[Source: World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Europe, full text: (LINK). Edited.]
WHO/Europe headquarters in Copenhagen closed due to flooding


Copenhagen received heavy rainfall during a violent thunderstorm on Saturday evening, which caused flooding throughout Copenhagen including in the north-eastern part of the city where the WHO/Europe offices are located.

The WHO/Europe headquarters in Copenhagen are closed as of Monday 4 July 2011 until further notice after parts of the office were flooded. All staff members in Copenhagen have been asked to work from home until further notice.

As a result of the flooding, the power supply and telephone and e-mail services are disrupted, but the emergency team is working around the clock to ensure that all operations will resume as soon as possible. Experts are currently assessing the safety of the buildings. Staff are requested to check the Intranet regularly for further updates.

The International Health Regulations (IHR) Contact Point for Europe is operational and continues to be accessible to all Member States at all times. All National IHR Focal Points have been informed about the situation and the alternative arrangements that were put in place on Saturday.
Exceptional measures have been taken to ensure that from Tuesday morning on, e-mail services for all staff should be functioning again.

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