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How Will Bird Flu Change Your Life? ABC News

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  • How Will Bird Flu Change Your Life? ABC News

    This is a long and comprehensive report that is well worth reading.
    It tells people to stock up and suggests what to stock up. It gives best and worst case scenarios re business, healthcare, quarantines, etc. For once, a MSM report doesn't beat around the bush!

    ABC News: How Will Bird Flu Change Your Life?
    bird flu, pandemic, scenario, illness, work, school, hospital, government, Article, 1706048

    Some snips from the report:
    Agris agreed, saying people should "stock up on a certain amount of basics ? dried foods, pastas, extra canned goods, bottled water ? a small amount of that will go a long way."


    Caplan said people should also have a supply of high-quality HEPA, or high efficiency particulate air filter, masks and "a lot of soap ? you have to wash your hands."

    and here's an ominous one:

    Regarding employees' health, telecommuting is an option for some jobs but far from for all. "For many industries, you can't telecommute. You can't make steel or grow food at home," he said. "The second thing is, no one really knows for certain the actual capacity of the Internet system today if everybody were to use it for primary [communication]."

  • #2
    Re: How Will Bird Flu Change Your Life? ABC News

    I do not believe the internet will go down. Use will just transfer from the work place, to the home.

    I do not understand why they don't say "worst case" deaths will be in the 100's of millions to 2 billion or more. Nor do they paint what the picture will really look like if there is no food, water or electricity for weeks to months.

    "Inform... not inflame"?

