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Indonesia - Bird flu in poultry in Temanggung, Central Java - Media

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  • Indonesia - Bird flu in poultry in Temanggung, Central Java - Media

    Poultry Suddenly Died, Temanggung Farmers Get Bird Flu Warning

    november 27, 2017
    TEMANGGUNG, - A total of 32 birds in the village of Keblukan, District Kaloran Temanggung died suddenly with symptoms similar to the bird flu virus, last week. The Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Department of Temanggung Regency has deployed a team to examine it.
    Head of Animal Disease Prevention and Eradication, Animal Health Sector, Fishery and Animal Husbandry Department of Temanggung Regency, drh Nurul Khasanah said the results of the inspection of 32 poultry deaths suddenly in the village of Keblukan is positive because of the bird flu virus attack.
    "The dead poultry is made up of domestic poultry, ducks, and entok or duck manila," said Nurul Khasanah, (27/11/2017).

    He suggested entering the rainy season the bird flu virus began to spread and attacked poultry. Poultry whose stamina is not good will die suddenly, while cattle that are better conditions will be sick and can be cured.

    "In order for the cattle good, the farmer should be more care of the cleanliness of the cage, and animal feed," he said.
    He said earlier, cases of bird flu also attacked 23 poultry types of domestic poultry and ducks in Bandunggede Village, Kedu District. On the incident it was promoting the socialization and distribution of vaccines and conduct desinvektan on small farmers. "Assistance is aimed at maximum 5,000 poultry owners," he said.
    Based on the research, he explained, the cause of bird flu is the high humidity level in the rainy season, the habit of spreading cattle, and mixing poultry various kinds of poultry such as entok, duck, and chicken into one cage.
    He said residents usually will immediately mix the new chicken after being bought with the old one in the cage. Whereas it should be separated first to find out whether the condition is really healthy or no illness. If the new chicken is sick, then there is no spread of viruses and diseases.
    Nurul said despite the bird flu has started to appear, but compared to 2016, this year's case is still relatively low. During the period of January - November there were only 55 birds that died from bird flu in two places.In contrast to last year, recorded reached 1737 birds affected by bird flu. (Osy)
    TEMANGGUNG, - Sebanyak 32 unggas di Desa Keblukan, Kecamatan Kaloran Temanggung mati mendadak dengan gejala mirip terserang virus flu burung, minggu lalu. Dinas Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Temanggung telah menerjunkan tim untuk memeriksanya. Kasi Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan...

  • #2

    Google translation:

    Positive, 32 Poultry Deaths due to Avian Influenza

    "Dead poultry consists of free-range chicken, duck, and entok or manila duck,"

    drh Nurul Khasanah

    TEMANGGUNG-Chicken farmers in Keblukan Village, Kaloran District, Temanggung Regency, were shocked by the sudden death of 32 birds. Deaths of birds are similar to bird flu virus symptoms, last week.

    Related to that, the Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Temanggung District has fielded a team to examine the cause of the death of 32 poultry owned by residents. The result, the cause of death of 32 poultry in Keblukan positive because of the bird flu virus attack.

    "The dead poultry is made up of domestic poultry, duck, and entok or manila duck," said Section Head of Animal Disease Prevention and Eradication, Field of Animal Health, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Department of Temanggung Regency, drh Nurul Khasanah.

    Entering the rainy season, bird flu virus began to spread and attack poultry. Poultry that stamina is not good, will die suddenly. While cattle that condition better, will be sick and can be treated. "In order for livestock conditions are good, breeders should be more keep the cage and animal feed."

    Previously, cases of bird flu also attacked 23 birds in the village Bandunggede, Kedu District. On the incident, it promotes socialization. Also share the vaccine and do desinvektan on small farmers. Assistance is aimed at maximum 5,000 poultry owners.

    The cause of bird flu because the humidity level is quite high during the rainy season. Also the habit of indulging cattle and mixing poultry in one cage.

    Residents have a habit of mixing new chickens with old chickens in cages. In fact, should be separated first to find out whether the condition of new chickens really healthy or no illness.

    Although bird flu has started to appear, compared to 2016 ago, the case this year is still low. During January-November, only 55 birds died of bird flu in two places. In contrast to last year, it reached 1737 birds affected by bird flu. (jpg / isk)
    Semarang November 29, 2017 21:43:10
    Post Date: 2017-11-29 Post Time: 17:00:41

