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Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia - Aug. 8 - Aug. 12, 2008

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  • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia

    Here is my list of the Sumatra Dengue outbreak so far.
    Attached Files


    • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia

      Thank you Commonground for that re-cap.

      Thank you to everyone on this thread.


      • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia

        Machine translation

        Another resident of Asahan victim DBD be killed.
        <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
        Posted in the Area by editorial staff ounce in September 4th, 2008.
        Tanjungbalai (SIB). Dengue dengue fever (DBD) continued to take casualties. This time a villager Sei Kepayang Kecamatan Sei Kepayang Kabupaten Asahan became casualties. Asiah Nasution (48) was stated died, on Wednesday (3/9) approximately struck 06,00 WIB after being treated for two days in RSU Dr T Mansyur Tanjungbalai. Information was received, casualties were carried to the hospital in the critical situation so as to be forced to undergo the intensive maintenance in the room of VIP. Setelah was checked medically and the laboratory, evidently positive casualties terjangkit dengue fever. “ Kondisi for weak casualties, trombosit only 45.000/mm3, Hb 13,2 gram percent and Ht 43 persen,” the BPRSU T Mansyur Kota Tanjungbalai headword Dr Hj Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations.
        With the Asiah Nasution death, then the number of casualties DBD that died 9 people, 2 people came from the Asahan Regency first, Imelda (4) villagers Sei Nangka, Kecamatan Sei Kepayang, of Kabupaten Asahan, died after several hours were treated in RSU Dr T Mansyur Tanjungbalai. Casualties were brought to the hospital in the situation did not make themselves aware by the family, the fever, cramps and shivered. Results of the medical inspection, trombosit casualties only reached 105.000/mm3 with HB 9 gram percent and Ht 34 percent, so as to be stated by Syindrom Shock Dengue (DSS) and 7 residents Tanjungbalai. (S19/d)


        • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia


          Tanjung Balai (City) (40 miles in dimension)

          The area Tanjung Balai municipality covers 6.052 hectares (60.52
          km2) divided into 5 sub districts, 19 (nineteen) villages and 11
          (eleven) subdistrict Table 1 presents the details.

          Administrative Regions:

          Tanjung Balai district

          Sei Kepayang district

          Simpang Empat district


          Datok Bandar 37.06 (km?s)
          Tanjung Balai Selatan (South) 1.98
          Tanjung Balai Utara (North) 0.84 (Central Business District)
          Sei Tualang Raso 8.09
          Teluk Nibung 12.55 (Port Warehouses; Industrial Estate; Fish Flour Factory)


          • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

            <TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top colSpan=2>Machine translation

            Thursday, 04 September 2008 14:02 WIB

            Don't did the matter that apart from the standard agama Again, the resident of Asahan was killed resulting from DBD

            <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
            WASPADA ONLINE

            TANJUNGBALAI - Dengue Fever in Kec. Sei Kepayang, Kab. Asahan, continued to take casualties. Asiah Nasution, 48, villagers Sei. Kepayang Middle, Kec. Sei Kepayang, died after could be treated for two days in RSU.Dr.T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city, on Wednesday (3/9) approximately struck 06:00. Information that was assembled was on the alert, casualties were carried to the hospital in the critical situation so as to be forced to undergo the intensive maintenance in the room of VIP. Dan after being checked medically and the laboratory, evidently positive casualties terjangkit dengue fever.

            “Hasil the medical inspection, trambosit casualties only 45.000/mm3, Hb 13,2 gram percent and Ht 43 persen,” the headword BPRSU.Dr.T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations to was on the alert. Added, with the Asiah Nasution death, then the number of residents Kab. Asahan that died as a result of dengue fever improved to two people. First casualties, Imelda, 4, villagers Sei the Jackfruit, Kec Sei Kepayang, Kab shavings, died after several hours were treated in RSU. Dr. T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city. Casualties were brought to the hospital in the situation did not make themselves aware by the family, the fever, cramps and shivered. Results of the medical inspection, trambosit casualties only reached 105.000/mm3 with HB 9 gram percent and Ht 34 percent, so as to be stated by Syindrom Shock Dengue. (iwa/a37)<o:p></o:p>

            </TD></TR><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100&#37;"></TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"></TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"></TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>




            • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

              Machine translation

              Wednesday, 03 September 2008 13:25 WIB

              DBD victims in Tanjungbalai continued to fall

              WASPADA ONLINE

              TANJUNGBALAI - victims of the dengue fever illness in the Tanjungbalai city continued to fall. Risma, 1, the resident Street Garuda PT Timur Jaya, Kec Teluk Nibung, died after undergoing the intensive maintenance in RSU Dr. T. Mansyur approximately 3 hours, on Monday night (1/9). Information that was assembled was on the alert, on Tuesday (2/9), casualties were carried his family to the hospital in the condition was very critical. Apart from the fever, casualties also experienced the cough for one week and vomited again and again was accompanied by diarrhoea was increased the surface of the bloody body.
              <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
              The head of the Pengelola Body RSU Dr. T. Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W it was confirmed through Cosmas Siagian public relations confirmed. He said, the child from the couple Saliwon and Erawati died opposite the paramedic and the family in the room of the child RSU Dr. T. Mansyur. Cosmas Siagian added, was based on results of the medical inspection and the laboratory, positive casualties IGG and IGM so as to be stated by Syndrome Shock Dengue with trambosit 35.000/mm3, hematocrit 22 percent and HB 6,6 gram percent.
              With the Risma death, the number of dengue fever casualties who died improved to 10 people, one including coming from Kab Asahan namely Imelda, 4, villagers Sei Nangka, Kec. Sei Kepayang. Casualties died after several hours in treated in RSU Dr. T. Mansyur, on Saturday (30/8). Afterwards, Veronica, 5, the resident Street DTM Abdullah, Kel TB Kota III Kampung Baru, of Kec. Tanjungbalai Utara, died when being reconciled to the Hospital Saint Elisabeth Medan, on Thursday (28/8). "Is based on our data collection, up until today 262 dengue fever casualties and 12 among them still was treated as well as 10 people died," said public relations of RSU Dr.T. Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city, Cosmas Siagian. (iwa/a37

              MEDAN, - Maling sepeda berinisial DCP (21) ditembak personel Unit Reskrim Polsek Medan Sunggal karena mencoba melakukan perlawanan saat


              • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                Machine translation

                Wednesday, 03 September 2008 10:21 WIB

                In Tebing Tinggi, diarrhoea began attacked, DBD endemic

                WASPADA ONLINE

                The text/credit the photograph: The official of the field of the Health of the Tebing Tinggi city of the Service, carry out fogging around the community's residence. Fogging was done anticipated the arrival of the rainy season. The photograph was printed, on Tuesday (2/9) of /Waspada/Abdul Khalik. (iwa/a08)

                Tebing Tinggi - the Illness of alias diarrhoea faded mencret, began to attack the Tebing Tinggi inhabitants. One of the residents Link. 01, Kel. The Main port, Kec. Tebing Tinggi Kota, on Tuesday (2/9), it was suspected experienced diarrhoea and were reconciled to RSU Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane. One of the residents who became thin perobatan the patient, mentioned the name of casualties Fahmi, 15, was it was estimated attacked by diarrhoea, on Monday night. Worry with the condition for casualties who worsened, the family at once reconciled him to the hospital. In the meantime, the Dengue Dengue Fever illness (DBD), according to information of several circles in RSU did not show the existence of the increase in the sufferer. The head of RSU Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Dr. H. Nazrin Bey Sitompul, Sp.PD said did not have the increase in the DBD sufferer the last few months.
                <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
                "Most only one patient per the week," said Bey. Whereas the diarrhoea illness also did not yet appear. Although being acknowledged has had a patient who entered RSU because of the diarrhoea attack. That was justified by the Head of the Penanggulangan DBD RSU Zubir Hamzah Unit, stated the condition for the sufferer DBD that was detected, was still being normal. Was based on observation, the Kesehatan Service side in a week later, did fogging in various districts. One of the officials fogging Syafruddin, said resolved fogging in three subdistricts. Namely Kec. Tebing Tinggi Kota, Padang Hulu and Padang Hilir, covered 21 districts.

                <o:p>Aimed at foggingisasi that will cover all the district and the environment in the Tebing Tinggi city. Kadis Kesehatan Dr. H. Syawaluddin Nasution, M.Kes, justified that. According to him, foggingisasi this time was carried out to anticipate the rainy season that has come. Although the DBD incident in the Tebing Tinggi city his condition was normal, but the alert action must be from the possibility of the DBD attack carried out. "DBD this would his characteristics were endemic." Meaning that every year always was available, so as to need early anticipation, Kadis Kesehatan explained. </o:p>


                • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                  Cr?dits: Shiloh


                  Wabah DBD di Tanjung Balai Belum Dapat Dihentikan, Korbannya 324 Orang

                  Machine translation:
                  The DBD plague in the Balai Dihentikan Cape, Korbannya 324 people
                  Tanjung Balai, (Analisa)

                  The plague of Dangue Dengue Fever (DBD) in the Balai Cape city still could not be stopped, in fact his casualties increasingly the day increasingly increased until reaching 324 people was counted from January to September 2008.

                  The last data will be received in RSU Dr Tengku Mansyur Tanjung Balai early September 2008 this, has been recorded by casualties's 46 patients DBD that underwent the maintenance.

                  ?Korban DBD apparently continued to increase day after day and during today had six patients who just entered maintenance space whereas the number of patients who died resulting from DBD until this already 11 souls from 324 casualties for 9 period months penularan,? revealed public relations of RSU Dr Tengku Mansyur Cosmas Siagian when being met dikamar his work, on Monday (8/9).

                  According to Cosmas, the RSU side must every day be received the DBD patient from various locations but that was biggest the patient came from the territory of Datuk Bandar and Datuk Bandar Timur.

                  All the patient was treated in accordance with the procedure of the standard of the health service despite until this the preceptive fund the emergency in dealing with the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB) for the DBD case still not could be diluted from the government.

                  ?Kita wanted to say anything else with many of the patient's numbers that entered this, because we could only carry out the maintenance in accordance with the standard was the prevention efforts to the government of the city even the maintenance fund of the patient then until this still not cair,? he said.

                  Recorded by 69 cases

                  Was based on the periodic RSU data, said Cosmas in June/in July was recorded had 69 cases. In August totalling 209 cases and in September has been recorded by 46 cases

                  This showed the very drastic increase graph DBD casualties in the last month and in a week in September already 46 casualties who were worried up to the end of casualties's month could reach hundreds of people.

                  ?Peningkatan the number of casualties must have been triggered by the condition for the rainy climate at this time, until mosquitoes bred quickly and spread all through the corner kota,? he said.

                  Observation of the Analysis in RSU Dr Mansyur, totalling six patients DBD that entered on Monday (8/9) all of them the adult, until increasing the number of casualties's patients DBD mature.

                  Last August, was recorded by 97 patients DBD the adult from the total of casualties's numbers totalling 209 people. Until this around 44 patients still undergoes the intensive maintenance in the room of the room of the available maintenance in RSU.

                  As a result of the limitations of the room of the maintenance did not suffice caused the patient DBD partly was forced to be gathered with the public's patient although casualties DBD were treated by using the mosquito net.

                  ?Saya just appealed to the community in my environment to clean the environment in order to be not attacked by DBD, but I who became casualties to all the community was asked for in order to be on the alert tergadap DBD this because of his casualties did not choose-chose and the government of the city was necessarily more serious in dealing with the deadly plague ini,? said the reporter Yan Aswika Reality that entered RSU Dr Tengku Mansyur because of being attacked by DBD. (gsp)
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                  • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia


                    • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                      Just going by the news being announced, I have a total of 62 patients from September 3rd.

                      Total of 262 since January.

                      Total of 324 since January.

                      So if that is true, that had 62 patients in 6 days.


                      • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                        Cr?dits: Shiloh


                        Wabah DBD di Tanjungbalai Belum Tertanggulangi, Korban 324 Orang

                        machine translation:
                        The DBD plague in Tanjungbalai was not yet dealt with, casualties 324 Orang
                        Posted in Berita Utama by Redaksi on September 10th, 2008

                        Tanjungbalai (SIB)

                        Became an epidemic him the dengue fever illness in Tanjungbalai since January to the beginning of September 2008 was not yet dealt with, casualties are still continuing to fall to 324 people, casualties who died 11 people, whereas that was treated at this time in RSU Tengku Mansyur 44 patients.

                        Director RSU TENGKU Mansyur Tanjungbalai through Cosmos Siagian public relations, on Monday (8/9) in his office mentioned, casualties of the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) that was treated in RSU Tengku Mansyur, his data as follows, in January till July 69 patients, in August 209 patients, in September 46 patients since January till September 11 people died, whereas the patient who still was treated till September 8 2008 totalling 44 people. According to Cosmos Siagian, each day was casualties's patient DBD that entered RSU, of the amount 4 as far as 5 people per the day. ?Sehingga the sufferer DBD was the patient the most was treated in the hospital ini,? said Cosmos Siagian, while added had also the reporter's family and the reporter that were attacked by DBD was treated.

                        Became an epidemic him the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) that was the extraordinary incident in this city, spread to several subdistricts with the pain figure and the death relatively high during 2008. Tanjungbalai the area of the endemic DBD danger his territory the tidal area was increased with the high rainfall lately, said Cosmos Siagian. Concerning the control, according to Cosmos Siagian, there is in the Kesehatan Service.

                        The foreknowledge is, the Kesehatan Service made an effort to deal with this problem, like counselling to the community and fogging. About the maintenance cost of casualties DBD that was agreed to by Pemko was given away to the community, according to Cosmos Siagian that was given away that was the patient who was treated in the room of the ward. ?Jika the community member was treated in the room of the VIP in accordance with his request then the cost was borne sendiri,? said Cosmos Siagian. (S16/f)
                        <!-- / message -->


                        • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                          [TT is down right now]

                          Korban DBD Capai 349 Orang, Tim Evaluasi Dinkes Sumut Turun ke Tanjungbalai


                          • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                            Originally posted by Commonground View Post
                            [TT is down right now]

                            Korban DBD Capai 349 Orang, Tim Evaluasi Dinkes Sumut Turun ke Tanjungbalai

                            Tanjungbalai (SIB) DBD casualties in Tanjungbalai currently reach 349 people and 11 including being stated died. Became an epidemic him the DBD illness was reported by Pemko Tanjungbalai to the Centre and the province went through Dinkes the city so as, the Team of the Dinkes Propsu Evaluation was led by Kasi P3B2 Dinkes Provsu Suhardiono SKM, MKes descended to Tanjungbalai, on Thursday (10/9). Suhardiono was accompanied by his members met kadis Dinkes Tanjungbalai Dr H Azwar Lubis MHA was accompanied by Dr Surya carried out the meeting in discussing the problem of the DBD plague didaerah that.

                            In the meeting the Team of the Evaluation dismissed 12 suggestions/the temporary recommendation to Dinkes Tanjungbalai in dealing with the extraordinary incident (KLB) DBD. Saran/the Team's recommendation of the Dinkes Propsu Evaluation including forming the Team of the KLB Control and the Team of the Cepat Movement (TGC) that was permanent, the team of the KLB control was responsible for handling all the administrative action and coordinating all the activity that was aimed at the taking of the intervention action in the emergency.

                            Whereas TGC carried out epidemiology investigation and eradication actions in the field, the team of the control formed the centre of the control of the KLB emergency or the command post that was assigned to monitor the development and the progress of the KLB control for 24 hours a day in the state of emergency period.

                            Did fogging mass and the focus in the area/the territory (the district) endemic high or with the number of high cases appropriate presedur that was valid. The regional government as the endemic territory the DBD illness in order to carry out the change in the policy of his budgeting towards the new paradigm the program of P2 DBD with more gave priority to the preventive activities (the improvement of the environment and prila I) without leaving completely the control activity by using the pesticide material (fogging and abatisasi).

                            Carried out the increase in the portion of the budget that was more rational in the activity of P2 BDB through the analysis of ? Local Specific?. Formed a territory (the subdistrict or the endemic district) as the area of the sample in the development of the program of P2 DBD so as to be hoped for by the success of his program in becoming the example for the area of surrounding area. Was needed the further research about the ROOF (knowledge, attitude, practice) the community especially urban areas and pelaporan him available in every time Dinkes kab/the city that was recruited from the cadre of the health, with budgeting (including the cadre's stipend) that was adequate.

                            To bring about the suggestion/this recommendation was needed ?paying hukum? that was the most united commitment from various circles. (S19/y) This entry anxious posted ounce on Saturday, in September 13th, 2008 at 02:26 and Is filed under the Area. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2,0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


                            • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                              [copied from Dengue thread]
                              "KLB" translates as "extraordinary incident"; this means more attention and more funding from the authorities in relation with the health problem which is stated to be "KLB".


                              Ten Died, Dengue Fever stated as "KLB" in Tanjung Balai

                    , Tanjungbalai: the Government of the Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra determined the plague of dengue fever as the extraordinary incident.

                              The status was determined after 10 residents were killed resulting from dengue fever in a last week.

                              Currently was recorded by 50 residents was treated in the Tengku Mansyur Hospital.

                              The Tanjungbalai Municipal Government at once carried out fumigation in order to combats the spreading of cause mosquitoes of dengue fever.

                              The co-operating also resident cleaned the environment to prevent penyeberan aedes aegepty. The dengue fever attack was still happening because of the rainfall was still high.

                     Indonesia News Today, menyajikan kabar berita terkini indonesia dan dunia internasional meliputi berita politik hingga hukum dan kriminal

