Re: Case Descriptions from India
Excellent! See, I couldn't have done this without you. So I took that one off and now have this....
22 yo (Shivu) From: Karnataka, Kodagehalli, Kolar dist. Adm: Rajiv Gandhi Inst.
44 yo (Usha Jain) From: Faridabad, Delhi (3rd Delhi) Adm: RML Hospital 8/21 DOD: 8/25
28 yo (Siddarraju) From: Karnataka, Bangalore (15th, Karnataka). Adm: Rajiv Gandhi Inst. 8/21. Also had chickungunya. DOD: 8/24 night or 8/25.
Excellent! See, I couldn't have done this without you. So I took that one off and now have this....
22 yo (Shivu) From: Karnataka, Kodagehalli, Kolar dist. Adm: Rajiv Gandhi Inst.
44 yo (Usha Jain) From: Faridabad, Delhi (3rd Delhi) Adm: RML Hospital 8/21 DOD: 8/25
28 yo (Siddarraju) From: Karnataka, Bangalore (15th, Karnataka). Adm: Rajiv Gandhi Inst. 8/21. Also had chickungunya. DOD: 8/24 night or 8/25.