Unusual epilepsy cases in schoolchildren on the rise
Umesh Isalkar, TNN | Mar 6, 2014, 03.02AM IST
PUNE: Nine-year-old Anushka had an episode of convulsions following a sudden spike in her body temperature a few days ago. She continued to suffer recurrent, nearly continuous seizures for 10 days.

Paediatric neurologists in the city say Anushka's is not a one off case, as they report a fairly worrisome incidence rate of this kind of epilepsy in school-going children, which is triggered by fever from an unknown cause.

The condition, medically known as fever induced refractory epileptic encephalopathy in school going children (FIRES), if not treated in time, may cause severe cognitive impairment and even death, say experts.


Paediatric neurologist and epileptologist Nandan Yardi also confirms the rise in cases of this unusual type of epilepsy in children. "We are seeing more and more cases, rather recognizing more of these, which were previously called unexplained coma. The exact cause of FIRES in not known to science although many theories are being researched such as autoimmune disorder, virus infection and others," said Yardi, who treats around 6 to 10 children with FIRES in a year with most cases in the 3 to 8 years age bracket...