From week 50 IDSP report:
Chhattisgarh All District
ii. Seasonal Influenza A(H1N1
239* cases 53* fatalities 01-01-15 Under Surveillance
239 Cases and 53 deaths were reported till 50th week ending on 13th December
2015 from different District. District RRT investigated the outbreak. House to
house survey done. A fresh spurt of cases was reported in 42ndweek ending on
18th October 2015. All cases treated symptomatically. Health education given.
Chhattisgarh All District
ii. Seasonal Influenza A(H1N1
239* cases 53* fatalities 01-01-15 Under Surveillance
239 Cases and 53 deaths were reported till 50th week ending on 13th December
2015 from different District. District RRT investigated the outbreak. House to
house survey done. A fresh spurt of cases was reported in 42ndweek ending on
18th October 2015. All cases treated symptomatically. Health education given.