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Indonesia, Jakarta: Treatment continues for a young woman affected by rare blood disorder (Padang Ekspress, June 20 2011, edited)

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  • Indonesia, Jakarta: Treatment continues for a young woman affected by rare blood disorder (Padang Ekspress, June 20 2011, edited)

    Source: Padang Ekspress, full text in Bahasa Indonesia language: - Automatic translation.

    Asked to Treat Serious Kemkes Dora - Irman Membezuk, still Diagnosis Disease Doctor

    Padang Express ? Monday, 20/06/2011 13:00 pm ? zulfasli ? 16 clicks

    Jakarta, PADEK -Chairman of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) RI Irman Gusman asked sooth the Ministry of Health (Kemkes) and a team of doctors treating patients with blood sweat, Dora Indrianti Tri Pure, 25.Insistence, said Irman, to give a moral boost for Kemkes and team doctors to be more glorious achievement in the future.

    "Council's decision to respond positively Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), which has formed a team of doctors consisting of five specialists to handle the patient's blood sweat, Dora Indrianti Tri Pure," said Irman Gusman, in Jakarta, Sunday (19 / 6).Earlier on Saturday (18 / 6), Irman Gusman specifically membezuk Indrianti Tri Pure Dora, to the treatment room 8th floor of Block A, RSCM, road Salemba Raya, Jakarta.

    Because the team has been formed, further Irman, DPD is hoping the team would be able to work in earnest until he could reveal scientifically what really matters of Dora suffered."The bitter experience of this nation associated with the bird flu virus is taken abroad do not recur, because the incident was very detrimental to the health of this country," explained the senator from West Sumatra.

    At that time, foreigners carry the virus out of the country until they find a cure formulations.But in practice, Indonesia suggested as a party who has no role in the process.

    In its dialogue with Tri Pure Indrianti Dora, Irman Gusman told to remain steadfast and tawakal accept this ordeal."The best thing for Dora, is patient and tawakal face this ordeal, because God will only give a trial for his people according to the capacity and kapabiltasnya respectively," said Irman.Moreover, in the presence of a number of doctors and nurses, Chairman of the DPD also provides financial assistance to ease the burden for Dora.

    Meanwhile, in order to find the cause of blood sweat that comes out of the pores of the head of Dora, a team of doctors will perform the initial diagnosis of the illness Dora.These initial efforts should be a doctor because of abnormalities of platelets in the body of Dora.

    Director of the RSCM, Prof. Akmal Taher during a press conference last week said the country's Dora still being treated in Room 805, Building A RSCM.While a specialist haematologist Dr Supri Efendi who was also one of the doctors, adding there are many possible causes bleeding from the pores of the head of Dora.

    "At first, Dora menstruate good in 2003 but after that the patient suffered from bleeding in the skin of hair, but we still do not understand why it could happen.But for the first diagnosis is the presence of clotting abnormalities in platelet function, "said Shupri.

    The big question to be answered related to Dora, why only the heads are out of his blood."For that examination if there is trauma or damage to the blood vessels in the head so the blood out of there," said Shupri."For treatment, we must know the first cause.some of today we are still working on platelet function, "he added.

    Supri suspect there are bleeding disorders that occur in Dora.This patient, said Supri, already bleeding from the pores of his head since 2003.Conditions are normally six to eight months later.

    But it appeared again since two years ago.He said the results of the examination, the doctors have done four different tests of platelet function.He admitted today the RSCM not yet have the tools and are being sought to be brought.

    Revealed Supri, bleeding experienced by Dora not constantly, but only periodically.The possibility that Dora can be experienced as a derivative of their parents, can also occur at the stage of pregnancy, parents, and the impact on the adult."But the problem can not get blood out suspected when," he added.

    Previous Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, see Dora after arriving at the RSCM Jakarta (8 / 6).Minister of Health stated, all maintenance costs during care at the RSCM Dora will be financed by the government through the Community Health Insurance (Jamkesmas).Dora or familiarly called Adit is a patient referral from Dr M Djamil, Padang, West Sumatra.

    Law student University of Bung Hatta, Padang and enter arrived from RSCM since Wednesday (8 / 6) afternoon.Disease 'rare' Dora suck a lot of parties. (*)
