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Tibet: la grippe aviaire

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  • Tibet: la grippe aviaire

    cr?dits Niman

    Chine rapports de la grippe aviaire dans les volailles du Tibet

    29 2008 11:14:20 GMT
    Source: Reuters

    BEIJING, Jan 29 (Reuters) - La Chine a d?tect? l'apparition de la souche H5N1 hautement pathog?ne de la grippe aviaire dans les volailles du Tibet, un site Web du gouvernement a d?clar? ce mardi.
    Un total de 1000 volailles sont mortes de la maladie dans le comt? Gonggan depuis le 25 janvier tandis que 13080 autres ont ?t? abattus, le minist?re de l'Agriculture a d?clar? sur son site Web (
    "Le Conseil national de la grippe aviaire, le laboratoire de r?f?rence a confirm? comme un sous-type de virus de la souche H5N1," il a dit.
    Avec la plus grande du monde population de volailles et des centaines de millions d'agriculteurs ?lever les oiseaux dans leurs arri?re-cours, la Chine est consid?r?e comme cruciale dans la lutte mondiale contre la grippe aviaire.
    Les ?pid?miologistes craignent la souche H5N1, qui reste essentiellement une maladie animale, mais a infect? l'homme, pourrait muter en une forme facilement qu'elle se propage chez les gens.
    M?dias d'Etat a indiqu? au d?but de ce mois qu'un total de 4850 volailles ?taient mortes de la souche H5N1 de la grippe aviaire dans Turpan, dans le Xinjiang, depuis le 29 D?cembre, ce qui a incit? les autorit?s ? l'abattage de 29383 autres oiseaux.
    La grippe aviaire se propage plus rapidement dans le temps frisquet. (Signalement par P?kin newsroom; Modification de Lucy Hornby et Alex Richardson)

    Thomson Reuters empowers professionals with cutting-edge technology solutions informed by industry-leading content and expertise.


    China reports bird flu outbreak in poultry in Tibet
    29 Jan 2008 11:14:20 GMT
    Source: Reuters

    BEIJING, Jan 29 (Reuters) - China has detected an outbreak of the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of bird flu in poultry in Tibet, a government Web site said on Tuesday.
    A total of 1,000 poultry have died of the disease in Gonggan county since Jan. 25, while another 13,080 have been culled, the Ministry of Agriculture said on its Web site (
    "The National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory confirmed the virus as a subtype of the H5N1 strain," it said.
    With the world's biggest poultry population and hundreds of millions of farmers raising birds in their backyards, China is seen as crucial in the global fight against bird flu.
    Epidemiologists fear the H5N1 strain, which remains mainly an animal disease but has infected humans, could mutate to a form that it spreads easily among people.
    State media reported earlier this month that a total of 4,850 poultry had died of the H5N1 strain of bird flu in Turpan, in Xinjiang, since Dec. 29, prompting authorities there to cull another 29,383 birds.
    Bird flu spreads fastest in chilly weather. (Reporting by Beijing newsroom; Editing by Lucy Hornby and Alex Richardson)

    Thomson Reuters empowers professionals with cutting-edge technology solutions informed by industry-leading content and expertise.

  • #2
    Re: Tibet: la grippe aviaire

    cr?dits Niman

    Chine rapports flamb?e de grippe aviaire au Tibet

    Agence France-Presse

    Mise ? jour: 29 janvier, 2008

    BEIJING - China's Mardi autorit?s agricoles ont signal? une flamb?e de grippe aviaire au Tibet, pr?s de la capitale r?gionale de Lhassa, les m?dias d'Etat dit. Le d?clenchement de la souche mortelle H5N1 de la grippe aviaire se sont produits au Tibet Gongga du comt?, a d?clar? l'agence de presse Xinhua, citant la China National Bird Flu Reference Laboratory.
    La flamb?e a ?t? suspect?e d?s janvier 25, mais seulement confirm? par le laboratoire, le mardi, il a dit.
    Des experts ont ?t? d?p?ch?s dans la r?gion, qui se trouve ? environ 50 kilom?tres (31 milles) au sud de Lhasa.
    Les autorit?s sanitaires locales ont re?u l'ordre de prendre des mesures pour arr?ter la propagation de l'?pid?mie, selon le rapport.
    Aucun d?tail de l'?pid?mie, tels que le nombre d'oiseaux et les ?levages ont ?t? touch?s, ont ?t? donn?es.
    La Chine reste en ?tat d'alerte pour les grands ?v?nements de la grippe aviaire qui a infect? ? ce jour au moins 27 personnes dans le pays, dont 17 sont morts.
    La semaine derni?re, les autorit?s sanitaires ont mis en garde contre un risque accru d'animaux d'?pid?mies li?es ? la sant? au cours des vacances du Nouvel An lunaire, qui commence le 7 f?vrier, en disant beaucoup de gouvernements locaux n'ont pas ?t? pr?par?s.
    Le risque accru dans un pays sujet ? des maladies animales d?coule de la masse des voyageurs et de l'?levage devrait ?tre transport? ? travers le pays pour la Chine le plus grand vacances, la presse a dit.
    H5N1 a tu? plus de 200 personnes et ravag? par les troupeaux de volailles dans le monde depuis 2003, selon l'Organisation mondiale de la Sant?.


    <table border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td><table border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>China reports outbreak of bird flu in Tibet

    </td></tr><tr><td>Agence France-Presse

    </td></tr><tr><td>Posted date: January 29, 2008

    BEIJING -- China's agricultural authorities Tuesday reported an outbreak of bird flu in Tibet near the regional capital of Lhasa, state media said. The outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain of avian influenza occurred in Tibet's Gongga county, Xinhua news agency said, citing the China National Bird Flu Reference Laboratory.
    The outbreak had been suspected as of January 25, but only confirmed by the laboratory on Tuesday, it said.
    Experts have been dispatched to the county, which lies about 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of Lhasa.
    Local health officials have been ordered to take measures to stop the outbreak from spreading, the report said.
    No details of the outbreak, such as how many birds and farms were affected, were given.
    China remains on alert for frequent occurrences of bird flu which has so far infected at least 27 people in the country, 17 of whom died.
    Last week, health authorities warned of an increased risk of animal-related health epidemics during the Lunar New Year holiday that begins on February 7, saying many local governments were not prepared.
    The heightened risk in a country prone to animal diseases stems from the massive numbers of travellers and livestock expected to be transported around the country for China's biggest holiday, press reports said.
    H5N1 has killed more than 200 people and ravaged poultry flocks worldwide since 2003, according to the World Health Organization.



    • #3
      Re: Tibet: la grippe aviaire

      cr?dits Niman

      Proximit? de l'Inde du Nord,15.183105&z=6


      Proximity to northern India is more than obvious,15.183105&z=6


      • #4
        Re: Tibet: la grippe aviaire


        H5N1 confirm? dans le sud du Tibet

        Recombinomics Commentaire 13:34
        29 janvier 2008

        Un total de 1000 volailles sont mortes de la maladie dans le comt? Gonggan depuis le 25 janvier tandis que 13080 autres ont ?t? abattus, le minist?re de l'Agriculture

        La flamb?e a ?t? suspect?e d?s janvier 25, mais seulement confirm? par le laboratoire, le mardi, il a dit.

        Des experts ont ?t? d?p?ch?s dans la r?gion, qui se trouve ? environ 50 kilom?tres (31 milles) au sud de Lhasa.

        Les remarques ci-dessus d?crivent un flamb?e ? H5N1 confirm?s dans le sud du Tibet, juste au nord de l'Inde et du Bangladesh (voir la carte satellite, ici et ici). Le mouvement des oiseaux sauvages de la Sib?rie, la Mongolie et la Chine dans le nord de l'Inde est bien document?e. Ainsi, la pr?sence du virus H5N1, juste au nord de l'Inde n'est pas une surprise.

        S?quences de la flamb?e de 2006 en Inde, ont ?t? publi?s, et les s?quences ?taient la souche du Qinghai (clade 2.2.3), qui a ?t? signal?e pour la premi?re fois au lac Qinghai, en Chine centrale, au printemps 2005 et en Qinghia province au printemps 2006. En outre, le lac Uva souche, une variante de clade 2.2.3 Uva a ?t? signal? au lac, le plus grand lac de la Mongolie.

        L'arriv?e de ces oiseaux en Inde et au Bangladesh ne constitue pas une surprise.

        S?quence de donn?es de l'apparition r?cente de foyers en Inde, au Bangladesh et au Pakistan serait utile.


        Commentary </big></big>

        H5N1 Confirmed in Southern Tibet

        Recombinomics Commentary 13:34
        January 29, 2008

        A total of 1,000 poultry have died of the disease in Gonggan county since Jan. 25, while another 13,080 have been culled, the Ministry of Agriculture

        The outbreak had been suspected as of January 25, but only confirmed by the laboratory on Tuesday, it said.

        Experts have been dispatched to the county, which lies about 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of Lhasa.

        The above comments describe a confirmed H5N1 outbreak in southern Tibet, just north of India and Bangladesh (see satellite map here and here). The movement of wild birds from Siberia, Mongolia, and China into northern India is well documented. Thus, the presence of H5N1 just north of India is not a surprise.

        Sequences from the 2006 outbreak in India have been published, and the sequences were the Qinghai strain (clade 2.2.3), which was first reported at Qinghai Lake in central China in the spring of 2005 and in Qinghia province in the spring of 2006. In addition, the Uva Lake strain, a variant of clade 2.2.3 was reported at Uva Lake, the largest lake in Mongolia.

        The arrival of these birds in India and Bangladesh is not a surprise.

        Sequence data from the recent outbreaks in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan would be useful.


        • #5
          Re: Tibet: la grippe aviaire

          cr?dits Dutchy

          OIE - rapport:
          Certains snips:

          WAHID Interface - OIE mondiale de la sant? animale informations DatabaseHighly
          Pathog?ne de la grippe aviaire,
          Chine (R?publique populaire de)

          Information re?ue le 29/01/2008 de M. Jia Youling, chef national
          Veterinary Officer, Bureau v?t?rinaire, Directeur g?n?ral, BEIJING, Chine
          (R?publique populaire de)

          Rapport typeFollow-up report No. 9

          Date rapport 29/01/2008

          Date pr?sent? ? l'OIE 29/01/2008

          Motif de la notificationReoccurrence d'une maladie r?pertori?e

          Date de l'?v?nement pr?c?dent 03/2006

          Relatif reportsImmediate notification (20/04/2006)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 1 (26/05/2006)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 2 (09/06/2006)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 3 (26/06/2006)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 4 (28/06/2006)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 5 (06/03/2007)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 6 (19/05/2007)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 7 (15/09/2007)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 8 (04/01/2008)
          Rapport de suivi n ? 9 (29/01/2008)

          Flamb?e 1 Gongga, Gongga, TIBET

          Date de d?but de la flamb?e 21/01/2008

          Unit? ?pid?miologique Village
          Les animaux malades

          Les oiseaux

          Sensible 14 080

          Cas 1 000

          D?c?s 1 000

          D?truit 13 080

          Population touch?e 10080 poulets et 400 canards

          Total foyers: 1

          OIE - report:

          Some snips:

          WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information DatabaseHighly
          pathogenic avian influenza,
          China (People's Rep. of)

          Information received on 29/01/2008 from Mr Jia Youling, National Chief
          Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Bureau, Director General, BEIJING, China
          (People's Rep. of)

          Report typeFollow-up report No. 9

          Report date 29/01/2008

          Date submitted to OIE 29/01/2008

          Reason for notificationReoccurrence of a listed disease

          Date of previous occurrence 03/2006

          Related reportsImmediate notification (20/04/2006)
          Follow-up report No. 1 (26/05/2006)
          Follow-up report No. 2 (09/06/2006)
          Follow-up report No. 3 (26/06/2006)
          Follow-up report No. 4 (28/06/2006)
          Follow-up report No. 5 (06/03/2007)
          Follow-up report No. 6 (19/05/2007)
          Follow-up report No. 7 (15/09/2007)
          Follow-up report No. 8 (04/01/2008)
          Follow-up report No. 9 (29/01/2008)

          Outbreak 1 Gongga, Gongga, TIBET

          Date of start of the outbreak 21/01/2008

          Epidemiological unit Village
          Affected animals

          Species Birds

          Susceptible 14 080

          Cases 1 000

          Deaths 1 000

          Destroyed 13 080

          Affected population 10080 broilers and 400 ducks

          Total outbreaks: 1


          • #6
            Re: Tibet: la grippe aviaire

            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="645"><tbody><tr><td class="style2" align="center">

            credits niman

            La Chine confirme de nouveaux cas de grippe aviaire au Tibet
            Adjust font size:
            Le minist?re de l'Agriculture (MOA), a annonc? mardi qu'il avait confirm? un nouveau cas de grippe aviaire chez les volailles dans le sud-ouest de la r?gion autonome du Tibet.
            Le Conseil national de la grippe aviaire laboratoire de r?f?rence a confirm? mardi que l'affaire qui avait affect? Jiedexiu Town, Gongga County, le 25 Janvier a ?t? caus?e par le virus H5N1 hautement pathog?ne de l'influenza aviaire du sous-type de virus, le MAC a dit.
            L'?pid?mie a tu? 1000 oiseaux et ont conduit ? l'abattage de another13, 080. Aucun des infections chez l'homme ont ?t? signal?s.
            Contr?le de la grippe aviaire et les efforts de pr?vention vont bien, le protocole d'entente d?clar?. Il a dit qu'il avait envoy? des experts afin de coordonner ces efforts, comme le gouvernement local bloqu? au large de la r?gion infect?e et renforc? la quarantaine et de contr?le pour endiguer la flamb?e.
            L'?pid?mie est venue moins d'un mois apr?s une autre affaire de Turpan, dans le nord-ouest de la r?gion autonome du Xinjiang-Ou?gour, tu? 4850 oiseaux et ont entra?n? l'abattage de 29383 autres.
            (Xinhua News Agency 30 janvier 2008)


            China confirms new bird flu case in Tibet </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc" height="1">
            </td></tr><tr><td align="right" height="25">Adjust font size:<script language="javascript"><!-- drawline1(); //--></script><script langage="javascript"> printResizeButton(); </script> </td></tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="630"><tbody><tr><td class="style3" style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px;"><!--enpcontent-->The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) announced on Tuesday that it had confirmed a new bird flu case among poultry in southwestern Tibet Autonomous Region.
            The National Bird Flu Reference Laboratory confirmed on Tuesday that the case that had affected Jiedexiu Town, Gongga County, on Jan. 25 was caused by the highly pathogenic H5N1 subtype avian influenza virus, the MOA said.
            The outbreak killed 1,000 birds and led to the culling of another13,080. No human infections were reported.
            Bird flu control and prevention efforts were going smoothly, the MOA stated. It said that it had sent experts to coordinate these efforts as the local government blocked off the infected region and stepped up quarantine and oversight to contain the outbreak.
            The outbreak came less than a month after another case in Turpan, in northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, killed 4,850 birds and resulted in the culling of another 29,383.
            (Xinhua News Agency January 30, 2008)
            <!--/enpcontent--><!--enpproperty <date>2008-01-30 07:42:35</date><author></author><title>China confirms new bird flu case in Tibet</title><keyword>bird,flu,tibet</keyword><subtitle></subtitle><introtitle></introtitle><siteid>1007</siteid><nodename>Top News</nodename><sort></sort><domainname></domainname>/enpproperty-->


            • #7
              Re: Tibet: la grippe aviaire

              Commentaire H5N1 confirm? dans le sud du Tibet
              Recombinomics Commentaire 13:34
              29 janvier 2008

              Un total de 1000 volailles sont mortes de la maladie dans le comt? Gonggan depuis le 25 janvier tandis que 13080 autres ont ?t? abattus, le minist?re de l'Agriculture

              La flamb?e a ?t? suspect?e d?s janvier 25, mais seulement confirm? par le laboratoire, le mardi, il a dit.

              Des experts ont ?t? d?p?ch?s dans la r?gion, qui se trouve ? environ 50 kilom?tres (31 milles) au sud de Lhasa.

              Les remarques ci-dessus d?crivent un flamb?e ? H5N1 confirm?s dans le sud du Tibet, juste au nord de l'Inde et du Bangladesh (voir la carte satellite, ici et ici). Le mouvement des oiseaux sauvages de la Sib?rie, la Mongolie et la Chine dans le nord de l'Inde est bien document?e. Ainsi, la pr?sence du virus H5N1, juste au nord de l'Inde n'est pas une surprise.

              S?quences de la flamb?e de 2006 en Inde, ont ?t? publi?s, et les s?quences ?taient la souche du Qinghai (clade 2.2.3), qui a ?t? signal?e pour la premi?re fois au lac Qinghai, en Chine centrale, au printemps 2005 et en Qinghia province au printemps 2006. En outre, le lac Uva souche, une variante de clade 2.2.3 Uva a ?t? signal? au lac, le plus grand lac de la Mongolie.

              L'arriv?e de ces oiseaux en Inde et au Bangladesh ne constitue pas une surprise.

              S?quence de donn?es de l'apparition r?cente de foyers en Inde, au Bangladesh et au Pakistan serait utile.
              H5N1 Confirmed in Southern Tibet
              Recombinomics Commentary 13:34
              January 29, 2008

              A total of 1,000 poultry have died of the disease in Gonggan county since Jan. 25, while another 13,080 have been culled, the Ministry of Agriculture

              The outbreak had been suspected as of January 25, but only confirmed by the laboratory on Tuesday, it said.

              Experts have been dispatched to the county, which lies about 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of Lhasa.

              The above comments describe a confirmed H5N1 outbreak in southern Tibet, just north of India and Bangladesh (see satellite map here and here). The movement of wild birds from Siberia, Mongolia, and China into northern India is well documented. Thus, the presence of H5N1 just north of India is not a surprise.

              Sequences from the 2006 outbreak in India have been published, and the sequences were the Qinghai strain (clade 2.2.3), which was first reported at Qinghai Lake in central China in the spring of 2005 and in Qinghia province in the spring of 2006. In addition, the Uva Lake strain, a variant of clade 2.2.3 was reported at Uva Lake, the largest lake in Mongolia.

              The arrival of these birds in India and Bangladesh is not a surprise.

              Sequence data from the recent outbreaks in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan would be useful.

