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ALG?RIE - Possible cas humain suspect de grippe aviaire

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  • ALG?RIE - Possible cas humain suspect de grippe aviaire

    Par Mohamed Medjahdi (La Tribune, Algiers)
    6 d?cembre 2006

    Le d?c?s ? l'h?pital d'une femme ?g?e atteinte d'une grippe, deux jours apr?s sa mise en quarantaine, a provoqu? une v?ritable panique tant au sein des m?decins qu'au niveau de la population.

    Devant cette situation douteuse, qui a pouss? les responsables de la sant? ? mettre au courant le ministre de la Sant?, pour parer ? d'?ventuels dangers, la rumeur a pris de l'ampleur. Au point que le tout Tlemcen en parle. Contact?, le directeur g?n?ral du CHU de Tlemcen, M. Abdelhamid Lallama, nous r?v?le qu'?effectivement une femme, de la r?gion de Ouzidene relevant de la da?ra de Sabra, dont l'?tat pr?sentait des sympt?mes identiques ? celle de la grippe aviaire, nous a pouss?s ? prendre des mesures d'urgence pour diagnostiquer sa maladie? avant d'encha?ner: ?La patiente a ?t? isol?e pendant deux jours et nos responsables ont ?t? mis au courant.?

    Le DG a tenu ? infirmer l'existence d'un quelconque cas de grippe aviaire et a tenu ? rassurer les populations, d?clarant que la femme ?tait d?c?d?e suite ? des complications infectieuses. ?Elle est vieille, et son corps n'a pu lutter contre la maladie?, explique M. Lallama. De son c?t?, la direction du parc national a accentu? ses sorties pour surveiller les oiseaux migrateurs au niveau des barrages et de la zone humide de Dhayet El Ferd. M?me les v?t?rinaires et les m?decins d?ploient tous leurs efforts pour faire face ? ce virus qui a fait jusqu'? pr?sent 57 victimes dans le monde. A l'heure o? des pays abattent des milliers de volatiles, comme c'est le cas en Cor?e, les Nations unies estiment qu'il faut pr?s d'un milliard et demi de dollars pour lutter contre ce virus H5N1.


  • #2
    Possible suspect BF case

    Babelfish translated:

    ALGERIA - Possible suspect human case of aviary influenza ALGERIA: The CHU OF TLEMCEN LUNATIC the EXISTENCE OF AVIARY CASE OF INFLUENZA By Mohamed Medjahdi (The Platform, Algiers) December 6, 2006 The death at the hospital of an old woman reached of an influenza, two days after its setting in quarantine, caused a true panic as well within the doctors as on the level of the population. In front of this doubtful situation, which pushed the persons in charge for health to put at the current the minister Health, to counter possible dangers, the rumour became extensive. So much so that the Tlemcen whole speaks about it. Contacted, the general manager of the CHU of Tlemcen, reveal Mr. Abdelhamid Lallama, we that "effectivement a woman, area of concerning Ouzidene will da?ra of Sabred, whose state presented symptoms identical to that of the aviary influenza, pushed us to take emergency measures to diagnose her disease" before connecting: "the patient was isolated during two days and our persons in charge were informed." The DG made a point of cancelling the existence of an unspecified case of aviary influenza and made a point of reassuring the populations, informant who the woman had died following infectious complications. "It is old, and its body could not fight against the disease", explains Mr. Lallama. On its side, the direction of the national park accentuated its exits to supervise the migratory birds on the level of the stoppings and the wetland of Dhayet El Ferd. Even the veterinary surgeons and the doctors deploy all their efforts to face this virus which made until now 57 victims in the world. At the hour when countries cut down thousands of birds, as it is the case in Korea, the United Nations estimate that it is necessary nearly a billion and half of dollars to fight against this virus H5N1.
    "I've no time to plead and pine. I've no time to wheedle. Kiss me quick and then I'm gone. POP! Goes the Weasel."

