Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia
Two residents of shavings were stated by the Bird Flu Negative Medan, Results of the inspection of Puslitbangkes Jakarta said, the two patients ?suspect? bird flu Ms (8 months) and FH (7) the resident Afdeling V Desa Air Batu Pondok Damuli Kecamatan Air Batu Asahan that was treated in the Pusat Public Hospital of the Pilgrim Adam Malik Medan was stated by the bird flu negative or H5N1. Was like this it was said Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat public relations of the Pilgrim Adam Malik Medan (RSUP HAMM), the Ginting rays, SE to the reporter in his office, on Monday (11/8). According to the rays, was known by his negative of the two patients ?suspect? the bird flu after the RSUP HAMM side was opened web site Department of Health RI from the internet. ? Dalam Hal Ini Puslitbangkes made an announcement officially through web site itu,? obviously the rays. He said, because the two patients were stated by the bird flu negative and the condition has been normal, the RSUP HAMM side has coordinated about the repatriation plan Officially Kesehatan of the North Sumatran Province and they later that will inform to the Kesehatan Service of shavings. However, he added, the co-ordination of the repatriation plan before only for the patient Ms then. That too the certain plan repatriation Ms was not yet learnt, we were still being waiting for the picking up from the Kesehatan Service of shavings. Whereas the patient FH still could not be permitted to come home and still continued to be treated by us. That was caused by FH experienced Dengue Dengue Fever (DBD). ?Tapi if trombosit has shown the development will be returned by us also and FH will eventually be moved to space treated normally non isolasi,? obviously the rays. The similar matter was also acknowledged Kadis the North Sumatran Health Dr the Moon of Syafei SpOG. the Side of Dinkes North Sumatra, he said was accompanied by the Head of Sector the Control Program of the Illness and environmental Sanitation (P2P PL) Dr Surya Dharma, also has contacted Dinkes shavings to pick up the patient who has been allowed to come home this. ?Kita has been contacted the hospital of Adam Malik that asked for Dinkes brought came home that has been healthy. While other still the maintenance but not suspect flu burung,? mentioned Kadis. According to him, Dinkes North Sumatra continued to make a maximal effort to handle and monitor the development of the bird flu illness that has claimed 7 casualties in North Sumatra beforehand. For the Command Post So, he said, since being found by the case suspect to humankind and to the poultry, they not only continued to coordinate with the Peternakan Service side, but also formed the Command Post to monitor the community in a round of the affected livestock bird flu. The monitoring continued to be carried out up until two weeks since the case was found. ?Seperti the case in Labuhan Batu. Hundreds of poultries were destroyed because of the virus H5N1. Although being not yet affected humankind, but we for the command post to monitor the community in sana,? more Kadis. Beforehand, continued Kadis, Dinkes North Sumatra has also carried out the socialisation of the bird flu illness, the procurement in the style of the patron and held the training to the doctor the Community Health Centre so that could fast carried out the handling if finding the case of bird flu in the community. Concerning the budget of the handling of bird flu, till at this time still could be overcome well, although in fact was not from APBN. ?Kita could make use of the serious budget of the emergency. Because of the budget from APBD terbatas,? mentioned him. Afterwards, mentioned Kadis again, concerning this bird flu illness still continued to be monitored by the organisation of the health of the world (WHO). Moreover, WHO has formed District Surveilans Officer in 10 regencies/the city in North Sumatra that is, Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun, Karo, Pematang Siantar, Tapanuli Selatan, Tebing Tinggi, and Madina. Planned, in the near future will be increased again by five regencies/the city, namely Labuhan Batu, Langkat, Tapanuli Utara and Humbang Hasundutan. ?Kategori the regional election of the regency/the city because there had been endemic and his inhabitants were solid. So as to be worried by his spreading increasingly cepat,? more Surya Dharma
Two residents of shavings were stated by the Bird Flu Negative Medan, Results of the inspection of Puslitbangkes Jakarta said, the two patients ?suspect? bird flu Ms (8 months) and FH (7) the resident Afdeling V Desa Air Batu Pondok Damuli Kecamatan Air Batu Asahan that was treated in the Pusat Public Hospital of the Pilgrim Adam Malik Medan was stated by the bird flu negative or H5N1. Was like this it was said Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat public relations of the Pilgrim Adam Malik Medan (RSUP HAMM), the Ginting rays, SE to the reporter in his office, on Monday (11/8). According to the rays, was known by his negative of the two patients ?suspect? the bird flu after the RSUP HAMM side was opened web site Department of Health RI from the internet. ? Dalam Hal Ini Puslitbangkes made an announcement officially through web site itu,? obviously the rays. He said, because the two patients were stated by the bird flu negative and the condition has been normal, the RSUP HAMM side has coordinated about the repatriation plan Officially Kesehatan of the North Sumatran Province and they later that will inform to the Kesehatan Service of shavings. However, he added, the co-ordination of the repatriation plan before only for the patient Ms then. That too the certain plan repatriation Ms was not yet learnt, we were still being waiting for the picking up from the Kesehatan Service of shavings. Whereas the patient FH still could not be permitted to come home and still continued to be treated by us. That was caused by FH experienced Dengue Dengue Fever (DBD). ?Tapi if trombosit has shown the development will be returned by us also and FH will eventually be moved to space treated normally non isolasi,? obviously the rays. The similar matter was also acknowledged Kadis the North Sumatran Health Dr the Moon of Syafei SpOG. the Side of Dinkes North Sumatra, he said was accompanied by the Head of Sector the Control Program of the Illness and environmental Sanitation (P2P PL) Dr Surya Dharma, also has contacted Dinkes shavings to pick up the patient who has been allowed to come home this. ?Kita has been contacted the hospital of Adam Malik that asked for Dinkes brought came home that has been healthy. While other still the maintenance but not suspect flu burung,? mentioned Kadis. According to him, Dinkes North Sumatra continued to make a maximal effort to handle and monitor the development of the bird flu illness that has claimed 7 casualties in North Sumatra beforehand. For the Command Post So, he said, since being found by the case suspect to humankind and to the poultry, they not only continued to coordinate with the Peternakan Service side, but also formed the Command Post to monitor the community in a round of the affected livestock bird flu. The monitoring continued to be carried out up until two weeks since the case was found. ?Seperti the case in Labuhan Batu. Hundreds of poultries were destroyed because of the virus H5N1. Although being not yet affected humankind, but we for the command post to monitor the community in sana,? more Kadis. Beforehand, continued Kadis, Dinkes North Sumatra has also carried out the socialisation of the bird flu illness, the procurement in the style of the patron and held the training to the doctor the Community Health Centre so that could fast carried out the handling if finding the case of bird flu in the community. Concerning the budget of the handling of bird flu, till at this time still could be overcome well, although in fact was not from APBN. ?Kita could make use of the serious budget of the emergency. Because of the budget from APBD terbatas,? mentioned him. Afterwards, mentioned Kadis again, concerning this bird flu illness still continued to be monitored by the organisation of the health of the world (WHO). Moreover, WHO has formed District Surveilans Officer in 10 regencies/the city in North Sumatra that is, Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun, Karo, Pematang Siantar, Tapanuli Selatan, Tebing Tinggi, and Madina. Planned, in the near future will be increased again by five regencies/the city, namely Labuhan Batu, Langkat, Tapanuli Utara and Humbang Hasundutan. ?Kategori the regional election of the regency/the city because there had been endemic and his inhabitants were solid. So as to be worried by his spreading increasingly cepat,? more Surya Dharma