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Bird Flu Vaccines considered as non-Effective, Spraying disinfectant Enhanced

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  • Bird Flu Vaccines considered as non-Effective, Spraying disinfectant Enhanced

    Bird Flu Vaccines considered as non-Effective

    * Spraying disinfectant Enhanced

    WONOSOBO - To anticipate he bird flu in Worcester, starting next year, the central government will increase the allocation disinfected. (Untuk mengantisipasi merebaknya flu burung di Wonosobo, mulai tahun depan Pemerintah Pusat akan meningkatkan alokasi desinfektan.

    Instead, different with the previous years allocation of the vaccine in fact abolished.

    "During these vaccines are not effective, so there is a policy, started in 2009, the Center to stop the allocation of the vaccine," said the head of the Office of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Karyoto through Kabid Animal Health and Animal Husbandry Department of Fish and Fisheries Veterinary Sutomo.

    According to Sutomo, the availability of the vaccine is very limited, even a vaccine that has not been allocated Center to meet a minimum percentage of the poultry population.

    For poultry population in Worcester, there are around one million head. While the vaccine is allocated only reach half of the population.
    The frequency of the vaccine, ideally three times a year.

    However, due to limited stock, in the year, poultry divaksin only one time. Therefore, improving the allocation policy is disinfected anticipating the right to control the transmission of the disease.

    Self Ampuh

    Spraying disinfectant quite powerful, to control the spread of the H5N1 virus. Still, the province still makes the district / city to budget for the vaccine through the budget II. He hoped that the village proactive when there are findings poultry cases of sudden death, immediately report this to officers.

    "For the villages that were attacked unggasnya bird flu, they will be disinfected free. When you have exhausted they can ask again, "he added.

    Sutomo add, spraying each one ideally minggu.Terhadap transmission of bird flu from poultry to humans, diimbau community to remain vigilant.

    It is for this many victims in other districts and the city died due to bird flu. Residents are asked to impound unggasnya awareness. For the diumbar, the possibility of the avian bird flu is quite large.
