On Tuesday, after the throat swab samples of people experiencing a ?mysterious fever? in the rural communities of Chopal in Shimla district was found positive for swine flu (H1N1), the Government took quick measures and sent out three medical groups to the district. The affected villages in interiors of Chopal are about 150 kilometers fromShimla.
Tamiflu medicine supplies for a populace of roughly 300 to 500 people have been dashed to the five suspected villages in particular, from where the samples tested positive. Three ambulances have also been allocated to scuttle patients to hospital, if needed.
Four of the six patients who were tested positive for swine flu belong to the age group of six to 12 years. They have been put on home quarantine. Two of the children belong to the family of Chet Ram of Judu Shalal village in Kupvi that lost two young girls last week, suffering from high fever.
A high-level assessment meeting was summoned by Health Minister Rajeev Bindal after the examination reports verified swine flu.
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project Head, Dr. Vinod Mehta said that Bindal ordered to appoint three additional groups of doctors to review each and every household in the region and squads were sent from Solan,Shimla and Nahan.
In a statement issued later, Bindal said that the blood culture results of the patients were anticipated, while analysis for jaundice had been found negative.
Dr. Mehta said, ?The cases found positive were asymptomatic ? no visible symptoms of swine flu ? and had only mild fever in the last few days?.