[Source: World Health Organization, full text: (LINK). Edited.]

WHO/Europe in Copenhagen working to restore normal service after flood


Following the flooding of the office in Denmark on 2 July 2011, work is proceeding to clear, decontaminate and clean the buildings, and to bring systems back into operation.

Every day, more services are resumed.

The general telephone number (+45 39 17 17 17) is now functional.

Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, has met with the Danish authorities. They are very supportive of WHO?s efforts to ensure that business resumes as soon as possible, and the need to address the office?s particular vulnerability to flooding.

As soon as the offices are officially assessed as safe to work in, staff will be able to return. In the mean time, they are working from their homes.
The web site has remained up and running, but databases and some other resources may take some time to return.
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