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Indonesia: The spread of bird flu in poultry has reached 32 provinces

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  • Indonesia: The spread of bird flu in poultry has reached 32 provinces


    Penyebaran Virus Flu Burung
    Telah Mencapai 32 Provinsi

    Google translation:

    Outbreaks of disease
    The spread of Bird Flu Virus
    Has reached 32 provinces

    Friday, December 30, 2011
    JAKARTA (AFP): Indonesia has the potential to become a hotspot pandemic avian influenza virus (H5N1) in the future, because only one province, whose land is "clean" of the virus. One province that has not been contaminated bird flu case is the North Maluku.

    "Earlier there were two provinces of North Maluku and Gorontalo clean from bird flu cases. But last November, reported Gorontalo discovered one case," said Mohammad Azhar, Coordinator for Avian Influenza Disease Control Unit (UPPAI) Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Health, in his explanation to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday (29/12).

    Mohammad Azhar added, the trend of the spread of bird flu virus has actually been declining since 2007. Nevertheless, the H5N1 virus has not disappeared from Indonesia. The virus was even more widespread until reaching 32 of 33 provinces in Indonesia, following the current spread of poultry. He mentioned, there are four sectors in the spread of bird flu virus. 1 on poultry breeding sector is implemented strictly.

    Sector 2 is industrial chicken farms with large scale. Sector 3 is the scale chicken farms with medium-, and four sectors namely poultry raised by households in the yard behind the house. "The most vulnerable to infection even in sectors 4 and 3 because it is usually located in densely populated and most contact with humans," said Azhar.

    Therefore, Azhar added, the health condition of poultry on farms in the two sectors that also need attention by the public cleanliness around farms. In order to cut off the chain of transmission.

    The same thing was stated Rita Kusriastuti, Director Sourced Animal Disease Control, Ministry of Health. He said, business and environmental hygiene of poultry cages surrounding farms are now better. However, one thing that is often overlooked is hygiene and bed knife cutter (cutting board).

    "I often see farms that have been self-conscious cleaning the cage with a disinfectant, but no follow-up talenannya knife and washed. In fact, both tools can be a source of infection," said Rita insisted.

    Rita argues, the pilot project bird flu control and pandemic influenza preparedness is financed with the United States, Singapore and Indonesia, in Tangerang district since 2005 and has been completed. He considered the project successful.

    "The indicators of this project managed to make the public know about the bird flu and how to avoid becoming infected with bird flu," he said.

    In addition, Rita added, the pilot project has established community-based integrated surveillance officer with huge potential to help health workers in addressing cases of bird flu in poultry and humans. "As well assessed, the project will be a program in Kemenkes which will be funded budget," said Rita insisted. (Tri Wahyuni)

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia: The spread of bird flu has reached 32 provinces


    Dari 33 Provinsi, Hanya Maluku Utara yang Bebas Flu Burung
    Ray Jordan - Okezone
    Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

    Google translation:

    Of the 33 Provincial, North Maluku Just Bird Flu-Free
    Ray Jordan - Okezone
    Thursday, December 29, 2011 19:18 pm
    0 3

    JAKARTA - Coordinating Unit for Disease Control Avian Influenza (UPPAI) Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Ministry of Health, Mohammad Azhar states, North Maluku Province declared free of H5N1 virus attacks or more commonly known as bird flu.

    "Provinces that still have not found cases of H5N1 only North Maluku," said Azhar at the House of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Jakarta, Thursday (29/12/2011).

    Meanwhile, the Gorontalo area, which had declared sterile, according to Azhar is no longer due in March 2011 and already there is a dangerous virus transmission. "Gorontalo that previously were free, since March 2011 and is already infected," he explained.

    Azhar explained, according to the level of risk of the spread of the H5N1 virus in Indonesia is divided into several levels of the region. "So there are areas that have high risk, which is generally in Java, Lampung, North Sumatra and South Sulawesi. While the rest of the province has a moderate risk," he explained.

    Meanwhile, continued Azhar, for Eastern Indonesia, like Papua and Maluku has a low level of risk. "In eastern Indonesia, like Papua and Maluku is a low risk of spread of avian population due to low in there," he explained.

    Therefore, Azhar said it continues to work optimally in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus from these birds.

    "Therefore, in 2006, we have programs like special team to move quickly to resolve this bird flu. They have a job 4 days a week to get around to the villages, if there are sudden deaths of poultry, the team will move quickly and within 24 hours the team had been performing detection or fast testing. And if there is a positive H5N1 virus, will be a positive isolation of poultry and its environs, and performed a limited culling of poultry in accordance with the SOP, "he explained.

    "Thus the disease can be eradicated. Maysrakat With the higher consciousness, then the chance of contracting the human can be minimized," he explained.

    Meanwhile, according to Director of Disease Control Ministry of Health Animal Sourced, Rita Kusriastuti, for the Capital region, which has a high risk of spread of the H5N1 virus in East Jakarta and West Jakarta.

    "Because in most poultry entering from other areas to Jakarta on a first-pool in East Jakarta, West Jakarta area while we say are at great risk because it is close to the district of Tangerang which is the epicenter and the endemic spread of bird flu," he explained.


