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H1N1 in Laval, QC ... We got an email from my daughter's school.

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  • H1N1 in Laval, QC ... We got an email from my daughter's school.

    We just got an email from my daughter's school about multiple H1N1 cases
    in different Laval schools, but no school names.

    It would be very much appreciated if some one could trace down a list.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: H1N1 in Laval, QC ... We got an email from my daughter's school.


    I live in Quebec and I am the mother of a teenager who goes to the school to Laval. It is in pension over there. I do not have more information than you. I try to join his school and everywhere it is the responder. If I find information I will post it on this thread.



    Bonjour.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
    Je vis &#224; Qu&#233;bec et je suis la m&#232;re d’un adolescent qui va &#224; l’&#233;cole &#224; Laval. Il est en pension l&#224;-bas. Je n’ai pas plus d’informations que vous. Je tente de rejoindre son &#233;cole et partout c’est le r&#233;pondeur. Si je trouve l’information je l’afficherai sur ce fil.


    • #3
      Re: H1N1 in Laval, QC ... We got an email from my daughter's school.

      <TABLE class=tableauSectionDroiteContPrinc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionGaucheSectDroiteContPrinc><!-- debut_surligneconditionnel --><TABLE class=tableauSurTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTexteSurTitreArticle>Jeudi 14 mai 2009 10 h 30</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=tableauTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTexteTitreArticle>Deux &#233;l&#232;ves de la Commission scolaire de Laval ont re&#231;u un diagnostic confirm&#233; de grippe A (H1N1) : La Commission scolaire de Laval collabore &#233;troitement avec la Direction de sant&#233; publique de Laval.</TD><!-- <td class="sectionBtnImprimerTitreArticle"></td>--></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=tableauSousTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTexteSousTitreArticle></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
      La Direction de sant&#233; publique de Laval recommande aux &#233;l&#232;ves et au personnel des &#233;tablissements scolaires de poursuivre leurs activit&#233;s habituelles, incluant la pratique d’une bonne hygi&#232;ne respiratoire et de lavage des mains, tant &#224; l’&#233;cole qu’&#224; la maison. Consultez les documents ci-dessous pour obtenir plus d’information sur les mesures pr&#233;ventives.

      La Commission scolaire de Laval continue de surveiller de pr&#232;s l’&#233;tat de la situation du virus A (H1N1). Notre priorit&#233; reste la sant&#233; et la s&#233;curit&#233; de nos &#233;l&#232;ves et de notre personnel.
      Pour davantage d’information sur :
      • La sant&#233; en lien avec le virus de la grippe A (H1N1) : Info-Sant&#233; 8-1-1
      • L’&#233;volution de la situation : ou composer le num&#233;ro sans frais de Services Qu&#233;bec 1 877 644-4545, qui est en fonction de 8 h &#224; 20 h, sept jours sur sept. Ce service est offert en fran&#231;ais, en anglais et en espagnol, sur demande.
      Vous pouvez aussi visiter le site Internet de la Commission scolaire de Laval o&#249; l’information sera mise &#224; jour.

      <TABLE class=tableauPSTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTextePSTitreArticle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
      <TABLE class=tableauContenuPDFArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Lettre de la Direction de sant&#233; publique de Laval du 13 mai 2009
      Document PDF (73 Ko)

      </TD></TR><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Liste de coordonn&#233;es pour informations additionnelles
      Document PDF (127 Ko)

      </TD></TR><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Recommandations
      Document PDF (39 Ko)

      </TD></TR><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Information pour les personnes atteintes d’une infection respiratoire
      Document PDF (103 Ko)


      <!-- finde_surligneconditionnel -->

      </TD><TD class=sectionDroiteSectDroiteContPrinc>
      Mots cl&#233;s reli&#233;s &#224; cet article

      <TABLE id=tableauPagesRelieesArticles cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=elementTableauPagesRelieesArticles>Secr&#233;tariat g&#233;n&#233;ral</TD></TR><TR><TD class=elementTableauPagesRelieesArticles>Direction g&#233;n&#233;rale</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


      <TABLE class=contenuPiedDePageTableau cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenuPiedDePageTableauSectionAdresse>La Commission
      scolaire de Laval
      955, boulevard
      Saint-Martin Ouest
      Laval (Qu&#233;bec)
      H7S 1M5
      T&#233;l&#233;phone : 450 662-7000
      R&#233;gion administrative 13
      Code de l’organisme : 831


      <TABLE class=tableauSectionDroiteContPrinc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionGaucheSectDroiteContPrinc><TABLE class=tableauSurTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTexteSurTitreArticle>Thursday May 14, 2009 10:30</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=tableauTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTexteTitreArticle>Two pupils of the School commission of Laval received a confirmed diagnosis of influenza has (H1N1): The School commission of Laval collaborates narrowly with the Management of public health of Laval.</TD><!-- <td class="sectionBtnImprimerTitreArticle"></td>--></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=tableauSousTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTexteSousTitreArticle><TD class=sectionTexteSousTitreArticle></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
      The Management of public health of Laval recommends to the pupils and to the personnel schools to continue their usual activities, including the practice of a good respiratory hygiene and washing of the hands, as well at the school as at the house. Consult the documents below to obtain more information on the precautionary measures.

      The continuous School commission of Laval to supervise closely the financial statement of the virus has (H1N1). Our priority remains the health and the safety of our pupils and our personnel.
      For more information on:
      • Health in bond with the flu virus has (H1N1): Information-health 8-1-1
      • Evolution of the situation: or to compose the number without Quebec service costs 1.877.644-4545, which is according to 8:00 with 20:00, seven days over Sept. This service is offered in French, English and Spanish, on request.
      You can also visit Internet site of the School commission of Laval where information will be updated.

      <TABLE class=tableauPSTitreArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionTextePSTitreArticle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
      <TABLE class=tableauContenuPDFArticle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Letter of the Management of public health of Laval of May 13, 2009
      Document pdf (73 KB)

      </TD></TR><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>List coordinates for additional information
      Document pdf (127 KB)

      </TD></TR><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Recommendations
      Document pdf (39 KB)

      </TD></TR><TR><TD class=sectionLogoContenuPDFArticle></TD><TD class=sectionDescContenuPDFArticle>Information for the people reached of a respiratory infection
      Document pdf (103 KB)


      <!-- finde_surligneconditionnel -->
      </TD><TD class=sectionDroiteSectDroiteContPrinc>
      Key words connected in this article

      <TABLE id=tableauPagesRelieesArticles cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=elementTableauPagesRelieesArticles>General secretary</TD></TR><TR><TD class=elementTableauPagesRelieesArticles>Head office</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


      <TABLE class=contenuPiedDePageTableau cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenuPiedDePageTableauSectionAdresse>Commi ssion
      school of Laval
      955, boulevard
      Western Saint Martin's day
      Laval (Quebec)
      H7S 1M5
      Telephone: 450.662-7000
      Administrative area 13
      Code organization: 831


      • #4
        Re: H1N1 in Laval, QC ... We got an email from my daughter's school.

        J'ai contact&#233; la commission scolaire et la r&#233;ceptionniste n'&#233;tait pas au courant. Elle m'a r&#233;f&#233;r&#233; &#224; une charmante bo&#238;te vocale.


        I contacted the school commission and the receptionist was not with the current. She referred to me with a charming vocal box.


        • #5
          Re: H1N1 in Laval, QC ... We got an email from my daughter's school.

          Cas de grippe A (H1N1) &#224; Laval

          par Benoit LeBlanc
          Voir tous les articles de Benoit LeBlanc
          Article mis en ligne le 14 mai 2009 &#224; 14:43
          Soyez le premier &#224; commenter cet article

          Cas de grippe A (H1N1) &#224; Laval

          L'Agence de la sant&#233; et des services sociaux de Laval confirme que des &#233;l&#232;ves de la Commission scolaire de Laval ont re&#231;u un diagnostic confirm&#233; d'influenza A (H1N1), aussi appel&#233;e grippe porcine.

          Ces cas demeurent b&#233;nins, affirme Alejandra Irace-Cima, de la Direction de sant&#233; publique de Laval, dans une lettre envoy&#233;e le 13 mai aux parents, &#233;l&#232;ves et personnel des institutions scolaires de la r&#233;gion.

          Mme Irace-Cima rappelle que &#171;des &#233;closions ont &#233;t&#233; rapport&#233;es dans plusieurs &#233;coles au Canada et aux &#201;tats-Unis. Les enqu&#234;tes men&#233;es dans ces &#233;coles ont montr&#233; que les infections par l'influenza A (H1N1) &#233;taient plut&#244;t b&#233;nignes et qu'il n'est pas n&#233;cessaire de fermer les &#233;coles.

          Pied d'alerte

          &#171;D&#232;s que l'Organisation mondiale de la sant&#233; (OMS) a fait part publiquement de la probl&#233;matique, nous avons mis en branle notre plan de lutte &#224; la pand&#233;mie. Des agents de s&#233;curit&#233; s'assurent que les gens qui fr&#233;quentent nos centres de sant&#233;s et h&#244;pitaux se lavent les mains &#224; l'entr&#233;e et au d&#233;part. Nous restons en mode alerte avec un seul mot d'ordre: vigilance et pr&#233;vention&#187;, de d&#233;clarer Mathieu Vachon, porte-parole du Centre de sant&#233; et des services sociaux de Laval (CSSSL).


          Les personnes qui souhaitent avoir de l’information sur les diff&#233;rents aspects de la sant&#233; en lien avec le virus de la grippe A (H1N1) peuvent contacter Info-Sant&#233; 8-1-1. Pour tous les autres aspects, on peut consulter le site Web, ou composer le num&#233;ro sans frais de Services Qu&#233;bec 1 877 644-4545, qui est en fonction de 8h &#224; 20h, sept jours sur sept. Ce service est offert en fran&#231;ais, en anglais et en espagnol, sur demande. On peut aussi consulter le site Web de la Commission scolaire de Laval
          Un virus b&#233;nin

          L’influenza A (H1N1) est un nouveau virus qui circule maintenant dans la population. Les informations disponibles &#224; ce jour sur le comportement de ce virus sont rassurantes. Dans les pays industrialis&#233;s, ce virus semble causer des infections plut&#244;t b&#233;nignes ou s’apparentant &#224; la grippe saisonni&#232;re.

          L’influenza A (H1N1) se transmet d’une personne &#224; une autre par des gouttelettes respiratoires, en parlant, toussant ou &#233;ternuant. Il est donc justifi&#233; de recommander aux personnes ayant des sympt&#244;mes de rester &#224; la maison jusqu’&#224; sept jours apr&#232;s le d&#233;but des sympt&#244;mes et de renforcer les mesures d’hygi&#232;ne respiratoires.

          Jusqu'ici, il y aurait 26 cas d&#233;clar&#233;s li&#233;s &#224; ce virus au Qu&#233;bec.

          Case of influenza has (H1N1) in Laval

          by Benoit LeBlanc
          See all the articles of Benoit LeBlanc
          Article put in line on May 14, 2009 at 14:43
          Be the first to comment on this article

          Case of influenza has (H1N1) in Laval

          The Agency of the health and the social services of Laval confirms that pupils of the School commission of Laval received a confirmed diagnosis of influenza has (H1N1), also called porcine influenza.

          These cases remain benign, affirms Alejandra Irace-Cima, of the Management of public health of Laval, in a letter sent on May 13 to the parents, to pupils and to personnel of educational establishments of the area.

          Mrs. Irace-Cima points out that “blossomings were reported in several schools to Canada and the United States. The surveys carried out in these schools showed that the infections by the influenza has (H1N1) were rather benign and that it is not necessary to close the schools.

          Foot of alarm

          “As soon as the World Health Organization (WHO) made share publicly problems, we set in motion our fight plan at pandemia. Security agents make sure that people who attend our health centres and hospital wash the hands at the entry and the beginning. We remain in alert mode with only one watchword: vigilance and prevention”, to declare Mathieu Vachon, spokesperson of the Health centre and the social services of Laval (CSSSL).


          The people who wish to have information on the various aspects of health in bond with the flu virus has (H1N1) can contact Information-Health 8-1-1. For all the other aspects, one can consult the Web site, or to compose the number without Quebec service costs 1.877.644-4545, which is according to 8:00 with 20:00, seven days over Sept. This service is offered in French, English and Spanish, on request. One can also consult the Web site of the School commission of Laval
          A benign virus

          The influenza has (H1N1) is a new virus which circulates now in the population. Information available to date on the behavior of this virus is reassuring. In the industrialized countries, this virus seems to cause rather benign infections or being connected with the seasonal flu.

          The influenza has (H1N1) is transmitted of a person to another by respiratory droplets, while speaking, coughing or sneezing. It is thus justified to recommend to the people having symptoms to remain at the house up to seven days after the beginning of the symptoms and to reinforce respiratory measurements of hygiene.

          Up to now, there would be 26 cases declared dependent on this virus in Quebec.

