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Qatar University hosts Avian Flu Forum

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  • Qatar University hosts Avian Flu Forum


    Qatar University hosts Avian Flu Forum
    Web posted at: 11/20/2008 5:4:57
    Source ::: THE PENINSULA

    Doha: Qatar University (QU) hosted the Avian Flu Forum yesterday where top global health experts discussed the global implications of the virus and the impact on communities in the Middle East and Asia.

    The Forum, organised by QU?s Department of Health Sciences, was also the opportunity to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the institution?s Biomedical Sciences Programme.

    Representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO), Johns Hopkins Hospital USA, Qatar Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, and Hamad Medical Corporation topped the list of over 100 participants who participated the significant forum.

    QU President Prof Sheikha Abdulla Al-Misnad noted , in her opening address, said the forum was timely in this age of globalization since there are no barriers in dealing with an issue as far-reaching as avian flu.

    Prof Al Misnad also lauded the achievements of the Biomedical Sciences Program, its faculty and students and pointed to its partnerships with such institutions as Hamad Medical Corporation and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences UK.

    ?A notable milestone was the Program?s achievement as the first international program to receive accreditation from the US-based National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), Prof Al-Misnad said.

    The mission of the Forum is to explore, track and compare the local and global preparedness to the spread of the virus, said Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dr Siham Al Qaradawi.

    ?Our biomedical team is especially concerned with the H5N1 flu strain and has launched sustained efforts to combat its virulent spread?, she said, adding, ?they are currently addressing a wide range of related topics including the basic biology of the virus, diagnostic and intervention options and public health pandemic planning?.

    Dr Nahla Afifi, Head of Health Sciences Department, noted that since its inception 25 years ago, the Biomedical Sciences Program has produced graduates who are some of best ambassadors, working at medical institutions in Qatar and around the world.

  • #2
    Re: Qatar University hosts Avian Flu Forum

    فريق أكاديمي قطري يجري أبحاثاً عن انفلونزا الطيور

    Group academic research on the country is bird flu

    كتبت -هناء صالح الترك : كشفت الدكتورة سهام القرضاوي عميد كلية الآداب والعلوم عن قيام فريق أكاديمي بالكلية بإجراء دراسات على مرض انفلونزا الطيور والمساهمة في الجهود العلمية الدولية الرامية للتصدي للمرض.

    Has written - Hana Saleh Al-Turk: Dr. Siham Al Qaradawi revealed Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences by a team of academic faculty to conduct studies on bird flu and to contribute to international scientific efforts to address the disease.

    وقالت الدكتورة سهام القرضاوي خلال احتفال أقامه قسم العلوم الصحية بجامعة قطر بمرور 25 سنة على إنشاء برنامج الحيوية الطبية اننا في جامعة قطر، مهتمون بالتداعيات العالمية لانفلونزا الطيور وتأثيرها على البشرية وفريقنا الأكاديمي في العلوم الحيوية الطبية مهتم بموضوع انفلونزا الطيور، وبالتحديد بالنوع المسمى HSN1، والذي ثبت أنه المسبب الأكثر لهذا المرض المعدي".وبينت أن فريقنا من برنامج العلوم الحيوية الطبية يبذل جهوداً حثيثة لدعم الجهود المستدامة لمحاربة انتشار هذا الفيروس القاتل قبل إن يصبح وباءً عالميا. وحالياً يناقش الأساتذة في برنامج العلوم الحيوية الطبية عدة مواضيع محورية تتعلق بأسس الفيروس البيولوجية وفرص التشخيص والتدخل والتخطيط الوبائي للصحة العامة.

    And Dr. Siham Al Qaradawi said during a celebration of the Department of Health Sciences, University of Qatar over 25 years of the program Biomedical We at the University of Qatar, the ripples are interested in global bird flu and its impact on human and the academic team in the Biomedical Sciences interested in the topic of bird flu, specifically the type known as HSN1, which Proved to be causing most of this contagious disease. "The shown that our team of Biomedical Science Program is making strenuous efforts to support sustained efforts to combat the spread of the deadly virus before it becomes a pandemic. Currently, teachers in the program discuss the Biomedical Sciences several themes related to the biological foundations of the virus and opportunities Diagnosis and intervention planning and epidemiology to public health.

    وكان قسم العلوم الصحية قد نظم ندوة عن مرض انفلونزا الطيور شارك فيها خبراء من الهيئة الوطنية للصحة ووزارة البلدية والتخطيط العمراني واكدت الدكتورة شيخة المسند رئيس الجامعة في معرض كلمتها التى هنأت فيها الكلية باليوبيل الفضي للبرنامج اهمية الندوة في اثراء المناقشات حول هذا المرض.

    The Department of Health Sciences has organized a symposium on bird flu attended by experts from the National Health and the Ministry of Municipal and Urban Planning and Dr Sheikha assigned to the university president in the course of which she congratulated the college silver jubilee of the importance of the seminar program to enrich the discussions on the disease.

