NAGPUR: Doctors at the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) have expressed serious concern over the death of a 17-year-old H1N1 positive girl from Saoner on May 8 in the hospital ICU. They say that the college should not have closed the swine flu isolation ward.
Due to the closure of this ward, doctors treating suspected or positive H1N1 cases are unnecessarily being exposed to positive patients, since they are not using any personal protective gear. The death toll of positive swine flu cases so far has reached 32.
GMCH closed the swine flu ward from May 1. Hence, Varsha Damodar Shirke, suffering from fever and breathlessness was admitted to the ICU on May 4. She was put on fluvir (tamiflu) but unfortunately died before her swab report (positive for H1N1 virus) arrived on May 8.
"The disease has not gone yet and hence as a precautionary measure the isolation ward should be run for some more time. Otherwise doctors and other patients will be exposed to the virus, which could result in a surge again. In fact, there is no instruction yet from the ministry to close the ward," said a senior professor. Sources say the girl was a heart patient and was suffering from mitral valve stenosis.
However, GMCH dean Dr Deepti Dongaonkar says that the ward was not completely closed. "Since the ward remained unoccupied for a long time many things were stolen from the ward. So we gave the ward to other patients and kept six beds reserved for swine flu patients. However, for it to be useful, the doctors should refer suspected patients to the ward," she said.
Edit: Varsha Damodar Firke F 17 04.05.10 08.05.10 H1N1+ve Government Medical College, Nagpur