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USAID Actions

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  • USAID Actions

    May 19, 2006

    USAID is focused on containing H5N1 in animals and limiting its impact on animals and humans by supporting activities in five areas ? planning and preparedness, surveillance, communications, commodities (such as personal protective equipment, or PPE), and emergency response.

    All regions


    o In response to the continuing AI threat, USAID has authorized deployment of 2,000 PPE sets each to Mali, Kenya, Russia, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Jordan, Nigeria, and Afghanistan. Kenya?s shipment is its second, with PPE being stockpiled for rapid deployment in Africa. USAID has also contributed 250 additional sets to Indonesia.

    Europe and Eurasia

    Preparedness and planning:

    o In cooperation with the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), USAID-supported experts have assessed AI awareness and government response in Azerbaijan in a region reporting human AI cases earlier this year. USAID also plans to implement additional activities in the country to strengthen preparedness and response capacity for animal and human health. These activities will include training for epidemiologists.

    o With USAID support, veterinarians, public health officials, and local officials in Ukraine met to discuss lessons learned and approaches for community-level mobilization. USAID is also providing capacity-building support for veterinary, public health, and poultry industry systems, and will assist with AI-related policy reforms.


    o USAID is preparing to upgrade diagnostic testing equipment for the Ukraine government?s laboratories. Ukraine has continued to report AI cases in birds since first confirming H5N1 in birds in December.

    o In Armenia, USAID is supporting a one-year program on animal surveillance, data management, field-level diagnostics, and assistance to commercial poultry producers, and is also working with WHO on H5N1 surveillance in humans.


    o USAID?s one-year AI program in Armenia will also include a communications component. USAID supports communications and community mobilization activities through UNICEF.

    Latin America and the Caribbean

    Planning and preparedness:

    o USAID held its Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regional AI meeting May 3?5 in Lima, Peru. Officials from several U.S. and international agencies attended; participants discussed AI planning and preparedness and how to address gaps in these areas. To date, the virus has not been detected in LAC.

    Asia and the Near East

    Planning and preparedness:

    o At a conference held by Afghanistan?s Ministry of Health April 17?20 in Kabul, delegates from 10 countries in the Near East and Central Asia met to discuss how to limit the spread of six communicable diseases, including AI. Delegates were joined by representatives from USAID, WHO, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS/CDC). At the conference, which was supported by USAID and WHO, officials signed a formal declaration on the need for collaboration and an action plan.

    o USAID has provided support for a poultry epidemiologist to work with Yemen?s Ministry of Agriculture to provide support in AI preparedness and planning.


    o USAID provided funding for two representatives from Cambodia?s National Animal Health and Production Investigation Center to participate in a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) AI diagnostic training course in Ames, Iowa. USAID also provided funding for a USDA-led workshop on surveillance of live bird markets in Phnom Penh and is supporting world bird surveillance in Cambodia through USDA.


    o Also in Cambodia, an event on May 8 launched USAID-funded information, educational, and communications (IEC) materials on AI prevention. Community-based nongovernmental organizations will distribute the materials to rural communities.

    o With USAID funding, the Academy for Educational Development (AED) has placed a representative in Laos to work with the government to get approval to implement AI communications activities. AED also participated in a UNICEF-sponsored workshop last week geared toward establishing an IEC task force to address components of Laos? AI plan.


    o With USAID support, the Yemen government will set up four regional centers for response and early control of AI and other animal epidemics.



    o USAID is collaborating with FAO, CDC, and the World Bank to plan a joint trip to provide technical and programmatic assistance in response to H5N1 in birds in the Ivory Coast.

    o With USAID, FAO will conduct capacity-building activities, which will include training for laboratory workers, provision of necessary commodities, and transport of specimens for veterinary laboratories in Burkina Faso.

    o USAID has sent a monitoring and evaluation expert and a veterinary expert to provide technical assistance in response to AI in West Africa. These experts are providing strategic assistance to USAID?s West Africa Regional Program and to Niger and Cameroon in responding to the AI threat.

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