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Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 - Feb 25, 2009+

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  • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


    Machine translated:

    On Monday, on September 01 2008 10:09 WIB
    DBD crept into shavings, one victim was killed

    TANJUNGBALAI - the Plague of dengue fever that strikes the Tanjungbalai city in several last months, currently spread to Kab. Shavings.

    Resulting from the spread, Imelda, 4, villagers Sei Nangka, Kec. Sei Kepayang, Kab. Shavings, died after several hours were treated intensive in RSU Dr.T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city, on Saturday (30/8) approximately struck 23:00. Information was received, casualties were brought to the hospital in the status was very critical.

    The "family brought him to the hospital in the situation did not make himself aware," said the Head of the Manager's Body RSU Dr.T.Mansyur Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations to was on the alert, on Sunday (31/8).

    Moreover, continued Siagian, all over the of his body cold was accompanied by the fever and kejangkejang. "We made a maximal effort to rescue the spirit" of "casualties, but finally approximately struck 23:00 his life was not helped again," explained Siagian.

    Said, results of the medical checking, trambosit casualties only reached 105.000/mm3 with HB 9 gram percent and Ht 34 percent. The reason for casualties and no longer was stated positive DBD, but already Syindrom Shock Dengue.

    The patient Often asked to come home

    Public relations of BPRSU Dr.T.Mansyur added, entered the holy month of ramadhan this, the dengue fever patient who was treated in the hospital many that asked to come home on the basis of wanting to carry out the loading bay in their respective house.

    "Already many that came home at the request of personally on the basis of to carry out the loading bay." We have made an effort to convince them in order to continue to be treated until really recovered, but his family continued to insist brought them came home, said Siagian.

    Then with the increase in the number of patients who came home at the request of personally, currently the patient who was treated in the hospital only numbering 12 people and 8 including beginning to be treated on Sunday.

    The patient who just was treated that, was willing, 2, the resident Kel Pematangpasir, Kec. The Nibung gulf, Juluetra, 13, the resident Street Juanda, Kec Tanjungbalai Selatan, of Putri Juliati, 12, the resident Street Tomat Pasar IV, Kel. The Johor coast, Kec. Datuk Bandar, Usman Sitorus, 43, the resident Street Pasar Baru, Kec. Sei Tualangraso, Dilva, 9, the resident Street HM Nur, Kel. Tusks, Kec. Datuk Bandar, Nurul Mahtoni, 3, the resident Street Jenderal Sudirman Km 3.5, Kel Sijambi and Asnidar, 7, the resident Street Pasar Baru. (iwa/a37)


    • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

      In Tebing Tinggi, diarrhoea began attacked, DBD endemic
      Wednesday, 03 September 2008 10:21 WIB

      TEBINGTINGGI - the illness of alias diarrhoea faded mencret, began to attack the Tebing Tinggi inhabitants. One of the residents Link. 01, Kel. The Main port, Kec. Tebing Tinggi Kota, on Tuesday (2/9), it was suspected experienced diarrhoea and were reconciled to RSU Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane. One of the residents who became thin perobatan the patient, mentioned the name of casualties Fahmi, 15, was it was estimated attacked by diarrhoea, on Monday night. Worry with the condition for casualties who worsened, the family at once reconciled him to the hospital. In the meantime, the Dengue Dengue Fever illness (DBD), according to information of several circles in RSU did not show the existence of the increase in the sufferer. The head of RSU Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Dr. H. Nazrin Bey Sitompul, Sp.PD said did not have the increase in the DBD sufferer the last few months.
      Nusa Dua, - PT PGN Tbk selaku Subholding Gas Pertamina mendapatkan peluang kerja sama untuk optimalisasi potensi pasokan gas


      • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


        Machine translation:
        On Wednesday, on September 03 2008 11:25 WIB
        Korban DBD in Tanjungbalai continued to fall

        TANJUNGBALAI - casualties of the dengue fever illness in the Tanjungbalai city continued to fall. Risma, 1, the resident Street Garuda PT Timur Jaya, Kec Teluk Nibung, died after undergoing the intensive maintenance in RSU Dr. T. Mansyur approximately 3 hours, on Monday night (1/9).

        information that was assembled was on the alert, on Tuesday (2/9), casualties were carried his family to the hospital in the condition was very critical. Apart from the fever, casualties also experienced the cough for one week and vomited again and again was accompanied by diarrhoea was increased the surface of the bloody body.

        the head of the Pengelola Body RSU Dr. T. Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W it was confirmed through Cosmas Siagian public relations confirmed.

        he said, the child from the couple Saliwon and Erawati died opposite the paramedic and the family in the room of the child RSU Dr. T. Mansyur. Cosmas Siagian added, was based on results of the medical inspection and the laboratory, positive casualties IGG and IGM so as to be stated by Syndrome Shock Dengue with trambosit 35.000/mm3, hematocrit 22 percent and HB 6,6 gram percent.

        with the Risma death, the number of dengue fever casualties who died improved to 10 people, one including coming from Kab Asahan namely Imelda, 4, villagers Sei Nangka, Kec. Sei Kepayang. Casualties died after several hours in treated in RSU Dr. T. Mansyur, on Saturday (30/8). Afterwards, Veronica, 5, the resident Street DTM Abdullah, Kel TB Kota III Kampung Baru, of Kec. Tanjungbalai Utara, died when being reconciled to the Hospital Saint Elisabeth Medan, on Thursday (28/8).

        Berdasarkan our data collection, up until today 262 dengue fever casualties and 12 among them still was treated as well as 10 people died,
        said public relations of RSU Dr.T. Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city, Cosmas Siagian. (iwa/a37)


        • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


          Machine translation:

          On Thursday, on September 04 2008 14:02 WIB
          Lagi, the resident of shavings was killed resulting from DBD

          TANJUNGBALAI - Dengue Fever in Kec. Sei Kepayang, Kab. Shavings, continued to take casualties. Asiah Nasution, 48, villagers Sei. Kepayang Middle, Kec. Sei Kepayang, died after could be treated for two days in RSU.Dr.T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city, on Wednesday (3/9) approximately struck 06:00.

          information that was assembled was on the alert, casualties were carried to the hospital in the critical situation so as to be forced to undergo the intensive maintenance in the room of VIP. Dan after being checked medically and the laboratory, evidently positive casualties terjangkit dengue fever.

          ?Hasil the medical inspection, trambosit casualties only 45.000/mm3, Hb 13,2 gram percent and Ht 43 persen,? the headword BPRSU.Dr.T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city Dr. Hj. Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations to was on the aler

          Added, with the Asiah Nasution death, then the number of residents Kab. Shavings that died as a result of dengue fever improved to two people. First casualties, Imelda, 4, villagers Sei the Jackfruit, Kec Sei Kepayang, Kab shavings, died after several hours were treated in RSU. Dr. T.Mansyur the Tanjungbalai city.

          Casualties were brought to the hospital in the situation did not make themselves aware by the family, the fever, cramps and shivered. Results of the medical inspection, trambosit casualties only reached 105.000/mm3 with HB 9 gram percent and Ht 34 percent, so as to be stated by Syindrom Shock Dengue. (iwa/a37)


          • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

            Just for those who are not familiar with Toggletext translations:

            "Shavings" = Asahan Regency , (in North Sumatra).
            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


              Jum'at, 5 September 2008
              Guard against Penyebaran of the DBD Illness

              The change in the weather from dry to the rain season could be influential towards the development of the illness.
              The data in Dinkes mentioned in the period in August -- on September 3, has been found by five DBD cases in the community. For the period in January -- early September, the DBD illness in Metro achieved 385 cases.


              • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                Balikpapan gave away the Dengue Fever Patient
                Sabtu, 06 Sep 2008 | 08:08 WIB

                Balikpapan: the Government of the City Balikpapan East Kalimantan released the medical handling cost of the patient of dengue fever dengue fever all over the local hospital. His medical treatment used the budget of the Kesehatan Guarantee insurance of the Area and the family's poor Balikpapan fund of Rp 6 billion. The "patient DBD was given away," said Section Head Kesehatan of the Balikpapan City, Dyah Muryani recently. Was based on the evaluation of the health of the service in Balikpapan, according to Dyah the height of the number of casualties and the case of dengue fever was caused by the delay of his handling. The community believed this illness medical treatment needed the big cost.

                All the hospital in Balikpapan, said Dyah was obliged to receive the dengue fever patient as well as to handle him with as soon as possible. The cost of all the maintenance ditagihkan to the Government of the Balikpapan City. "Through the health insurance for the Balikpapan community," he said. In this problem, Balikpapan occupied rangking first in East Kalimantan in connection with the number of cases and dengue fever casualties. The period eight months were recorded by as many as 24 casualties and 1,321 cases of dengue fever in Balikpapan.

                The dengue fever illness in Balikpapan be centred in Balikpapan Selatan and Middle that was the densely-populated region. Konisi this has become the endemic illness in Balikpapan each year. Totalling the Rp fund 3 billion has digelontorkan for the handling in Balikpapan. Dyah claimed, his budget was utilised in funding of the program foging as well as abatenisasi all over the region. Every year dengue fever became the deadly illness for the local community member. Recorded last year totalling 28 people died as well as the findings 1,300 cases terjangkit this illness.


                • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                  Machine translation:
                  Another, the Resident of casualties's shavings DBD Tewas
                  Posted in the Area by editorial staff ounce in September 4th, 2008

                  Tanjungbalai (SIB) Dengue Dengue Fever (DBD) continued to take casualties. This time a villager Sei Kepayang Kecamatan Sei Kepayang Kabupaten Asahan became casualties. Asiah Nasution (48) was stated died, on Wednesday (3/9) approximately struck 06,00 WIB after being treated for two days in RSU Dr T Mansyur Tanjungbalai.
                  Information was received, casualties were carried to the hospital in the critical situation so as to be forced to undergo the intensive maintenance in the room of VIP. Setelah was checked medically and the laboratory, evidently positive casualties terjangkit dengue fever. ? Kondisi for weak casualties, trombosit only 45.000/mm3, Hb 13,2 gram percent and Ht 43 persen,? the BPRSU T Mansyur Kota Tanjungbalai headword Dr Hj Diah Retno W through Cosmas Siagian public relations.
                  With the Asiah Nasution death, then the number of casualties DBD that died 9 people, 2 people came from the Asahan Regency first, Imelda (4) villagers Sei Nangka, Kecamatan Sei Kepayang, of Kabupaten Asahan, died after several hours were treated in RSU Dr T Mansyur Tanjungbala
                  Casualties were brought to the hospital in the situation did not make themselves aware by the family, the fever, cramps and shivered. Results of the medical inspection, trombosit casualties only reached 105.000/mm3 with HB 9 gram percent and Ht 34 percent, so as to be stated by Syindrom Shock Dengue (DSS) and 7 residents Tanjungbalai. (S19/d)


                  • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                    Prevent the failure of the handling, guarding against the resemblance dB and typhus

                    -the Failure of the handling of the sufferer Dengue Dengue Fever (DBD) one of them happened because of the shortage of vigilance when passing the critical period that emerged on the 4th day up until the 6th day. Moreover often the sufferer has experienced the dengue fever shock that was marked by the DBD sign positive, that is the cold body, humid, restless, the weak and fast pulse as well as blood pressure descended. This matter was revealed by Dr Grendi F MKes SpPD in the general seminar of the Latest Handling of Dengue Fever, in seminar space of RS Panti Waluyo, Solo, on Saturday (6/9). "Dengue dengue fever (DBD) will cause discharge blood, because of the blood liquid left blood vessels, blood vessels leaked." His current blood pressure so provided, said Grendi. According to him, from several cases of the DBD handling must be carried out by some observation or the test widal. (?)

                    "If being seen by the sign" of the "high fever must be detected that typhoid (typhus) or DBD, because of his sign was almost same," said the internal disease specialist doctor who was assigned in this RS Panti Waluyo. However that must be made the guide for the community, he continued, was the sign typhoid usually the fever is accompanied the stomach was felt by pain. "If DBD, his pain tended around the heart upstream and bile." That must be guarded against, continued Grendi, if the fever happening, trombosit descended with the increasingly thick blood liquid meant to have the liquid infiltration on blood vessels. "The indication must have been DBD," he continued.


                    • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                      From Bali, an older article.

                      04 Juni 2008

                      High level Of Dengue Fever Illness in RS Sanglah

                      Denpasar (Balinese Post) - Demam Berdarah (DB) (Dengue Fever) while three successive months occupied the first level of the illness that was treated in RS Sanglah. The number of the in March up to May showed the increase.

                      Was based on the data that was obtained Balinese Post, on last Tuesday (3/6), in March the number of patients DB that was treated by 381 patients or around 29,74 % from the patient's whole that was treated in RS Sanglah. In April increased to 454 patients or became 36.61 percent.

                      The highest figure was achieved in May, where the total patient DB that was treated in RS Sanglah reached 510 people or around 38.81% from the total patient who was treated inap in RS Sanglah.

                      According to Kasi Yanmed Rawat Street RS Sanglah Dr. Ken Wirasandhi, in May was the peak of the case DB was seen from the cycle five yearly.

                      Apart from dB, the illness like the fever, diarrhoea, pneumonia, was sick the kidney until breasts cancer also dominated during the past three months.

                      - snip -

                      Selaku media berita bola yang menyajikan secara khusus mengenai informasi prediksi bola lengkap dari berbagai macam liga seperti Serie A Italia, Liga Inggris, LaLiga Spanyol, Bundesliga, Liga 1 Indonesia dan seluruh kompetisi sepakbola termasuk Liga Champions Eropa yang memiliki banyak penggemar, kami menggandeng beberapa media partner termasuk data feed dari situs resmi judi bola sbobet […]
                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                        Sinjai, South Sulawesi

                        On Tuesday, 09-09-2008
                        Sinjai Bukan Daerah Endemik DBD

                        SINJAI, BKM - Although casualties happening died resulting from the dengue fever illness, but the Kesehatan Sinjai Service said, Sinjai not the area endemic the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD).

                        In fact, the dengue fever illness has happened since last 2007. The data that was assembled by BKM, last 2007 the number of dengue fever sufferers has reached eight people. Now till August 2008, the number of sufferers reached five people.

                        Only, ditahun 2007 did not have casualties died. The Sinjai regency not the area endemic the illness of dengue fever dengue fever. Unlike Bone and Bulukumba. The illness that was caused by this mosquitoes bite was more caused from outside the area and just for the last two years happened in Sinjai, said Akhirani SKM MKes, Kasi the Eradication of infectious diseases.

                        According to Akhirani, apart from as a result of the environment was more unclean, also the mobilisation of the quite tall resident. Could not be avoided, although not the area endemic, but dengue fever could happen in Sinjai resulting from the mobilisation of the quite tall resident.

                        Almost all the causes of the dengue fever illness in Sinjai resulting from the resident who came from the area endemic and received the maintenance in Sinjai.

                        Initially the two casualties experienced hot. And his family thought that is hot normally. So as casualties were only given medicine paracetamol. And till the fourth day, his fever descended. His family thought casualties have recovered because of running like usually. In fact, at that time already in the critical period. And on the seventh day, both of them again experienced hot. Moreover experienced the bleeding, said Akhirani.

                        According to Akhirani, the Kesehatan Service side immediately did fogging to combat the spread of the dengue fever illness. We carried out the inspection of the environment around the location of the incident, especially the place of the water reception from the house of casualties's neighbour but was not pinched mosquitoes.

                        But we continue to will do fogging. However that only killed mature mosquitoes and not killed pinched. So as the role of the community to maintain the cleanliness of his environment really was needed, ordered he.

                        hat-tip mojo


                        • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                          Wabah DBD di Tanjung Balai Belum Dapat Dihentikan, Korbannya 324 Orang

                          Machine translation:
                          The DBD plague in the Balai Dihentikan Cape, Korbannya 324 people
                          Tanjung Balai, (Analisa)

                          The plague of Dangue Dengue Fever (DBD) in the Balai Cape city still could not be stopped, in fact his casualties increasingly the day increasingly increased until reaching 324 people was counted from January to September 2008.

                          The last data will be received in RSU Dr Tengku Mansyur Tanjung Balai early September 2008 this, has been recorded by casualties's 46 patients DBD that underwent the maintenance.

                          ?Korban DBD apparently continued to increase day after day and during today had six patients who just entered maintenance space whereas the number of patients who died resulting from DBD until this already 11 souls from 324 casualties for 9 period months penularan,? revealed public relations of RSU Dr Tengku Mansyur Cosmas Siagian when being met dikamar his work, on Monday (8/9).

                          According to Cosmas, the RSU side must every day be received the DBD patient from various locations but that was biggest the patient came from the territory of Datuk Bandar and Datuk Bandar Timur.

                          All the patient was treated in accordance with the procedure of the standard of the health service despite until this the preceptive fund the emergency in dealing with the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB) for the DBD case still not could be diluted from the government.

                          ?Kita wanted to say anything else with many of the patient's numbers that entered this, because we could only carry out the maintenance in accordance with the standard was the prevention efforts to the government of the city even the maintenance fund of the patient then until this still not cair,? he said.

                          Recorded by 69 cases

                          Was based on the periodic RSU data, said Cosmas in June/in July was recorded had 69 cases. In August totalling 209 cases and in September has been recorded by 46 cases

                          This showed the very drastic increase graph DBD casualties in the last month and in a week in September already 46 casualties who were worried up to the end of casualties's month could reach hundreds of people.

                          ?Peningkatan the number of casualties must have been triggered by the condition for the rainy climate at this time, until mosquitoes bred quickly and spread all through the corner kota,? he said.

                          Observation of the Analysis in RSU Dr Mansyur, totalling six patients DBD that entered on Monday (8/9) all of them the adult, until increasing the number of casualties's patients DBD mature.

                          Last August, was recorded by 97 patients DBD the adult from the total of casualties's numbers totalling 209 people. Until this around 44 patients still undergoes the intensive maintenance in the room of the room of the available maintenance in RSU.

                          As a result of the limitations of the room of the maintenance did not suffice caused the patient DBD partly was forced to be gathered with the public's patient although casualties DBD were treated by using the mosquito net.

                          ?Saya just appealed to the community in my environment to clean the environment in order to be not attacked by DBD, but I who became casualties to all the community was asked for in order to be on the alert tergadap DBD this because of his casualties did not choose-chose and the government of the city was necessarily more serious in dealing with the deadly plague ini,? said the reporter Yan Aswika Reality that entered RSU Dr Tengku Mansyur because of being attacked by DBD. (gsp)


                          • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                            Wabah DBD di Tanjungbalai Belum Tertanggulangi, Korban 324 Orang

                            machine translation:
                            The DBD plague in Tanjungbalai was not yet dealt with, casualties 324 Orang
                            Posted in Berita Utama by Redaksi on September 10th, 2008

                            Tanjungbalai (SIB)

                            Became an epidemic him the dengue fever illness in Tanjungbalai since January to the beginning of September 2008 was not yet dealt with, casualties are still continuing to fall to 324 people, casualties who died 11 people, whereas that was treated at this time in RSU Tengku Mansyur 44 patients.

                            Director RSU TENGKU Mansyur Tanjungbalai through Cosmos Siagian public relations, on Monday (8/9) in his office mentioned, casualties of the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) that was treated in RSU Tengku Mansyur, his data as follows, in January till July 69 patients, in August 209 patients, in September 46 patients since January till September 11 people died, whereas the patient who still was treated till September 8 2008 totalling 44 people. According to Cosmos Siagian, each day was casualties's patient DBD that entered RSU, of the amount 4 as far as 5 people per the day. ?Sehingga the sufferer DBD was the patient the most was treated in the hospital ini,? said Cosmos Siagian, while added had also the reporter's family and the reporter that were attacked by DBD was treated.

                            Became an epidemic him the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) that was the extraordinary incident in this city, spread to several subdistricts with the pain figure and the death relatively high during 2008. Tanjungbalai the area of the endemic DBD danger his territory the tidal area was increased with the high rainfall lately, said Cosmos Siagian. Concerning the control, according to Cosmos Siagian, there is in the Kesehatan Service.

                            The foreknowledge is, the Kesehatan Service made an effort to deal with this problem, like counselling to the community and fogging. About the maintenance cost of casualties DBD that was agreed to by Pemko was given away to the community, according to Cosmos Siagian that was given away that was the patient who was treated in the room of the ward. ?Jika the community member was treated in the room of the VIP in accordance with his request then the cost was borne sendiri,? said Cosmos Siagian. (S16/f)


                            • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                              Six Districts in Jakarta East left the Red Zone

                              Jakarta, Kompas - six districts in Jakarta Timur was stated left the red zone the case of dengue fever dengue fever or DBD. During two weeks were endless in the six districts the eradication activity of the mosquitoes nest continued to be not encouraged and found by the DBD case so as the status of this area became the green zone.

                              The change in this status pleasing considering from 65 districts in Jakarta Timur, still 55 districts were stated as the yellow zone and four entered the category of the red zone.

                              The six districts were Cibubur, Setu, Munjul, Pondok Ranggon, Lubang Buaya, and the Baru District. All these districts located on the south Jakarta Timur, like the Ciracas Subdistrict, Cipayung, and Pasar Rebo.

                              According to the Co-ordinator the Eradication of the Bersumber Binatang Illness (P2B2) the Dinas Kesehatan Ethnic Group of the Community Jakarta Timur Alamsyah, on Tuesday (9/9), the increase in this safe status was caused by the movement of the eradication of the mosquitoes nest that continued to be stimulated and the number of inhabitants that were not too solid.

                              The factor penunjang the low level of the DBD case was the inhabitants who cared about the cleanliness, the settlement that was not yet solid, and the place of the water reception that a little.

                              Was based on the Ethnic Group's data of Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Timur, the DBD case in Jakarta Timur was till August 2008 recorded by 7,868 cases and four cases including dying.

                              The position three highest the DBD case in Jakarta Timur was occupied the Duren Sawit Subdistrict (1,814 cases), Cakung (1,433 cases, 1 died), and Jatinegara (861 cases). The Pulo Gadung subdistrict (791 cases and 1 died), the Jati shrine (763 cases), Matraman (570 cases), Makasar (491 cases, 2 died), Cipayung (413 cases), Ciracas (412 cases), and the Market on Wednesday (320 cases).

                              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                              • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                                Soloraya Edisi : 9/11/2008, Hal.I
                                4 Warga Belang Wetan diindikasikan DBD
                                Klaten (Espos)

                                4 residents of the Wetan Spot were indicated DBD totalling four residents who lived in RT 1/XVIII Housing Griya First-rate East, the Wetan Spot, Klaten North, Klaten, it was suspected was attacked by dengue fever dengue fever (DBD).

                                They that is, Agit, 13, Ratri, 6, Rendi, 16 and Nindyo, 21. The assumption of the DBD attack on four residents this Griya Prima Timur stuck up one last week. According to the Suwarto Dawn, 48, the father from Ratri and Nindyo, his two children suffered the high fever last Wednesday (27/8). He said in no way suspected the high fever of against his two children being caused by the Aedes mosquitoes bite aegepty. His article the sign of the high fever without being accompanied red spots. ?Tetapi I have been suspicious hot that was caused by DBD, because several the previous day several right-hand and left neighbouring children the house was attacked by the fever berdarah,? obviously he when being met Expose, on Wednesday (10/9).

                                It was further that Fajar said resulting from positive DBD, Nindyo could experience the critical period because trombosit him plummeted. In order to rescues the spirit of this child, said he, until needed as far as 12 pockets of blood. In the meantime, one of the residents RT 5/XVIII, Pramono, 42, said the DBD case in this housing complex always occurred again every year. Two years beforehand the DBD case stuck up and attacked six residents.

                                Pramono untangled several residents suspected the fertile flower of pinching mosquitoes uptil now took place used the media of the nest pond walet that was precisely located in the middle of the settlement. ?Sehingga in 2006 set the co-operating resident drained the nest pond walet property of the resident from Solo. However currently we did not yet know whether the pond was again filled up water or not.

                                Chairman RT 5, Sutardi, added the level of the awareness of the resident towards the cleanliness of the quite good environment. This it was proved with the co-operation cleaned the environment every time one month very much. On the other hand, Kasi Pencegahan of the Bersumber Binatang Dinas Kesehatan Illness and Sosial Welfare (DKKS) Klaten, Y Herry Martanto, rejected if the four casualties suffered DBD.

                                The data of DBD Klaten January-August 2008
                                The month of The Number Of cases
                                In January 80
                                in February 82
                                in March 63
                                in April 86
                                in May 67
                                in June 35
                                in July 43
                                in August 29
                                The source: DKKS. - m69

                                Klaten (Espos)
                                Sebanyak empat orang warga yang tinggal di RT 1/XVIII Perumahan Griya Prima Timur, Belang Wetan, Klaten Utara, Klaten, diduga terserang demam berdarah dengue (DBD).
                                Mereka yakni, Agit, 13, Ratri, 6, Rendi, 16 dan Nindyo, 21. Dugaan serangan DBD terhadap empat orang warga Griya Prima Timur tersebut mencuat satu pekan lalu. Menurut Fajar Suwarto, 48, ayah dari Ratri dan Nindyo, kedua anaknya menderita demam tinggi pada Rabu (27/8) lalu. Dia mengatakan sama sekali tidak mencurigai demam tinggi terhadap kedua anaknya disebabkan gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegepty. Pasalnya gejala demam tinggi tanpa disertai bintik-bintik merah. ?Tetapi saya sudah curiga panas itu disebabkan DBD, karena beberapa hari sebelumnya beberapa anak tetangga sebelah kanan dan kiri rumah telah terserang demam berdarah,? terang dia saat ditemui Espos, Rabu (10/9).
                                Lebih lanjut Fajar mengatakan akibat positif DBD, Nindyo sempat mengalami masa kritis karena trombositnya anjlok. Guna menyelamatkan jiwa anak tersebut, kata dia, sampai membutuhkan hingga 12 kantong darah. Sementara itu, salah satu warga RT 5/XVIII, Pramono, 42, mengatakan kasus DBD di kompleks perumahan tersebut selalu berulang setiap tahun. Dua tahun sebelumnya kasus DBD mencuat dan menyerang enam orang warga.
                                Pramono menguraikan sejumlah warga menduga kembang biak jentik nyamuk selama ini berlangsung menggunakan media kolam sarang walet yang terletak persis di tengah-tengah permukiman. ?Sehingga pada 2006 silam warga bergotong-royong menguras kolam sarang walet milik warga asal Solo. Namun kini kami belum mengetahui apakah kolam kembali terisi air atau tidak.?
                                Ketua RT 5, Sutardi, menambahkan tingkat kesadaran warga terhadap kebersihan lingkungan cukup bagus. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan gotong-royong membersihkan lingkungan setiap satu bulan sekali.
                                Pada bagian lain, Kasi Pencegahan Penyakit Bersumber Binatang Dinas Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (DKKS) Klaten, Y Herry Martanto, menampik jika keempat korban menderita DBD.
                                Data DBD Klaten Januari-Agustus 2008

                                Bulan Jumlah Kasus

                                Januari 80
                                Februari 82
                                Maret 63
                                April 86
                                Mei 67
                                Juni 35
                                Juli 43
                                Agustus 29

                                Sumber: DKKS. - m69

