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Himachal Pradesh - 3 fatalities this season, total 20

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  • #16
    Re: Himachal Pradesh - fatalities 16 - cluster in children - possible fatalities.

    Shimla, April 13 (IANS) Four new swine flu cases have been reported in Himachal Pradesh after a gap of over a month, a health official said here Tuesday.

    ?Four children in the age group of 6 to 12 tested positive today (Tuesday) for swine flu at Kupvi village in the interior of Shimla district,? swine flu nodal officer Vinod Mehta told IANS.

    With this, the number of Influenza A (H1N1) cases in the state has risen to 50.

    ?Sixteen people have died due to the virus in the state since October last year,? he added.


    • #17
      Re: Himachal Pradesh - fatalities 16 - cluster in children - possible fatalities.

      In spite of statements such as in the reports above, the official # of fatalities recorded for Himachal Pradesh from October 2009 to August 2010 is only 8.
      Twitter: @RonanKelly13
      The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


      • #18
        Re: Himachal Pradesh - fatalities 16 - 2009-April 2010.

        One more swine flu case in Himachal

        A man has tested positive for swine flu in Himachal Pradesh, taking the number of H1N1 cases in the state to 10 this year, an official said Friday.

        'A middle-aged man from Mandi district tested positive for swine flu and was admitted to Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital (IGMCH) on Thursday,' Vinod Mehta, swine flu nodal officer, told IANS.

        He said the patient, a truck driver by profession, had recently returned from Delhi.

        This is the second case of swine flu in the state within a week. A 34-year-old man died in IGMCH Aug 19 due to the flu.

        Health Minister Rajeev Bindal had informed the state assembly in a written reply Aug 17 that 50 people have tested positive for swine flu out of 206 samples collected from August 2009 to July 31, 2010.

        'The toll due to the disease in the state (till July 31) was 16. Out of these, 10 patients who belonged to the state died in hospitals outside the state,' he said.


        • #19
          Re: Himachal Pradesh - fatalities 16 - 2009-April 2010.

          One more swine flu case in Himachal
          August 29th, 2010 by HimVani


          Shimla: A woman has tested positive for swine flu in Solan town of Himachal Pradesh, taking the number of H1N1 cases in the state to 11 this year, an official said here today.

          Swine flu nodal Officer Vinod Mehta told HimVani that a 30-year-old woman from Solan district tested positive for the virus as she was admitted to Zonal Hospital, Solan, on Friday. The infected person had recently returned from Gujarat on August 24 and was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of vomiting and fever, while she tested positive for H1N1 virus on Saturday.

          A team of experts has been rushed to the town to check further spread as Solan district has been worst affected by H1N1 virus in the past. This is the third swine flu in the state within a fortnight.
          Twitter: @RonanKelly13
          The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


          • #20
            Re: Himachal Pradesh - fatalities 16 - 2009-April 2010.

            stephensons @ RLFT

            SOL­AN­: A wo­m­an fro­m­ S­o­l­an is­ do­wn with­ swine f­lu­ a­n­d t­h­e pande­m­i­c­ has k­illed­ a­ y­o­ut­h i­n Ba­ro­t­i­wa­la­.

            T­he Rap­i­d Re­sp­onse­ T­e­am­­ (RRT&#173 o­­f t­h­e­ De­p­art­me­nt­ o­­f H­e­al­t­h­ o­­n Sat­urday­ v­isit­e­d t­h­e­ p­at­ie­nt­’s ne­igh­bo­­urh­o­&#1 73;o­­d and be­gan. C­o­­nt­ac­t­ t­re­at­me­nt­ o­­f 261 p­e­o­­p­l­e­ t­o­­ c­o­­nt­ain t­h­e­ sp­re­ad t­h­e­ H­1N1 v­i­rus­.

            There’s­ an­xiety­ in­ B­arotiw­ala af­ter a y­oun­g­ m­an­ f­rom­ the S­uraj­p­ur P­an­chay­at died of­ s­w­in­e f­lu. He had coug­h an­d f­ever tw­o day­ ag­o w­hen­ the f­am­ily­ took him­ to the P­GI in C­h­andigarh­, w­h­e­re­ h­e­ die­d las­t e­ve­ning. Th­e­ ne­w­ p­atie­nt o­­f s­w­ine­ flu, a h­o­­us­e­w­ife&#173 ; fro­­m th­e­ Kath­e­r are­a o­­f S­o­­lan, e­nte­re­d h­o­­s­p­ital th­re­e­ day­ ago­­.

            The­ do­c­to­rs­ who­ be­gan he­r tre­atm­e­nt no­ti­c­e­d no­ i­m­p­ro­ve­m­e&#173 ;nt i­n he­r c­o­ndi­ti­o­n, s­o­ the­y­ to­o­k­ the­ s­am­p­le­s­ o­f he­r blo­­o­­d a­nd sent th­ese f­o­r a­na­l­y­sis.

            The­ lab­o­rato­ry e­xam­i­nati­o­n co­nfi­rm­e­d that the­ swi­ne­-flu­ v­i­ru­s had i­nfe­cte­d the­ wo­m­an. Last we­e­k she­ re­tu­rne­d to­ So­lan fro­m­ G­awalio­r i­n M­a­d­hy­a­ P­ra­d­esh.

            Las­t year, s­w­in­­e f­lu claimed s­even­­ lives­ in­­ th­e So­­lan di­st­r­i­ct­ al­o­n­e.

            T­he­ fi­rst­ pa­t­i­e­nt­ wa­s a­ st­ude­nt­ fro­m­ a­ p­ri­v­ate­ uni­v­e­rs­i­ty in­ the i­nd­us­tri­al zone c­ov­eri­ng Bad­d­i­, Bar­oti­wal­a, an­d­ N­al­agar­h (BBN&#173. Th­is y­ear, sh­ortly­ af­ter detec­tion­­ of­ th­e f­irst c­ase of­ th­e pan­­demic­ in­­ th­e town­­, th­e Solan­­ chi­e­f me­di­cal offi­ce­r (CMO), D­r As­ho­k­ Tag­ra, d­eplo­yed­ the Rapid­ Res­po­ns­e Team­ to­ exam­ine everyo­ne w­ho­ m­ig­ht have co­m­e in the co­ntact w­ith the patient.

            H­e s­aid­ th­e team h­ad­ treated­ 261 p­eo­p­le s­in­c­e S­aturd­ay. Bes­id­es­, th­e p­atien­t’s­ family is­ un­d­er ad­vic­e to­ s­tay quaran­tin­ed­ in­ th­e h­o­us­e fo­r at leas­t a week­.

            Th­e field­ wo­rk­ers­, es­p­ec­ially in th­e B­B­N z­o­ne, h­ave­ in­­st­ruc­t­ion­&#1 73;s t­o re­p­ort­ all susp­e­c­t­e­d c­ase­s of swin­­e­ flu quic­kly­ t­o t­h­e­ d­ist­rict­ head­q­uart­ers.
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            Last edited by Ronan Kelly; August 30, 2010, 07:58 AM. Reason: format
            Twitter: @RonanKelly13
            The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


            • #21
              Re: Himachal Pradesh - 1st fatality this season, total 17

              Woman dies of swine flu in HP

              Shimla: A 42yrs. old woman died of swine flu symptoms in Dr. Ranjinder Prassad Medical College Hospital at Tanada in Kangra district of this northern state early this morning, senior medial official confirmed. Satya Bandhu, medial officer, Dr. RPMC Hospital Tanda told Himvani over phone that a 42 years old woman belonging to Harchitina area of Kangra district succumbed to swine flu symptoms of fever and vomiting early this morning as she had been hospitalized on August 30 and was being kept in isolation.

              He said that deceased?s samples have been sent to test for H1N1 virus at IGMC and report of the test was yet to come. He said that victim had gone to Nalagarh in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh recently where she might have been infected by H1N1, as after return form there she fell ill. Meanwhile state swine flu nodal officer, Vinod Mehta told Himvani that this was 18th death due to swine flu in the state and about 56 cases have been tested positive for H1N1 virus. Meanwhile, ten people belonging to this hill state had been killed by H1N1 outside the state.
              Twitter: @RonanKelly13
              The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


              • #22
                Re: Himachal Pradesh - 2 fatalities this season, total 18

                1st swine flu case in Mandi district of HP

                STAFF WRITER 21:13 HRS IST
                Mandi (HP), Sept 17 (PTI) A suspected swine flu case was today reported for the first time in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh.

                Jai Chand, head of Ner panchayat in Balh village, was admitted to community health centre at Ratti with symptoms of swine flu and was shifted to Hari Har hospital Gutkar and later referred to Fortis hospital at Mohali.

                Family sources said after certain tests, doctors at the Hari Har hospital found symptoms of swine flu.

                Meanwhile, Medical Officer T C Mahant said residents of Ner panchayat were being screened for the H1N1 virus and the department is taking steps to tackle the situation.

                The department despatched sufficient quantity of Tami flu tablets to civil hospital Ratti, he said.
                Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                • #23
                  Re: Himachal Pradesh - 2 fatalities this season, total 18

                  First swine flu death in Mandi district

                  Mandi: Mandi district reported its first case of swine flue death today with one Jai Chand, pradhan of Ner panchyat, breathing his last at Forties Hospital in Mohali, where he had been undergoing treatment after being referred from the local hospitals here.

                  He had been admitted to government hospital at Ratti near here about two weeks ago. Later, he was shifted to a local private hospital from where he was referred after two days to Forties where doctors diagnosed that he was suffering from swine flue. The local hospital here had been treating him for typhoid.

                  According to family members, he probably got the infection from three ?sadhus? who were camping in the village temple where Jai Chand often spent long hours.


                  • #24
                    Re: Himachal Pradesh - 2 fatalities this season, total 19

                    stephensons@RLFT. As a side note, this thread has counted 20 fatalities including the one below. The central figures still give a total of 10.

                    Hindi to English translation
                    Aejimsi swine flu killed woman
                    Source: Times News | Last Updated 01:06 (09/01/11)
                    Shimla. Aejimsi suffering from flu in a young woman died. Swine flu did hit the young woman Upecharadhen a relative in the hospital. District Health Department team on Saturday came in contact with the woman gave first aid to 20 other people.

                    Tiyog 18-year-old woman to die was a village. In critical condition late Thursday night he was brought Aejimsi. But after a while she died in ICU. That were not known how the woman was infected with swine flu. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Rajiv Ranjan said the flu outbreak apparent reason just have not before. According to family of girl in Aejimsi Thoyaraid six months of treatment was going on. So he used to come to Shimla. Thoyaraid woman to two and a half months was not medicine. Such a decrease in immunity to it because of the flu seems to be. Dr. Rjanne said that during the investigation in the village two or three other people received flu symptoms.

                    His treatment was started.
                    Swine flu in the state so far has been 20 lives. 60 people have arrived in its grip. Deputy Aejimsi MS Dr. Fine says Chandrakant Mrihka Aejimsi two days ago was brought in, but more serious condition when he died. Swine flu had been confirmed in that investigation. Department of Health disease surveillance officer Dr Vinod Mehta said that the true cause of disease outbreaks have not before
                    Dainik Bhaskar (दैनिक भास्कर) Hindi News Samachar - Find all Hindi News and Samachar, News in Hindi, Hindi News Headlines and Daily Breaking Hindi News Today and Updated From
                    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                    • #25
                      Re: Himachal Pradesh - 3 fatalities this season, total 20

                      English version of the story above - note how the total number of fatalities is reported as 25+.


                      Shimla (Jan 10) Swine flu claimed first life in the new year in Himachal Pradesh, as 18 yrs old girl died on Saturday, tested positive for (H1N1) later.

                      The victim was brought in emergency to IGMC here on Thursday, Medical Specialists confirmed.

                      State Disease Surveillance Officer, Vinod Mehta told Himvani, today that death could have been averted, if patient was not brought in a critical condition at IGMC Hospital. Her test was positive for H1N1, when she had already died.


                      He said that this is first isolated case of Swine flu that surfaced after long time in the state. More than 25 patients died of H1N1 in the state during last years.

                      Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                      The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.

