BMJ 2007;334:342-343 (17 February), doi:10.1136/bmj.39126.577488.59


Hunting down the H5N1 virus

Rebecca Coombes, journalist


The avian influenza outbreak in Suffolk has cast an uneasy light<sup> </sup>on the public health risks of modern poultry production practices

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

What is the root cause of the outbreak?

Although the infected processing plant reopened last week, government<sup> </sup>investigators are still trying to root out the cause of H5N1<sup> </sup>virus outbreak in Suffolk, which led to the culling of 160 000<sup> </sup>birds earlier this month.<sup> </sup>
Initially, the finger of blame had pointed to the infected droppings<sup> </sup>of migrating wild birds. There had been an outbreak of H5N1<sup> </sup>among captive geese in the Csongr?d region of Hungary<sup> </sup>in January, but there was no obvious link to the outbreak at<sup> </sup>the Holton farm, which is owned by UK poultry tycoon Bernard<sup> </sup>Matthews.<sup> </sup>
By the eighth day of the outbreak, genetic tests confirmed that<sup> </sup>the Suffolk virus was the same pathogenic Asian strain found<sup> </sup>in Hungary. That in itself didn't prove that there was a direct<sup> </sup>link; the infection still may have come from a third country.<sup> </sup>But it had also become clear that Matthews not only had a processing<sup> </sup>plant in <nobr>. . .</nobr> [Full text of this article]
Is H5N1 in the human food chain?

Media reaction

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