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Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia - Aug. 8 - Aug. 12, 2008

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  • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia

    The cost of casualties of the Resident's Medical Treatment DBD was borne by Pemko Tanjungbalai
    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
    Posted in the Area by editorial staff ounce in August 27th, 2008

    Tanjungbalai (SIB) the Cost medical treatment of the community of dengue fever casualties (DBD) that was treated in my Tank public hospital of Mansyur Tanjungbalai was borne by the government of the city as that was sent by Mayor Dr H Sutrisno Hadi Sp Og in the plenary DPRD meeting just recently. That was said by Vice Chairman DPRD Tanjungbalai Justice Tjoa Kian Lie answered the reporter's question Saturday (23/8) were linked with the complaint of several residents of DBD illness casualties who were treated in the Tengku Mansyur public hospital was put on the maintenance cost and medical treatment. He mentioned, became an epidemic him the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) spread the area to several subdistricts in Tanjungbalai so as diklafikasikan the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB), that took fatalities and the pain figure relatively high. Because of that DPRD and Pemko agreed to use the APBD TA budget 2008 to deal with DBD as well as the community's medical treatment that became casualties.
    He, really regretted the Tengku Mansyur public hospital side that quoted the medical treatment cost from the community that became DBD casualties on the basis of because Pemko did not yet dilute the fund to the side of RSU Tengku Mansyur. That must be carried out by the hospital side carried out medical treatment and the maintenance to casualties's DBD community as well as recorded all the further cost of the community's medical treatment was handed over to the government of the city. Asked to RSU Tengku Mansyur to serve the community honestly and professionally. This RSU should not take the opportunity in the community's suffering, the cost DBD of medical treatment of casualties's community was it was stressed borne by the government of the city.
    In the meantime Director Rumah Sakit Umum Tengku Mansyur when it was confirmed through the RSU public relations of Cosmos Siagian said not all the patient DBD that was treated in this RSU was put on the cost, that was put on the medical treatment cost and the maintenance only to the patient who was treated in VIP space at the request of the patient's family.

    Whereas the patient DBD that was treated in the III Ward was not put on the cost, said RSU Cosmos Siagian public relations, he also said the government of the city did not yet give the fund to the RSU side, so as they were overwhelmed to buy the medicine to casualties DBD. (S16/p)



    • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

      Machine Translation

      Menkes Dr Fadillah Soepari: the Handling of Bird Flu and DBD Pemda responsibility in Medan we

      Posted by editorial staff ounce in August 29th, 2008

      Medan (SIB)

      Health Minister Dr Siti Fadillah Soepari stressed, the problem of the prevention and the handling of the plague of dengue fever (DBD) and the bird flu illness in the area fully the regional government's their respective responsibility. “Penyakit that not my responsibility as Menkes, but the regional government's responsibility since the existence of decentralisation after the issuing of Otonomi UU of the Area. Tanya was the same the Provincial Government or the Regional Government where the illness berkembang,” firm the Minister to the reporter in the Polonia Airport, on Wednesday (27/8) when being asked about the emergence of several cases of bird flu and DBD that happened in Asahan and Medan some time before.
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      In spite of that Minister Fadillah only explained, cases of dengue fever and bird flu nationally only of 15.7 percent year round 2007. In the meantime the Head of the Hospital of H Adam Malik Dr M Djamaluddin Sambas, MARS that accompanied the Minister said, the case of the assumption of bird flu that fell on several residents of shavings some time before evidently the negative, meaning that untrue this illness happened and his sufferer has been healthy. “Misal him Fadilah, M. Sublime both of them from shavings at this time have recovered and it was confirmed left the house sakit,” firm Djamaluddin while adding two other sufferers the Acehinese resident and the resident Tuntungan then the bird flu negative.
      Touched on about the Department's program of the Health, Menkes admitted to not remembering again the matter of programs because according to him the Department of Health program a great number for the interests of the health of the community. “Salah our one program, if the community want to was avoided from dengue fever cleaned the environment, the bathroom and the bedroom, the certain community sehat,” he stated. (M.-17/d)


      • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

        So is she saying it is not the Department of Health's responsibility for the handling of bf and dengue? She is still the Health Minister for the Country!

        Health Minister Dr Siti Fadil -lah Soepari stressed, the problem of the prevention and the handling of the plague of dengue fever (DBD) and the bird flu illness in the area fully the regional government's their respective responsibility. ?Penyakit [Sickness/disease/a health disturbance] that not my responsibility as Menkes, but the regional government's responsibility since the existence of decentralisation after the issuing of Otonomi UU of the Area. Tanya [query] was the same the Provincial Government or the Regional Government where the illness berkembang [blosomed],? firm the Minister


        • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

          If she claims no responsibility, then why do we need official confirmation's from her? She is worthless to the health of Indonesia..


          • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

            My feeling is, the Health Minister is urging or encouraging the regional authorities to take their responsabilities towards dengue fever and bird flu.

            Rightly so? Prevention and swift action in case of an outbreak has to be done locally? The Indonesian Regions have a high degree of autonomy.

            When you look back 3 years, much has been done IMHO to tackle bird flu in Indonesia, a lot of money and other resources have been invested.

            Ofcourse things could be improved, in many ways, but progress is made, also in relation with the very difficult and complicated circumstances.

            How do you prevent dengue fever in slums in East Jakarta which sometimes are flooded 10 times or more every year? Which are sometimes inhabited in "shifts": 3 different people or families live in the same place during 24 hour time span. And so on.

            On the other hand I remember a recent report, not sure if it was posted, which gave me the impression the Dep of Health is trying to look for ways to improve local health care, by getting more and better information and by making the local offices of the Dep of Health stronger. Looks like trying to get more grip on the local situation.

            This could be one of the many challenges: burocracy. You have National and Regional Health Services and Livestock services. Everybody has his own agenda, hard to coordinate.

            To prevent Dengue Fever is not easy, you may be need good sewege systems, good systems to process waste, huge investments to control water and prevent floods, etc, etc. This needs the will of the Local and National Authorities to cooperate and coordinate .
            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

              Machine translation

              Wednesday, 27 August 2008 12:06 WIB

              The understanding of the prevention of dengue fever was still being minimal

              RAHMAD F SIREGAR

              WASPADA ONLINE

              The text/credit the photograph: the Area of the yard of the resident's house in Street Bambu Lingk III, Kel. The Medan Cape strait, Kec. Datuk Bandar Timur, almost level with the pool of water of rain and the pair of sea. The overflowing of this water resulting from not tertata him well the sewerage system and the insignificance of the understanding of the resident of the cleanliness and the health. (was on the alert/Rahmad F Siregar) (ags)
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              DEMAM BERDARAH dengue fever was the problem of the health in Indonesia, and all the territory the Indonesian Archipelago had the risk terjangkit this illness. This happened because of the cause virus and mosquitoes penular him currently was spread the area in the inhabitants's housing and the public's facilities. At this time, DBD has become the endemic problem in 122 areas of the level Ii, 605 areas of the subdistrict and 1,800 villages/the district in Indonesia.
              In the Tanjung Balai City then, DBD has become the endemic problem. And 50 percent more the district was there stated as the endemic area of the illness of DBD. Kelurahan endemic that, among them the Burung Coast, Perwira, Karya and TB Kota Ii, Kec. Tanjungbalai South. Afterwards, Kel. Prosperous and Matahalasan Kec. Tanjungbalai North, Kel. Tusks and Sirantau, Kec. Datuk Bandar, Kel. The Lancang strait and the Strait of Tanjung Medan, Kec. Datuk Bandar Timur. Further, Kel. The source of the Main Point, Muara Sentosa and the Baru Market, Kec. Sei Tualang Raso, Kel. The Kwala Kapias shoal, Kapias Pulau of the Crocodile and the Pasir Dyke, Kec. The Nibung gulf. Up until today, casualties often fell, both that was stated recovered, was treated and died so as Pemko Tanjung Balai determined the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB) dengue fever.
              Counted up until this August, the number of casualties almost reached 200 people, 7 including dying and tens underwent the intensive maintenance in the hospital. In large quantities that hundreds of dengue fever casualties, the majority came from Kel. The Medan Cape strait, Kec. Datuk Bandar Timur and Pulo Simardan, Kec. Datuk Bandar. "Already many residents here terjangkit dengue fever, that still was treated in the hospital numbering 8 people," said the Village Head the Strait of Tanjung Medan Syarifuddin Harahap to was on the alert, on Monday (25/8).
              if crossing Kel. The strait of Tanjung Medan, we did not have difficulty finding the pool of water, both in the sewerage system and the yard of the resident's house. This happened resulting from the disturbance of the drainage channel in the area. The disturbance of drainage there, not only the problem of physical damage his building, but also the arrangement that amburadul. Like in Street Bambu, the water sewerage system did not spread everywhere. Along 200 metre from the intersection, still was found the water sewerage system produced by the development of the government. However 200 metre above, only sewerage systems produced by the policy of several residents, that too did not spread everywhere. As a result, the domestic waste water and rain and the pair of sea, overflowed to the low settlement. As a result the pool of water happened during approximately a week.
              Serious him, the pool of water of mixed rain of pair of sea in the sewerage system, still was made use of by the resident for the need to wash and bathe. Whereas the pool of water in the yard of the house, rarely was not made use of by children for playing means. "His ditch was crammed" Sir", therefore water flooded our house," said Ismail, 47, the resident Street Bambu Lingk. III, Kel. The Medan Cape strait, Kec. Datuk Bandar Timur to was on the alert. The condition like that, evidently was regarded as normal by the father from eight children. "How did we want to make the ditch, whereas we the person could not." So we let like this, waited for his water to be dry personally, he said.
              Then whether not having the resident's wish there to make or clean the ditch channel in a manner share the worked? "Here his work majority the fisherman, so busy the work so as not all that paid attention to the cleanliness" of the "environment, moreover to share the work," said Ismail. Asked whether not worrying with the spreading of dengue fever, Ismail only smiled while answered, did "not worry, this crew member asked for Allah's protection, hopefully was not affected by the illness like dengue fever".
              Was different from Alex, the neighbour in front of the Ismail house. He claimed worried with the condition for the yard of the Ismail house that was full of the pool of water. No matter what would dikata, the owner of the house personally cared was unconcerned. "Still was difficult to encourage the co-operation here, even to maintain the cleanliness" of the "yard" of "their respective house even less," accused Alex.

              The shortage of the understanding and the understanding of the resident of the spreading of the illness, could not be ignored by Mayor Tanjung Balai Dr. H. Sutrisno Hadi, SpOG. Beberapa Waktu Lalu, during him descended to Kel. The strait of Tanjung Medan, the discovery of two units of the water reception contained pinched-pinched in the resident's house. Moreover the former Community Health Centre doctor, with his hands personally deliberate spilled water in the drum of the reception.
              The "resident could be not all that asked by the co-operation, not all that understood and understood towards the cause" of the "illness emergence." His proof I found in the resident's house had two drums of the water reception contained pinched-pinched mosquitoes and I myself who threw his water away, said the Mayor.



              • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                DBD casualties in Tanjungbalai improved to 254 people, 8 died
                Agustus 30th, 2008

                Tanjungbalai (SIB) in the calculation of the day of casualties of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) in Tanjungbalai improved and currently reaches 254 people. While 8 people were stated died and 22 people were still being treated in RSU Tengku Mansyur Tanjungbalai. Information was received, on Friday (29/8) mentioned, other DBD casualties were named Veronika (5) the inhabitants DTM Abdullah (the Baru Village) the Tanjungbalai Kota III Kecamatan Tanjungbalai Utara District, died, on Thursday (28/8) in the trip towards RS St Elisabet Medan. Casualties Veronika were beforehand treated in RSU Tengku Mansyur for 4 hours 50 minutes with the DSS condition (the Shock Dengue Syndrome). Casualties experienced the fever, vomited and cramps so as to have to be reconciled to RS St Elisabet Medan, but finally casualties blew out the last breath in the area of fifty Kabupaten Batubara.

                RSU Tengku Mansyur Cosmas public relations justified the incident. ?Korban was treated around 4 hours 50 minutes here and was reconciled to RS St Elisabet Medan but in the middle of casualties's trip died,? said Cosmas.

                Admitted, the DBD case in RSU Tengku Mansyur the last few days rose drastic and reached 254 people and died 8 some people that still treated inap 22 people. The hospital side, said Cosmas, made an effort to give medical treatment and the maintenance that were maximal against all the patient DBD, but still was the patient who entered the case of DBD. ?Yang finally, on Thursday (28/8) entered 8 people, 2 among them his condition for DSS and currently was treated in an intensif,? manner Cosmas words.

                SIB observation, in RSU Tengku Mansyur Tanjungbalai, on Friday (29/8) were seen, the patient Nurul (4) the inhabitants of the Strait of Tanjung Medan received the maintenance intensively. Nurul that was accompanied by his two parents was still being seen weak and respiratory aids by using the hose still adhered on casualties's nose. Nazaruddin Harahap (38) acknowledged very restless with the illness that was suffered by his sweetheart (Nurul red-) that his physical condition experienced hot rose descended.


                • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                  My last entry, in my personal list, dated August 23rd:

                  Total Treated Since January: 189


                  • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                    That made 65 people moreover in less than one week (6 days)


                    • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia



                      • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                        From the neighbouring Singapore, there are these data (

                        Week 34 (17-23 August, 2008)(all cases are reported in week 34)

                        * Dengue Fever: 160 cases;
                        * Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever: 2 cases;
                        * Malaria: 5 cases;
                        * Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: 510 cases;
                        * Acute Respiratory Illness: 11,541 cases;
                        * Conjunctivits: 481;
                        * Diarrhea: 2,227.

                        Overall socio-economical situation of Singapore perhaps is quite better than northern Sumatra province.


                        • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia


                          Population in 2007 (estimated): 4,588,600 inhabitants
                          Population in 2000 (census): 4,117,700 inhabitants
                          Surface: 707.1 km2

                          160+2=162/4,588,600= 0.0000353

                          Tanjung Balai:

                          Population in 2000: 126,623 inhabitants
                          Surface: 60.52 km2




                          It is 13 to 14.5 times the highest in Tanjung Balai than in Singapore


                          • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                            The higher incidence in the Sumatran district points directly to poor hygienic / health status of inhabitants. Singapore is a quite wealthy and developed international hub well different in terms of health care quality and coverage.

                            Further, movement of populations among different districts in Sumatra could also explain the higher DF / DHF incidence as well as environmental factors like presence of ponds / river / rice plantations or other water reserves / and forestry activities.

                            The sharing of common climate / ecosystem may also shed light into spread of DF/DHF both in Singapore and Sumatra.

                            High level of surveillance at Singapore may suggest that dengue fever-like symptoms among Sumatra districts inhabitants are likely caused by dengue viruses as well.

                            Yesterday Hong Kong PRC SAR's CHP posted a press release about an imported case of DF in a traveller from Indonesia. Laboratory confirmed case.

                            Surveillance in the area exists and should be taken into account.


                            • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                              Machine translation

                              On Saturday, on August 30 2008 12:46 WIB

                              DBD again took casualties

                              WASPADA ONLINE

                              TANJUNGBALAI - the Plague of dengue fever that struck the Tanjungbalai city again took casualties. Veronica, 5, the resident Street DTM Abdullah, Kel TB the city of III Kampung Baru, Kec. Tanjungbalai, was killed in the trip when being reconciled to the Hospital Saint Elisabeth Medan, on Thursday night (28/8). The head of the Pengelola Body RSU Dr. T. Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations, on Friday (29/8) confirmed.
                              <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
                              "Casualties died in the trip from RSU Dr. T. Mansyur towards the Hospital Saint Elisabeth Medan, to be precise in fifty, Kab." Coal, explained Siagian. Said, casualties were brought to RSU Dr. T. Mansyur in the condition was very critical namely the high fever, vomited again and again was accompanied by cramps. "His condition already Syindrom Shock Dengue (DSS), so as five hours were treated by us finally was reconciled to Medan," said Siagian. Tens were treated.

                              Cosmas Siagian added, up until yesterday, the number of dengue fever casualties in the Tanjungbalai city that had data collected on it by as many as 254 people, 30 were still being treated and 8 died. Moreover he said, from 30 people who were treated intensf that, two among them experienced the condition was very critical or DSS. Kedua the critical patient of Nurul, 4, the resident Kel. The Cape strait Medan Link V, Kec. Datuk Bandar Timur and Annisa, 6, the resident Kec Teluk Nibung, the Tanjungbalai city. "The two patients his condition rose descended," explained Siagian. Nazaruddin Harahap, parents Nurul, said, his child has 13 days underwent the intensive maintenance in the hospital. He suspected, dengue fever that infected his child originated in the proliferation of mosquitoes around his house. "In the area" of "our residence in general was found the pool" of "water," he explained. According to him, the pool of the water happened resulting from the nonexistence of the sewerage system or drainage in their residence. (iwa/a37)

                              MEDAN, - Maling sepeda berinisial DCP (21) ditembak personel Unit Reskrim Polsek Medan Sunggal karena mencoba melakukan perlawanan saat


                              • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, &amp; Environs) Indonesia

                                Machine Translation

                                On Monday, on September 01 2008 10:09 WIB

                                DBD crept into Asahan, one victim was killed

                                WASPADA ONLINE

                                TANJUNGBALAI - The Plague of dengue fever that strikes the Tanjungbalai city in several last months, currently spread to Kab. Asahan. Resulting from the spread, Imelda, 4, villagers Sei Nangka, Kec. Sei Kepayang, Kab. Asahan, died after several hours were treated intensive in RSU Dr.T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city, on Saturday (30/8) approximately struck 23:00. Information was received, casualties were brought to the hospital in the status was very critical. The "family brought him to the hospital in the situation did not make himself aware," said the Head of the Manager's Body RSU Dr.T.Mansyur Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations to was on the alert, on Sunday (31/8).
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                                Moreover, continued Siagian, all over the of his body cold was accompanied by the fever and kejangkejang. "We made a maximal effort to rescue the spirit" of "casualties, but finally approximately struck 23:00 his life was not helped again," explained Siagian. Said, results of the medical checking, trambosit casualties only reached 105.000/mm3 with HB 9 gram percent and Ht 34 percent. The reason for casualties and no longer was stated positive DBD, but already Syndrom Shock Dengue.
                                The patient Often asked to come home.
                                Public relations of BPRSU Dr.T.Mansyur added, entered the holy month of ramadhan this, the dengue fever patient who was treated in the hospital many that asked to come home on the basis of wanting to carry out the loading bay in their respective house. "Already many that came home at the request of personally on the basis of to carry out the loading bay." We have made an effort to convince them in order to continue to be treated until really recovered, but his family continued to insist brought them came home, said Siagian.
                                Then with the increase in the number of patients who came home at the request of personally, currently the patient who was treated in the hospital only numbering 12 people and 8 including beginning to be treated on Sunday. The patient who just was treated that, Ridho, 2, the resident Kel Pematangpasir, Kec. The Nibung gulf, Juluetra, 13, the resident Street Juanda, Kec Tanjungbalai Selatan, of Putri Juliati, 12, the resident Street Tomat Pasar IV, Kel. The Johor coast, Kec. Datuk Bandar, Usman Sitorus, 43, the resident Street Pasar Baru, Kec. Sei Tualangraso, Dilva, 9, the resident Street HM Nur, Kel. Tusks, Kec. Datuk Bandar, Nurul Mahtoni, 3, the resident Street Jenderal Sudirman Km 3.5, Kel Sijambi and Asnidar, 7, the resident Street Pasar Baru. (iwa/a37)

