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Banjarmasin: Bird flu in chickens sold in market

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  • Banjarmasin: Bird flu in chickens sold in market


    Banjarmasin Kecolongan Ribuan Ayam Terinfeksi Flu Burung Beredar di Pasaran
    Jumat, 08 Januari 2010 15:01

    Google translation:

    Banjarmasin Kecolongan Thousands of Chickens Infected Avian Moving in Market
    Friday, 08 Januari 2010 15:01

    BANJARMASIN, KP - Thousands of chickens infected with bird flu has been entered and circulated in the market since December last Banjarmasin, and most likely already consumed the community.

    The recognition was revealed by the Head of Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Banjarmasin, Drh Eko Priyo told reporters in Banjarmasin, Thursday (7 / 1).

    So, he said, the influx of thousands of infected chickens positive bird flu disease is due to the difficulty of doing surveillance, where the entry point is very much chicken.

    Predicted thousands of chickens originating from the River District Tanah Laut Barley is entered into in December last Banjarmasin, and has been widely circulated in the community because it is the market.
    `` It is very difficult to control because the entry point rather than from Animal Quarantine Center's Pemko,''he said.

    In fact, he said, some time ago with the provincial party returned to find thousands of chickens from the same area which indicated the bird flu infected who want to go to Banjarmasin, but could be defeated so returned to the place of origin.

    In fact, he continued, after the return of thousands of chickens a quarter of those died in the place of transportation. `` If the developed side will now check to the spread of chicken sales in Banjarmasin to ensure the chickens are not circulated widely on the market that are not consumed by the public wide,''he said.

    Not only that, it claimed to have combed the entire reservoir and chicken abattoir carried out checks to the laboratory and the results are almost all the cuts were found dead chickens.

    Looking ahead, it will create a policy governing the entry of animals in just one door, so if you find indications of an infected animal could be known disease and not to enter the market.

    `` God willing, we will take new policies to be more effective oversight,''he said.
    Head of Health Department of Banjarmasin, Drg Hj Diah P, told reporters appealed to the people to not be too concerned with the type of A1 influenza virus (H5N1) that is transmitted by these birds. Because the virus can die in temperatures 60 degrees for 30 minutes.

    `` God willing, we will not catch the disease if properly cooked,''he said.
    But be careful because this A1 virus can survive in water for 3 days with a temperature of 22 degrees, or survive for 30 days with a temperature of 0 degrees. But people need to recognize that poultry or poultry died of bird flu with the characteristics of blue comb or have ulcers on his legs.

    So, he continued, which should be seen again by the community are characteristics of people who are infected with influenza virus of type A1 high fever, cough or sore throat runny nose. Weak and sore muscles. `` If it's so quick-quick examination and treatment,''he said.

    Special treatment of avian flu, the health office and continue to coordinate Disnak. Health office did a survey of residents epideologi suspected bird flu to take saliva samples and blood that will be sent to the Ministry of Health.

    In addition, information dissemination to the public, distributing masks to avoid the tertularnya virus A1. So far the bird flu virus has infected chickens resulted in dozens of chickens died suddenly. But fortunately it was not until the virus to infect people as well as the merchant. (vin/K-5)

  • #2
    Re: Banjarmasin: Bird flu in chickens sold in market

    Warning to local residents

    Sat, 9 January 2010 | 09:40 Google translator

    BANJARMASIN, SATURDAY - Warning to residents of Banjarmasin, especially fans of cooking chicken. It is possible chicken were exposed to H5N1 virus (the cause of bird flu) circulating in the market. Therefore, people should really ripe cooking.

    Warning is made head of the Office of Agricultural Banjarmasin, Priyo Eko W. "We can not help it because of the large driveway chicken delivery in this city. Moreover, the shelter also spread chicken, about 40 places. We hope that the chickens were not infectious to humans. In order for the virus does not die, should memasaknnya correctly," he said , yesterday.

    In order for this event does not repeat itself, Priyo said the need for a storage location for easier control of poultry turnover in Banjarmasin.

    The plan, the shelter was placed in the road Tembus Mantuil. If the relocation centers to operate the other shelters closed. "Hopefully in March or April can be realized," he said.

    Currently, the agricultural department has formed a team consisting of the relocation of the police, transportation services, environmental impact control agency areas, and public health. "We also have prepared legislation to support the mayor's implementation. In it there is also a route settings or poultry shipment point," said Priyo.

    Later, the distribution of chicken in Banjarmasin through a special line of the road from the Governor Lianganggang Subardjo to the road and ended Mantuil Tembus shelter. With that point, the vehicle carrying the chicken may not cross Jalan A Yani.

    "We place officers in order to transport the chicken through the line," he said.

    What if the chicken will be taken to Kalteng? "We aim through the pass in Jalan A Yani 17 kilometers. If the driver can force the ticket," said Priyo.

    Camp sites on the conditions that have 1.5 hectares of area, one of the reservoir, Jali said the facility was minimal. "The chicken weeding, too small. Also located far from the market," he said.

    Another thing that needs to be attention Pemko, added Jali, is the number of workers who no longer use the shelter-shelter pascapenutupan chicken. "Do not look for opportunities in the middle of this bird flu issue," he said.


    --- Bahasa Indonesia original text

    Sabtu, 9 Januari 2010 | 09:40

    BANJARMASIN, SABTU - Peringatan bagi warga Banjarmasin, terutama penggemar masakan dari ayam. Bukan tidak mungkin ada ayam yang terkena virus H5N1 (penyebab flu burung) beredar di pasar. Karena itu, masyarakat harus benar-benar matang memasaknya.

    Warning tersebut dilontarkan Kepala Dinas Pertanian Kota Banjarmasin, Priyo Eko W. "Kami tidak bisa mencegahnya karena banyaknya jalur masuk pengiriman ayam di kota ini. Apalagi, tempat penampungan ayam juga tersebar, sekitar 40 tempat. Kami berharap ayam-ayam itu tidak menular ke manusia. Agar virus tidak mati, harus memasaknnya secara benar," katanya, kemarin.

    Agar kejadian ini tidak terulang, Priyo mengatakan perlunya satu lokasi penampungan agar memudahkan pengontrolan keluar masuknya unggas di Banjarmasin.

    Rencananya, penampungan itu ditempatkan di Jalan Tembus Mantuil. Jika penampungan pusat beroperasi maka tempat penampungan lain ditutup. "Semoga Maret atau April sudah bisa terealisasi," ujarnya.

    Saat ini, dinas pertanian telah membentuk tim relokasi yang terdiri atas kepolisian, dinas perhubungan, badan pengendalian dampak lingkungan daerah, dan dinas kesehatan. "Kita juga sudah siapkan peraturan wali kota untuk mendukung pelaksanaannya. Di dalamnya juga ada pengaturan rute atau jalur pengiriman unggas," kata Priyo.

    Nantinya, distribusi ayam di Banjarmasin melalui jalur khusus yakni dari Lianganggang ke Jalan Gubernur Subardjo menuju Jalan Tembus Mantuil dan berakhir penampungan. Dengan jalur itu, kendaraan pengangkut ayam tidak boleh melewati Jalan A Yani.

    "Kita tempatkan petugas agar kendaraan pengangkut ayam melalui jalur itu,"tegasnya.

    Bagaimana jika ayam itu akan dibawa ke Kalteng? "Kita arahkan melalui jalan tembus yang ada di Jalan A Yani kilometer 17. Jika sopir memaksa bisa ditilang," kata Priyo.

    Mengenai kondisi lokasi penampungan yang memiliki luas 1,5 hektare itu, salah seorang penampung, Jali mengatakan masih minim fasilitas. "Tempat penyiangan ayam, terlalu kecil. Selain itu lokasinya jauh dari pasar," tegasnya.

    Hal lain yang perlu menjadi perhatian pemko, imbuh Jali, adalah banyaknya pekerja yang tidak terpakai lagi pascapenutupan penampungan-penampungan ayam. "Jangan mencari kesempatan di tengah isu flu burung inilah," katanya.



    • #3
      Re: Banjarmasin: Bird flu in chickens sold in market

      Poultry Farmers Association block lorries carrying chickens without health certificate

      Breeder Kalteng Truck Carrier Kill Four Kalsel Chicken Origin
      Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010 22:21 pm

      SAMPIT - MI: People's Association of Poultry Farmers (APUR) Kotawaringin East, Central Kalimantan, blocking and drove four cars carrying 5000 chickens from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalimantan).

      "Without complete with certificate of health, four vehicles that we rejected in an attempt to anticipate the spread of bird flu outbreaks," said Chairman of the East Kotawaringin APUR Abdul Haris in Sampit, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), Saturday (9 / 1).

      He said the expulsion of two trucks and two pick-up was conducted by mail
      Circular Head of Provincial Agriculture and Livestock 1324/KESWAN/01/2010 Kalteng No. dated January 6, 2010 about the closure Poultry While in the Framework of vigilance against bird flu.

      According to Harris, this temporary closure has also linked the deaths of poultry chicken and domestic poultry from H5N1 virus or bird flu in three districts namely Kota Palangkaraya, Kapuas and Pulang Pisau.

      Closing the supply of poultry from Banjarmasin, the City of East waringin, he said, are temporary with the time limit was not specified.

      "For a circular letter from the provincial government is not revoked, East Kotawaringin APUR will do ambush and ordered chicken from Banjarmasin brought back into place," he said. (Ant/OL-01)

      --- Bahasa Indonesia original text

      Peternak Kalteng Usir Empat Truk Pengangkut Ayam Asal Kalsel
      Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010 22:21

      SAMPIT--MI: Asosiasi Peternak Unggas Rakyat (APUR) Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, menghadang dan mengusir empat mobil yang mengangkut 5.000 ekor ayam asal Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel).

      "Tanpa dilengkapi dengan surat keterangan sehat, empat kendaraan itu kami tolak masuk sebagai upaya mengantisipasi menyebarnya wabah flu burung," kata Ketua APUR Kotawaringin Timur Abdul Haris di Sampit, Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng), Sabtu (9/1).

      Ia mengatakan, pengusiran dua truk dan dua pick up tersebut dilakukan berdasarkan surat
      edaran Kepala Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Provinsi Kalteng No 1324/KESWAN/01/2010 tanggal 6 Januari 2010 perihal Penutupan Sementara Lalu Lintas Unggas dalam Rangka Kewaspadaan terhadap Flu Burung.

      Menurut Haris, penutupan sementara ini juga terkait telah terjadinya kasus kematian unggas ayam ras dan ayam buras akibat serangan virus H5N1 atau flu burung di tiga kabupaten/kota yaitu Kota Palangkaraya, Kabupaten Kapuas dan Pulang Pisau.

      Penutupan pasokan unggas asal Banjarmasin, ke Kota waringin Timur, katanya, sifatnya sementara dengan batas waktu yang belum ditentukan.

      "Selama surat edaran dari pemerintah provinsi tersebut tidak dicabut, APUR Kotawaringin Timur akan melakukan penghadangan dan menyuruh ayam asal Banjarmasin dibawa pulang kembali ke tempat asalnya," katanya. (Ant/OL-01)


      • #4
        Re: Banjarmasin: Bird flu in chickens sold in market

        Measures to stop spread of disease taken

        10 January 2010

        KOTABARU, SUNDAY - Anticipating the entry of bird flu virus into Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan, the local Animal Husbandry Department inspection of incoming chicken.

        Before entering Kotabaru, chicken from outside the area examined by the officers conducted the Tanjung Serdang with the sprayed barn and chicken with the liquid medication and check the original papers and chicken health.

        That is, so far have not found the bird flu virus in the city [Kotabaru].


        --- Bahasa Indonesia original text

        KOTABARU, MINGGU - Mengantisipasi masuknya virus flu burung ke Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalsel, Dinas Peternakan setempat melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ayam yang masuk.

        Sebelum masuk Kotabaru, ayam dari luar daerah diperiksa oleh petugas dilakukan di Tanjung Serdang dengan menyemprot kandang dan ayam dengan cairan obat serta memeriksa surat-surat asal dan kesehatan ayam.

        Hal itu, sejauh ini belum ditemukan virus flu burung di kota itu.



        • #5
          Re: Banjarmasin: Bird flu in chickens sold in market

          Thousands of chickens denied entry

          Thousands of Chickens Kalsel Kotim Denied Entry

          Saturday, January 9, 2010 | 20:05
          SAMPIT, SATURDAY - Four trucks carrying about 4,500 chickens from South Kalimantan is refused entry to the City Sampit, East Kotawaringin (Kotim), Central Kalimantan, which should be returned, Friday (9/1/2010).

          Head of Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Kotim, I Made Dikantara said it had to be done because the owner of the chicken can not show health certificates of the Central Quarantine or the Animal Husbandry Department said the chickens were free from disease.

          Tightening control on poultry after an outbreak of bird flu cases in some areas in South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.

          It does not want to go and the bird flu infecting local poultry. According to a circular letter the Deputy Governor Central Kalimantan, H Achmad Diran, all chickens from outside the entry to be ensured healthy.

          (noorjani aseran)

          --- Bahasa Indonesia original text

          Ribuan Ayam Kalsel Ditolak Masuk Kotim
          Sabtu, 9 Januari 2010 | 20:05

          SAMPIT, SABTU - Empat truk yang mengangkut sekitar 4.500 ekor ayam dari Kalsel ditolak masuk ke Kota Sampit, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur (Kotim), Kalteng sehingga harus dikembalikan, Jumat (9/1/2010).

          Kepala Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Kotim, I Made Dikantara mengatakan hal itu terpaksa dilakukan lantaran pemilik ayam tidak bisa menunjukkan surat keterangan sehat dari Balai Karantina atau Dinas Peternakan yang menyatakan ayam-ayam itu bebas penyakit.

          Pengetatan pengawasan lalu lintas unggas dilakukan setelah merebaknya kasus flu burung di sejumlah daerah di Kalsel dan Kalteng.

          Pihaknya tidak ingin flu burung masuk dan menjangkiti ternak lokal. Sesuai surat edaran Wakil Gubernur Kalteng, H Achmad Diran, semua ayam yang dari luar yang masuk harus dipastikan sehat.

          (noorjani aseran)

