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Indonesia, Java: Bird flu not yet detected in Sumenep (Metro TV, October 6 2011, edited)

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  • Indonesia, Java: Bird flu not yet detected in Sumenep (Metro TV, October 6 2011, edited)

    [Source: MetroTV, full text: (LINK). Automatic translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English, edited.]

    Bird flu not yet detected in Sumenep

    National / Thursday, October 6, 2011 00:01 AM, Sumenep: bird flu disease is not detected until now attacking birds in the area Sumenep, East Java. It was said to be Head of Animal Health Animal Husbandry Department of Natural Kamarul Sumenep Achmad, Wednesday (5 / 10).

    He explained that his party has a team of researchers and responsive diseases of animals, who regularly perform random monitoring of the health condition of livestock owned by local residents.

    " Bird flu is one dangerous animal diseases, because it can be transmitted to humans. Hopefully animal diseases do not spread to the region Sumenep, "he said.
    In general, he said, the research team and responsive disease had not only to detect bird flu, but all that dangerous animal diseases. Kamarul hope residents Sumenep immediately provide information or report, if it finds livestock, especially poultry that died suddenly in large quantities. Sumenep He also asked residents who raise animals for impound livestock pet, while keeping the cage clean. (Ant / **)

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