Mexico reports four deaths and three thousand infected from monkeypox
November 10, 2022
CST10:07 (GMT) -0500
Published by: Luis Linares Petrov
The Ministry indicated in a press report that 97.5 percent of the cases were men, and the group most affected by the disease is between 30 and 34 years of age.
Mexico City still accounts for the highest number of monkeypox infections (1765), followed by Jalisco (351), State of Mexico (312), Yucatan (108) and Quintana Roo (86)...
No announcement yet.
Mexico - mpox cases - 29 deaths
Source: in Mexico/
Cases of monkeypox in Mexico are on the rise between discrimination and taboo
Mexico City registers the highest incidence rate at the national level with 1,601 confirmed cases, Jalisco with 301 cases and Edomex with 272.
November 4, 2022
The lack of information about the disease, the few ways to diagnose it, the ignorance; In addition to a condition of rejection and discriminatory treatment by health personnel, problems for the treatment of monkeypox in our country increase.
In a health system that is usually stigmatizing and discriminatory towards people from the LGBTTTI community, monkeypox infections have increased the division, in addition to a lack of protocols to attend to cases and a lack of vaccines to combat them.
Even activists have expressed indignation at the singling out of sexual practices and sexual orientation when they have smallpox, since they claim that the entire stigma of HIV is being repeated, as it was since the early 1980s.
According to a publication by Emeequis, an activist denounced that "there is absolutely no strategy on the part of the State, nor of the Ministry of Health, of the IMSS, or of the ISSSTE of attention" and that is that he recounted his experience when going to the IMSS to be treated after suspecting that he had contracted the disease.
"Honey, don't worry, it's chickenpox, you'll see that it will soon go away." It was the answer given by an IMSS nurse when taking her signs. She asked him to uncover his extremities to measure his blood pressure. It was at that moment that around 20 red papules were exposed on his left arm, revealing the contagion of monkeypox.
The nurse was silent so as not to alarm the others who were waiting for an appointment. She held his arm wearing plastic gloves and made him wait longer than usual to go in for inspection. The stigma of contagion was there. The activist reported that when he entered the office the doctor was waiting for him who, when questioned about her sexual orientation, she released a “see” accompanied by a grimace, when he replied that he was homosexual.
That was the testimony of one of hundreds of people who have probably already been through the same situation, patients who are stigmatized because of their sexual orientation. Until September of this year, the figures indicated that of the registered cases, 98% correspond to men and 2% to women; However, in the court on October 24, the Ministry of Health reported that throughout the country there was a record of 2,654 confirmed cases in the 32 entities of the country, and another 377 cases under study.
According to official information, the distribution of infections is concentrated mainly in Mexico City with 1,601 confirmed cases with the highest incidence rate at the national level, followed by Jalisco with 301 cases; 272 in the State of Mexico and 93 in Yucatan. However, it is a disease that, since the first contagion registered in July, has expanded to have a presence throughout the country.
To the above, it represents an increase of 56.3% in consideration with the cases detected at the beginning of October, when 1,968 confirmed cases were reported, 3,564 notified cases and 446 cases under study.
In Mexico, despite keeping a record of possible and confirmed cases, the Ministry of Health has refused the arrival of the vaccine, as well as the implementation of massive doses in the most affected population, as commented by the activist "It is a completely homophobic decision not to want to acquire vaccines, because this epidemic is concentrated in men who have sex with other men like HIV”, he stated.
A few weeks ago, through an online call, the LGBT+ community invited them to join the protest at the offices of the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (CENAPRECE) in order to vaccinate the population against monkeypox.
With the cry “Vaccine yes, smallpox no”, the director of VIHiveLibre, Alaín Pinzón demands urgent vaccination rights because today people have not been inoculated against this disease.
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There is already monkeypox in all of Mexico, Health added 2 thousand 654 cases
The states with the highest number of infections are Mexico City and Jalisco
October 25, 2022
The Ministry of Health (SS) reported that since the first registration of the disease and until October 24, 2,654 cases of monkeypox have been registered in the country. The agency explained that so far no deaths have been registered and that the entity with the highest number of infections is Mexico City with 1,601 cases.
According to data from the SS Epidemiological Surveillance Weekly Technical Report, 98% of confirmed infections are suffered by men and it is men between 30 and 39 years of age who are most at risk from the disease; while of the total cases, women make up only two percent.
Likewise, it was confirmed that from May 28, 2022, the date on which the first case of monkeypox was confirmed in Mexico, and until October 24 of the same year, 4,471 people met the definition of probable case operations. ; of which 2,654 were fully confirmed. The ways in which the unit confirmed the infections was through tests and laboratory studies.
"Four thousand 471 people who meet the operational definition of a probable case were identified, of which two thousand 654 were confirmed, 377 under study and one thousand 440 discarded by laboratory test," the institution explained through a press release.
What is the total number of cases per entity
The same report detailed that the states that top the list for the highest number of infections are Mexico City, Jalisco, the State of Mexico, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. On the contrary, the entities with the fewest cases are Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Baja California Sur and Durango, the list is as follows:
Mexico City: 1,791 cases
Jalisco: 301 cases
State of Mexico: 272 cases
Yucatan: 93 cases
Quintan Roo: 58 cases
Tabasco: 39 cases
Nuevo Leon: 30 cases
Chiapas: 28 cases
Puebla: 25 cases
Veracruz: 20 cases
Baja California: 19 cases
Queretaro: 17 cases
Morelos and Guanajuato: 16 cases
Sinaloa and Chihuahua: 13 cases
Hidalgo: 12 cases
Coahuila: 11 cases
Nayarit and Tamaulipas: 9 cases
Oaxaca: 8 cases
Aguascalientes and Campeche: 7 cases
Michoacan: 6 cases
Tlaxcala: 5 cases
Colima, Guerrero and Sonora: 4 cases
Zacatecas: 3 cases
San Luis Potosí: two cases
Baja California Sur and Durango: a case...
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Monkeypox in Mexico: These are the states that register the most positive cases
Monkeypox continues to be concentrated in the large cities of Mexico, mainly, as well as in the male population.
By WritingOctober 18, 2022 | 5:48 p.m.
In the last week, Mexico reported 321 new positive cases of monkeypox , reaching 2,468 in total .
According to the weekly report published by the Ministry of Health this Tuesday, October 18, monkeypox in Mexico continues to increase , and for this week the virus already has a presence in the 32 entities of the country , being that last week there were 31 .
In addition, Mexico reached 4,130 reported cases of monkeypox , of which 318 are being studied and 1,334 have been ruled out.
And since May 27, when the first case was confirmed until now, Mexico City remains the entity with the most infections.
States with the most cases of monkeypox in Mexico
According to data from the Ministry of Health, these are the entities that have confirmed the most infections of monkeypox to date.
Mexico City : 1,491 cases.
Jalisco : 279 cases.
State of Mexico: 252 cases.
Yucatan : 86 cases.
Quintana Roo : 58 cases.
Tabasco : 37 cases.
Chiapas : 27 cases.
Nuevo León : 26 cases.
Puebla : 24 cases.
Some other entities in the country do not report even five cases of monkeypox , these are:
Colima, Guerrero and Sonora : Four cases each.
Zacatecas : Three cases.
San Luis Potosí : Two cases.
Baja California Sur and Durango : One case each.
92 percent of monkeypox cases occur in men and the other two percent in women.
About half of the cases, 46.8 percent, correspond to people between 30 and 39 years old, while the age group from 20 to 29 has 678 positive infections.
In addition, monkeypox is present in 32 people under the age of 20 , one is 3 years old and two are 9 years old.
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Source: contagion/
Monkeypox has already spread throughout Mexico; Durango reported its first contagion
Despite the fact that no death from monkeypox has been registered in Mexican territory, the 32 entities have at least one positive case
October 13, 2022
Until last October 11, there was only one state free of monkeypox infections: Durango. However, the entity governed by Esteban Villegas Villarreal confirmed its first positive case, so that now all of Mexico has at least one infected patient.
It was thus that in less than five months monkeypox spread throughout the country, as it should be remembered that the first case was registered on May 28 in Mexico City, an entity that currently concentrates the highest number of infections (1,303) .
The case in Durango was announced on October 12 by the state Health Secretary, Irasema Kondo, who commented that, since the patient was reported as a suspect, he had been kept in home isolation under epidemiological surveillance.
The confirmation was carried out by the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE). "He is a patient of a health institution," detailed Kondo Padilla, while assuring that so far the patient has not presented complications and is stable.
However, no further information was given about the infected patient, so it is unknown if it is a man or a woman, his age, if he had previously traveled to other states of the Republic or abroad, or if he was in contact with other people with suspected cases.
According to the most recent report from the Ministry of Health, as of October 10, 2,147 accumulated infections had been confirmed in 31 states. As mentioned, CDMX is the one with the highest number of cases, followed by Jalisco (252), the State of Mexico (208), Yucatán (81) and Quintana Roo (51).
On the contrary, the entities with the lowest number of infections are Baja California Sur (1), San Luis Potosí (1), Tlaxcala (2) and Guerrero (2). No deaths from monkeypox have been reported in the country so far.
Regarding the distribution by sex, 98% of the infections correspond to men, the majority between 30 and 39 years old (close to 47.3% of the total, that is, 1,015 of the more than 2,000 confirmed).
Although monkeypox was first reported in a laboratory in Denmark more than 60 years ago (in 1958), it was not until July 23, 2022 that the World Health Organization (WHO) ) declared it a global emergency.
This is due to the spread of infections, since until October 6, 71,237 cases have been registered in 107 countries, as well as 26 deaths, such as in Cuba, the United States, Spain, Brazil, among others.
Given this scenario, the Mexican government has urged citizens to take the necessary precautionary measures to prevent the spread, among which are: avoiding physical contact with infected people, washing hands with soap and water, wearing face masks, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. contaminated, as well as avoid sharing food utensils or bedding.
It should be remembered that the mode of transmission is mainly through close contact with infected people (either through injuries or bodily fluids) or with contaminated objects (such as clothing or towels).
The main symptoms are: sudden fever greater than 38°C, headache, muscle aches, profound weakness, exhaustion and skin rashes, which first appear on the face and hands and then spread to the rest of the body.
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In Mexico there are already more than 2 thousand accumulated cases of monkeypox
Author: Drafting / Ninety Degrees | Date: October 12, 2022 at 09:14:57
Mexico, October 12, 2022.- The Weekly Technical Report on Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health informs that, from the first report and until October 10, two thousand 147 monkeypox infections have been confirmed in 31 states and none death, refers
The document details that in the referred period a total of 3,860 people were identified who meet the operational definition of a probable case, of which 2,147 are confirmed, 504 under study and 1,209 ruled out by laboratory tests.
The Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) reported that the positive cases are distributed in 31 states: Mexico City, 1,303 infections; Jalisco, 252; State of Mexico, 208; Yucatan, 81; Quintana Roo, 51; Tabasco, 28; Chiapas, 25; New Leon, 22; Puebla, 19; Morelos, 16; Veracruz, 15; Lower California, 13; and Guanajuato, 12.
Also, Chihuahua, 11; Coahuila, 11; Nayarit, nine; Hidalgo, eight; Queretaro, eight; Sinaloa, eight; Oaxaca, eight; Aguascalientes, seven; Campeche, six; Tamaulipas, six; Michoacan, four; Colima, four; Sound, three; Zacatecas, three; Warrior, two; Tlaxcala, two; Baja California Sur, one and San Luis Potosí, one.
Of the total confirmed cases, 98 percent correspond to men and two percent to women; 47.3 percent of people are between 30 and 39 years old, that is, 1,015 of the 2,147 confirmed. Likewise, five of the minors are 18 years old; three, 17; one, 16; one, 15; two, 13; one, 12; one, 11; two nine; and one, three.
As of October 6, 71,237 confirmed cases were reported worldwide in 107 countries, territories and areas in the six regions of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as 26 deaths.
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Source: --they-are-men/47954644
Mexico confirms 1,968 cases of monkeypox and 98% are men
This content was published on October 04, 2022 - 22:55 October 04, 2022 - 22:55
Mexico City, Oct 4 (EFE) .- The Government of Mexico confirmed this Tuesday that until October 3 it registers 1,968 cases of monkeypox in the country in 31 states of the country and no deaths.
In the weekly technical report of epidemiological surveillance of the Ministry of Health, it detailed that in the referred period a total of "3,564 people who meet the operational definition of a probable case were identified, of which 1,968 are confirmed, 446 under study and 1,150 ruled out by test from laboratory".
In addition, the report indicated that there are two deaths that, during their medical care, were identified with lesions compatible with monkeypox, being confirmed by the laboratory, these deaths are analyzed by a group of experts in the field of infectology to determine if there is an attributable cause. to monkeypox virus infection.
Meanwhile, the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) "reported that the positive cases are distributed in 31 states with Mexico City in the lead with 1,184 infections."
While Jalisco has 240; State of Mexico, 189; Yucatan, 77; Quintana Roo, 46; Chiapas, 25; Tabasco, 27; New Leon, 21; Lower California, 14; Morelos, 13; Veracruz, 14; Chihuahua, 11, and Guanajuato, 10.
Likewise, Puebla, 12; Coahuila, 10; Nayarit, 9; Hidalgo, 8; Queretaro, 8; Sinaloa, 8; Oaxaca, 7; Aguascalientes, 7; Campeche, 5; Michoacan, 4; Colima, 4; Sound, 3; Tamaulipas, 3; Zacatecas, 3; Warrior, 2; Tlaxcala, 2; Baja California Sur, 1, and San Luis Potosí, 1.
The note specified that of the total confirmed cases, 98% correspond to men and 2% to women; In addition, 47.6% of people are between 30 and 39 years old, that is, 936 of the 1,968 confirmed.
Also, 25 people are under 20 years old; 518, from 20 to 29; 383, from 40 to 49; 93, from 50 to 59 and 13, 60 years or more...
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Cases of monkeypox grow in Mexico and stabilize in Spain
Globally, they reach almost 67 thousand, with the United States, Brazil, France, Germany and the United Kingdom being the countries with the highest number of infected.
By: Agencies
September 28, 2022
The Ministry of Health reported that, as of September 26, there is a record of 1,627 monkeypox infections in Mexico.
Last week, the Secretariat detailed that since the notification of the first case (May 27, 2022), and until September 19, 1,367 monkeypox infections had been confirmed in 30 states in the country. Therefore, about 300 more cases have been added in a week.
Of the 3,069 infections that meet the operational definition, in addition to the 1,627 confirmed, 434 are under study, 1,008 have been ruled out by laboratory diagnosis, and no deaths secondary to the disease have been reported. In terms of distribution by sex, 98% of monkeypox infections correspond to men, of whom 47.4% are between 30 and 39 years old, that is, 772 of the 1,627 confirmed cases.
Two people who died during medical care presented lesions compatible with monkeypox; When they were tested, they were positive. According to the Secretariat, these deaths are under analysis by a group of experts in the field of infectology, to determine if there is a cause attributable to monkeypox virus infection.
Cases in Spain
The Ministry of Health of Spain has yesterday updated the data corresponding to the cases of monkeypox in that country, which amount to 7,149. In last Friday's report, the number of infected was 7,122, for which 27 new cases have been registered.
Based on the latest information from the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network (Renave), the vast majority of people infected with monkeypox in Spain are men (6,974 compared to 148 women) and the average age is 37 years.
In the rest of Europe, a total of 16,941 confirmed cases of MPX have been reported, with France (3,970), Germany (3,601), the United Kingdom (3,439), the Netherlands (1,221) and Portugal (917) being the most affected countries in addition from Spain. Most are young men with a history of relationships in a risky sexual context.
While in the rest of the world, a total of 48,697 confirmed cases of MPX have been reported in non-endemic countries, being the United States (25,162), Brazil (7,534), Peru (2,423), Colombia (1,653) and Canada (1,389). the most affected countries.
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Sunday September 25, 2022
Jalisco accumulates 192 cases of monkeypox
In the country there are 1,367 cases of this disease
Suspected patients are asked to remain in isolation. Photo: Reuters
Isaura Lopez | The Western
Monkeypox at the national level places Jalisco in second place followed by Mexico City. By confirming 192 cases in the last six months, the majority in young men.
In the national report, the Federal Ministry of Health informs that in the country there are 1,367 cases of this disease distributed in 30 of the 32 states.
In the weekly report of the Federal Ministry of Health, it is indicated that from March to date, the health authorities in the states have reported 2,547 cases, of which 1,367 have been confirmed after reinforcing laboratory tests, there is still for studying 275 samples.
The monkey virus has prevailed in nine out of 10 men; while in women the affectation is two percent.
The top ten of the entities with the most cases of monkeypox are: Mexico City with 814; Jalisco with 192; State of Mexico with 115; Yucatan with 61; Quintana Roo with 37; Chiapas with 20; Tabasco with 17; Nuevo León with 13; Baja California with 10 and Morelos with nine.
While Colima, Tamaulipas and Michoacán barely register two cases each, and Baja California Sur, San Luis Potosí and Guerrero register one case per state...
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Monkeypox attacks
Until September 19, in the country, 1,367 cases have been confirmed
By: Tomorrow / SUN
25 / September / 2022 -
Saltillo, Coah.- Two cases of monkeypox were detected in the Coahuila border area with the United States. The state Health Secretariat confirmed a man and a woman infected with monkeypox, one in the municipality of Acuña and the other in Piedras Negras.
As of September 19, 1,367 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in the country and there are two deaths that are being analyzed by experts to determine whether there is a cause of death attributable to monkeypox virus infection, reported the Ministry of Health.
In Coahuila, the unit's Epidemiology area took a sample from a 24-year-old worker from Acuña who had no travel history and recorded symptoms such as general malaise, the appearance of macules, papules, and pustules.
It also confirmed the condition in a 36-year-old woman, a housewife, from the municipality of Piedras Negras, who also had no travel history. Both cases were detected by the epidemiological surveillance maintained by the Ministry of Health in the 38 municipalities of the state. With these two, 5 cases of Monkeypox are concentrated in Coahuila, 2 in Saltillo, 2 in Acuña and one in Piedras Negras.
The Ministry of Health stressed that it is essential to strengthen the culture of prevention. For this reason, it urges the population not to have contact with more people and to go immediately to the nearest health unit in case of presenting any of the symptoms.
Experts point out that the main symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, rash, pimples or blisters on the skin, fever, headache, chills, tiredness, physical exhaustion, as well as muscle and back pain.
As of September 19, 1,367 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in the country and there are two deaths that are being analyzed by experts to determine whether there is a cause of death attributable to monkeypox virus infection, reported the Ministry of Health.
In addition, of those under 20 who have been confirmed, one is 9 years old and another 3 years old.
The confirmed cases have been registered in 30 entities of the country, and Mexico City, Jalisco and the State of Mexico are where the majority occurs.
In Mexico City, 814 cases have been registered; in Jalisco, 192 and in the State of Mexico, 115.
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Mexico accumulates 1,511 confirmed cases of monkeypox; analyze 2 possible deaths from the virus
By Aristegui News
September 13, 2022
Mexico adds 1,051 cases of monkeypox in 30 states of the country until September 12, the Ministry of Health reported in a statement notifying that 98 percent of infections correspond to men and 2% to women.
In the Weekly Technical Report on Epidemiological Surveillance, the institution also reported that two people died during medical care and tested positive for monkeypox, presenting lesions compatible with the disease.
"These deaths are under analysis by a group of experts in infectious diseases, to determine if there is a cause attributable to monkeypox virus infection," says the report.
The Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) reported that, of the positive cases, 606 infections are recorded in Mexico City. Similarly, the other entities that accumulate the highest number of cases of monkeypox are Jalisco with 156 infections and Yucatan with 59.
The other states where infections were reported are Quintana Roo with 28; Lower California, 10; Chiapas, 17; New Leon, 11; Veracruz, seven; Guanajuato, six; Nayarit, six; Sinaloa, five; Puebla, six; Tabasco, 13; Chihuahua, five; Morelos, six; Queretaro, four; Colima, two; Oaxaca, four; Sound, three; Aguascalientes, four.
While the entities that report fewer cases are Baja California Sur with one; Coahuila, two; Michoacan, two; Tamaulipas, two; San Luis Potosí, one; Campeche, two; Hidalgo, two; Zacatecas, one, and Guerrero, one.
Likewise, the health unit indicates that the disease is transmitted by direct physical contact between sick people and that sexual activity is a factor that must be taken into account, since the recent outbreak mainly affects men who have sex with men.
“There are practices that can increase the risk of infections, including monkeypox, such as: sex with unknown people, dark rooms or sex parties; this, due to the close contact between people during these activities,” says the institution's statement.
On the other hand, the unit asks to constantly wash personal items such as towels or sheets if caring for a family member with the disease and avoid approaching other people if they have symptoms.
It should be noted that activists and members of the LGBT+ community protested outside the Ministry of Health in Mexico City over the weekend to demand the vaccine and prompt response from the health authorities in the face of the increase in cases in the country.
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Monkeypox in Mexico: Ministry of Health confirms 788 cases
Of the total confirmed cases of monkeypox in Mexico, 98% correspond to men and only 2% to women.
The Ministry of Health reported that as of Monday, September 5, 788 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in Mexico.
According to the Weekly Technical Report on Epidemiological Surveillance, infections have occurred in 28 entities of the Republic; however, so far no death has been reported of any person who has contracted the disease in the country.
The document details that a total of 1,678 people suspected of having the disease have been identified, of which 788 are confirmed, 294 under study and 596 ruled out by laboratory tests.
One person died of septic shock, acquired pneumonia, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection; during his medical care he was identified with lesions compatible with monkeypox; When he was tested, it was positive.
This death reported in previous weeks is still under analysis to define if there is a cause attributable to infection by monkeypox virus.
The Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) reported that the positive cases are distributed in 28 states:
Mexico City, 442 infections
State of Mexico, 51 infections
Jalisco, 127 infections
Yucatan, 49 infections
Quintana Roo, 19 infections
Baja California, 9 infections
Chiapas, 14 infections
Nuevo León, 10 infections
Veracruz, 6 infections
Guanajuato, 5 infections
Nayarit, 5 infections
Sinaloa, 5 infections
Puebla, 5 infections
Tabasco 8 infections
Chihuahua 5 infections
Morelos 6 infections
Querétaro, 3 infections
Colima 2 infections
Oaxaca 3 infections
Sonora 2 infections
Aguascalientes, 4 infections
Baja California Sur, 1 contagion
Coahuila, 2 infections
Michoacán, 1 contagion
San Luis Potosí, 1 contagion
Campeche, 1 contagion
Hidalgo, 1 contagion
Zacatecas, 1 contagion
Of the total confirmed cases, 98 percent correspond to men and two percent to women; 44.4 percent of people are between 30 and 39 years old, that is, 350 of the 788 confirmed.
Also, 11 are under 20 years old; 195, from 20 to 29; 178 between 40 and 49; 46 from 50 to 59; and eight people, 60 years or older.
Monkeypox in the world
As of September 2, 52,015 confirmed cases were reported worldwide in 102 countries, territories and areas in the six regions of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as 18 deaths...
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Mexico records 504 cases of monkeypox
The most recent report from the Ministry of Health details that in Mexico there are 504 confirmed cases of monkeypox, in 25 states
August 30, 2022
In Mexico there are 504 cases of monkeypox, reported the Ministry of Health.
As of August 29, the authorities identified 1,146 suspected infections, of which 504 were confirmed, 390 were ruled out, and 252 are still under study.
The confirmed cases come from 25 states. Mexico City adds 279 infections; followed by Jalisco with 84; State of Mexico with 31; Yucatan with 29 and Quintana Roo with 14.
97 percent of confirmed cases correspond to men and the remaining 3 percent to women. The age group most affected by the disease is 30 to 39 years.
The Ministry of Health recalls that monkeypox is transmitted by direct contact with the secretions of a sick person through mucous membranes or skin lesions, respiratory droplets and objects contaminated with body fluids. It lasts on average 21 days.
It can be prevented by avoiding direct physical contact with people who are sick or suspected of having the disease. Sexual contact is an activity that must be taken into account, since it is spread by very close contact between two or more people.
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Without strategy to stop monkeypox in Mexico and with underdiagnosis of cases
Human rights experts and activists denounce the lack of accessibility to tests, delays in diagnostic results and lack of vaccines
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