o Carmona?, mencion?. "The measures were insufficient due to the negligence of the education authorities headed by the secretary Dario Carmona" he said. De hecho critic? que en un principio la SEP dijo que no usar?an la cartilla de vacunaci?n, sin embargo en el inicio del ciclo lo hizo obligatorio, incluso en algunas escuelas no inscriben a los ni?os a primaria si los padres no presentan la cartilla. In fact criticized the SEP initially said they would not use the vaccination card, however in the beginning of the cycle made it mandatory, even in some schools do not enroll in primary school children if parents do not have the card.

                    Al respecto, Huallpara Ticona mencion? que los recursos erogados para las cartillas deber?an destinarse a comprar material para combatir la influenza. ?Hay muchas personas enfermas, pero se presentan como casos de neumon?a?. In this regard, Ticona huallpa mentioned that resources spent to the primers should be used to buy equipment to fight the flu. "There are many sick people, but are presented as cases of pneumonia." Dijo que en las escuelas de su asociaci?n se han registrado seis casos de influenza AH1N1. He said that schools in his association have reported six cases of influenza AH1N1.

                    Son 200 preescolares en todo el estado las que agrupan la asociaci?n bajo la designaci?n de particular de tipo comunitario, y atiende a 15 mil ni?os. It's 200 preschools statewide association that grouped under the designation of particular community-type, serving 15 thousand children. Ah? ?nosotros ponemos de nuestra bolsa para la limpieza, nosotros estamos poniendo todo el material, los guantes, el cubreboca, todo, absolutamente todo, necesitamos el apoyo de la SEP?, concluy?. That "we put in our bag for cleaning, we are placing all materials, gloves, masks, everything, absolutely everything, we need the support of the SEP" he said.


                    • #25
                      Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                      Here are the details on one or two of the deaths. This is in the hospital in question.

                      Transport drivers [demand] flu shots after death in sector E-Mail E-Mail
                      Por Mónica Franco By Monica Franco
                      viernes, 02 de octubre de 2009 friday, 02 of 2009 of octubre

                      Cuatro mil chóferes adheridos a la Organización de Transportistas en Alianza por Nuestros Derechos demandan a la Secretaría de Salud (SSA) considerar como sector prioritario en la Jornada de Vacunación contra Influenza Estacional . Four thousand drivers joined the Alliance Carriers Organization in demand for our rights to the Health Secretariat (SSA) to consider as a priority sector in the Day of Vaccination against seasonal influenza.

                      El presidente de la agrupación, Ignacio Morales Paz, reveló el fallecimiento de otro operador en el Hospital San Alejandro , a consecuencia de complicaciones por un mal respiratorio del que se sospecha sea Influenza A H1N1. The group's president, Ignacio Morales Paz, said the death of another operator in St. Alexander's Hospital, from complications of a respiratory illness that is suspected to be influenza A H1N1.
                      El líder admitió que el gremio está alarmado , pues en menos de 15 días dos operadores han perdido la vida a consecuencia de una neumonía atípica y pulmonía fulminante. The leader admitted that the union is alarmed because in less than 15 days, two operators have been killed as a result of an atypical pneumonia and fulminant pneumonia.

                      El hombre fallecido trabajaba como chofer en la ruta 53 y conducía la unidad 8. The dead man worked as a driver on Route 53 and driving unit 8. Estuvo hospitalizado por dos días en San Alejandro. He was hospitalized for two days at San Alejandro. Falleció ayer al medio día y está siendo velado en la calle Venustiano Carranza y Cue Merlo en san Baltasar Campeche. He died yesterday at noon and is being mourned in the Venustiano Carranza street and Cue Merlo in San Baltazar Campeche. El primer muerto por presunta Influenza humana en el sector habría ocurrido la semana pasada y se trato de un operador de la ruta 72, pero no ha sido reconocido por las autoridades estatales. The first death for alleged human influenza have occurred in the area last week and it is an operator of Route 72, but has not been recognized by state authorities.


                      • #26
                        Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla


                        Google translation:

                        Puebla 751 total human cases of influenza, 568, in September
                        By Monica Franco
                        friday, 02 of 2009 of octubre

                        5.77 percent increase in influenza cases AH1N1 between Tuesday and Friday, according to the Health Secretariat (SSA), which reported that the number of people with this disease increased from 710 to 751, plus 4 killed by the virus, until the time.

                        The deputy director of epidemiology at the state agency, Soria Araceli Cordova admitted that human influenza patients in addition to a smaller amount of atypical pneumonia, a disease that has surged 10 percent in the last month and has caused much death.

                        Also, Soria Cordova admitted that the picture is unusual epidemiological related to Acute Respiratory Infections (IRAS).

                        This day, at 12 noon at the premises of Casa Aguayo will meet in an extraordinary way the State Board of Health to define new mechanisms to face the wave of infection by human influenza and atypical increase of respiratory diseases


                        Google translation:

                        Health Ministry confirms fifth death from human infuenza E-Mail
                        By Monica Franco
                        friday, 02 of 2009 of octubre

                        The health secretary, José Alfredo Arango Garcia equals 5 reported dead AH1N1 influenza in the state, in addition, there are 11 probable cases awaiting confirmation of the Indre.

                        Also, the state official reiterated totaling 751 infections of the disease, the city of Puebla where it concentrates 70 percent of cases.

                        After the meeting the State Board of Health, said the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has records of 8 deaths occurred between late August and September for possible human influenza, while the other 3 have ISSSTEP .

                        Currently, Arango Garcia said there are 60 people hospitalized in the IMSS to be positive for disease in ISSSTEP is 13 and ISSSTE 8.

                        He recalled that on Monday will begin vaccination against seasonal influenza and, in short, will be acquired 2 thousand 500 doses of Tamiflu to ensure supplies for the treatment of disease.


                        • #27
                          Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                          Posts #22/23 and #26 are from the same articles, but should probably both be left up due to the different translations, and different emphasis.

                          Something is seriously wrong here...


                          • #28
                            Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                            IMSS Puebla has a special floor for people with influenza
                            Marisol C?rdoba

                            Jueves, 01 de Octubre de 2009 08:56

                            Marisol Cordova

                            thursday, 01 of Octubre 2009 08:56

                            Noticias - Destacadas , Ciencia y tecnolog?a News - Outstanding, Science and Technology Actualmente en el Instituto se encuentran internados 50 pacientes contagiados con el virus de la Influenza AH1N1. Currently at the Institute admitted 50 patients are infected with influenza virus AH1N1.

                            Puebla, Puebla.- En el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en Puebla, tienen un piso en el que hay 64 camas disponibles , exclusivo para atender a personas contagiadas con el virus de la Influenza AH1N1 . Puebla, Puebla .- In the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Puebla, have a floor on which there are 64 beds available, exclusive to caring for people infected with influenza virus AH1N1. En este lugar actualmente se encuentran internados 50 pacientes , inform? el doctor Eduardo Ram?n Morales Hern?ndez, jefe delegacional de prestaciones m?dicas del organismo. In boarding schools are now 50 patients, reported Dr. Eduardo Ramon Morales Hern?ndez, borough chief of medical services agency.

                            Sostuvo que al a?o, en el Instituto se registran 4 mil defunciones por neumon?a , mientras que actualmente los problemas respiratorios en la entidad se han incrementado en un 50 y 70 por ciento , atendi?ndose de 2 mil a 3 mil pacientes por semana. It held that year in the Institute to register 4 thousand deaths from pneumonia, while currently breathing problems in the state have increased by 50 percent and 70 percent, sustaining it for 2 thousand to 3 thousand patients per week.

                            Coment? sin dar cifras, que a las personas fallecidas en ese nosocomio por neumon?a, se les han practicado las pruebas , que ya fueron enviadas al Instituto de Diagn?stico y Referencia Epidemiol?gicos (INDRE), para saber si murieron por el virus de la Influenza Humana. He said without giving figures, that people died in that hospital for pneumonia, they have practiced the tests, which were sent to the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (INDRE) to know whether they died from the human influenza virus.

                            Sin embargo, el m?dico se abstuvo de confirmar la informaci?n proporcionada por familiares de cuatro pacientes que seg?n aseguran, fallecieron por el virus de la Influenza , este fin de semana. However, the doctor would not confirm the information provided by relatives of four patients as they say, died of influenza viruses, this weekend.

                            Afirm? que la presencia del virus se agravar? conforme pase el tiempo, porque circula en el ambiente de persona a persona , y algunas son asintom?ticas a la enfermedad que se transmite por la saliva cuando alguien infectado habla, tose o estornuda. He said that the virus will get worse as time goes on, because it circulates in the air from person to person, and some are asymptomatic disease that is transmitted by infected saliva when someone speaks, coughs or sneezes.

                            Sostuvo que los pacientes que presenten dificultades para respirar deben ser atendidos de inmediato para recibir la atenci?n m?dica adecuada. He argued that patients who experience breathing difficulties must be addressed immediately in order to receive proper medical care.

                            Finalmente, exhort? a la ciudadan?a a que no se automedique, y acate las recomendaciones emitidas por las autoridades sanitarias. Finally, he urged the public to not treat yourself, and abide by the recommendations issued by health authorities.


                            • #29
                              Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla

                              if you could bold the english -- or separate the two - it would be easier to read


                              • #30
                                Re: Growing atypical pneumonia cases in Puebla


