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H5N1 Astrakhan Swans (Tamiflu Resistant)

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  • H5N1 Astrakhan Swans (Tamiflu Resistant)

    Earlier submissions include swan from Astrakhan have title changed to reflect the finding of Tamiflu resistance

  • #2
    Re: H5N1 Astrakhan Swans (Tamiflu Resistant)

    TITLE Isolation and molecular characterization of the influenza A/H5N1
    viruses isolated during the outbreaks of avian influenza among
    birds in the European part of Russia in 2005: a virus strain with
    ozeltamivir-resistance mutation was found


    • #3
      Re: H5N1 Astrakhan Swans (Tamiflu Resistant)

      LOCUS DQ840522 1014 bp cRNA linear VRL 15-APR-2009
      DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/swan/Astrakhan/Russia/Nov-2/2005(H5N1))
      neuraminidase (NA) gene, partial cds.
      ACCESSION DQ840522
      VERSION DQ840522.1 GI:110613457
      KEYWORDS .
      SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/swan/Astrakhan/Russia/Nov-2/2005(H5N1))
      ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/swan/Astrakhan/Russia/Nov-2/2005(H5N1))
      Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
      Influenzavirus A.
      REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1014)
      AUTHORS Yatsyshina,S.B., Shestopalov,A.M., Evseyenko,V.A., Astakhova,T.S.,
      Braslavskaya,S.I., Ternovoi,V.A., Kondratieva,T.Y., Alekseev,A.Y.,
      Zolotykh,S.I., Rassadkin,Y.N., Zaikovskaya,A.V., Durymanov,A.G.,
      Netesov,S.V. and Shipulin,G.A.
      TITLE Isolation and molecular characterization of the influenza A/H5N1
      viruses isolated during the outbreaks of avian influenza among
      birds in the European part of Russia in 2005: a virus strain with
      ozeltamivir-resistance mutation was found
      JOURNAL Mol. Gen. Microbiol. Virol. 23 (1), 31-41 (2008)
      REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1014)
      AUTHORS Yatsyshina,S.B., Braslavskaya,S.I. and Shipulin,G.A.
      TITLE Direct Submission
      JOURNAL Submitted (05-JUL-2006) Federal Service for Surveillance on
      Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Federal State
      Scientific Entity Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, 3A,
      Novogireevskaya, Moscow 111123, Russia
      FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
      source 1..1014
      /organism="Influenza A virus
      /mol_type="viral cRNA"
      gene <1..>1014
      CDS <1..>1014
      1 atctgtatgg taattggaat agttagctta atgttacaaa ttgggaacat gatctcaata
      61 tgggtcagtc attcaattca gacagggaat caacgccaag ctgaaccaat cagcaatact
      121 aaatttctta ctgagaaagc tgtggcttca gtaacattag cgggcaattc atctctttgc
      181 cccattagcg gatgggctgt atacagtaag gacaacagta taaggatcgg ttccaggggg
      241 gatgtgtttg ttataagaga gccgttcatc tcatgctccc acttggaatg cagaactttc
      301 tttttgactc agggagcctt gctgaatgac aagcactcca atgggactgt caaagacaga
      361 agccctcaca gaacattaat gagttgtcct gtgggtgagg ctccctcccc atataactca
      421 aggtttgagt ctgttgcttg gtcagcaagt gcttgccatg atggcaccag ttggttgaca
      481 attggaattt ctggtccaga caatggggct gtggctgtat tgaaatacaa tggcataata
      541 acagacacca tcaagagttg gaggaacaac atactgagaa ctcaagagtc tgaatgtgca
      601 tgtgtaaatg gctcttgctt tactgtaatg actgatggac caagtaatgg gcaggcatca
      661 tataagatct tcaaaatgga aaaagggaaa gtggttaaat cagtcgaatt ggatgctcct
      721 aattattact atgaggagtg ctcctgttat cctgatgccg gcgaaatcac atgtgtgtgc
      781 agggataatt ggcatggctc aaataggcca tgggtatctt tcaatcaaaa tttggagtat
      841 caaataggat atatatgcag tggagttttc ggagacaatc cacgccccaa tgatggaaca
      901 ggtagttgtg gtccggtgtc ccctaacggg gcatatgggg taaaagggtt ttcatttaaa
      961 tacggcaatg gtgtctggat cgggagaacc aaaagcacta attccaggag cggc


      • #4
        Re: H5N1 Astrakhan Swans (Tamiflu Resistant)

        <dl class="AbstractPlusReport"><dt class="head">1: Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol. 2008;(1):26-34.<script language="JavaScript1.2"><!-- var Menu18368779 = [ ["UseLocalConfig", "jsmenu3Config", "", ""], ["LinkOut", "'/sites/entrez?Cmd=ShowLinkOut&Db=pubmed&TermToSearch=1836 8779&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubm ed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubme d_RVAbstractPlus' ", "", ""] ] --></script>Links
        </dt><dd class="abstract"> [Isolation and molecular characterization of the influenza virus A/H5N1 strains isolated during outbreak of avian influenza among birds in the European part of Russia in 2005: strain with ozeltamivir-resistance mutation was found]

        [Article in Russian]

        <!--AuthorList-->Iatsyshina SB, Shestopalov AM, Evseenko VA, Astakhova TS, Braslavskaia SI, Ternovo? VA, Kondrat'eva TIu, Alekseev AIu, Zolotykh SI, Rassadkin IuN, Za?kovskaia AV, Durymanov AG, Netesov SV, Shipulin GA.
        Isolation and characterization of the influenza virus A/H5N1 strains, isolated from chicken in the Yandovka village (Tula Region) and from wild swan near the orifice of the Volga River that died during an outbreak of avian flu in autumn 2005, were carried out. Genetic and phylogenetic analyses were performed. The goals of the analysis were to determine possible geographical origin of the strain, genetic similarity of isolated strains to earlier sequenced isolates, epidemic potential, existence of pathogenicity markers, and resistance to antiviral drugs. It was shown that the isolated influenza virus belonged to highly pathogenic variants of China origin by a reassortment of viruses genotypes Z and V circulated in poultry and wild birds. A number of molecular markers of pathogenicity to gallinaceous birds and mammals were found out. Mutations in the hemagglutinin gene promoting potentially high rate of replication in humans as well as mutations causing the resistance to amantadine/rimantadine were not found. The strain isolated from wild swan had the mutation causing resistance to tamiflu/ozeltamivir.


        • #5
          Re: H5N1 Astrakhan Swans (Tamiflu Resistant)

          S. B. Yatsyshina<sup>1 </sup>, A. M. Shestopalov<sup>2</sup>, V. A. Evseyenko<sup>2</sup>, T. S. Astakhova<sup>1</sup>, S. I. Braslavskaya<sup>1</sup>, V. A. Ternovoi<sup>1</sup>, T. Yu. Kondratieva<sup>1</sup>, A. Yu. Alekseev<sup>2</sup>, S. I. Zolotykh<sup>2</sup>, Y. N. Rassadkin<sup>2</sup>, A. V. Zaikovskaya<sup>2</sup>, A. G. Durymanov<sup>2</sup>, S. V. Netesov<sup>2</sup> and G. A. Shipulin<sup>1</sup>
          <table> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td>(1) </td> <td>Central Research Institute for Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow, Russia</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td>(2) </td> <td>State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector,” Rospotrebnadzor, Kol’tsovo, Novosibirsk oblast, Russia</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Received: 15 November 2006 Published online: 17 April 2008
          Abstract The isolation and characterization of the influenza A/H5NI viruses isolated from hens that died during the outbreak of avian influenza in autumn 2005 in the Yandovka village (Tula oblast) and from a wild swan that died near the orifice of the Volga River in the zone of the Karalat Furrow were carried out. Molecular-biologic and phylogenetic analyses were performed with a view of determining possible geographical origin of strains, phylogenetic similarity of viruses and also estimating their pathogenicity, epidemic danger for people, and possible resistance to antiviral drugs. It was shown that the virus belonged to the high pathogenic variants that arose in China as a result of the reassortment of the viruses of the genotypes Z and V that circulated among poultry and wild birds. A number of molecular markers characterizing the high pathogenicity of the virus for gallinaceous birds and mammals were revealed, but the specific mutations in the hemagglutinin gene that promote the high rate of virus replication in a human organism and also the mutations of adaptation to it were not found. It was shown that the variants of the influenza A/H5N1 virus that circulated in this epizootic were sensitive to remantadine. The strain isolated from the wild swan had the mutation causing resistance to Tamiflu/ozeltamivir.
          Original Russian Text &#169; S.B. Yatsyshina, A.M. Shestopalov, V.A. Evseyenke, T.S. Astakhova, S.I. Braslavskaya, V.A. Ternovoi, T.Yu. Kondratieva, A.Yu. Alekseev, S.I. Zolotykh, Y.N. Rassadkin, A.V. Zaikovskaya, A.G. Durymanov, S.V. Netesov, G.A. Shipulin, 2008, published in Molekulyarnaya Genetika, Mikrobiologiya i Virusologiya, 2008, No. 1, pp. 26–33.

          Isolation and molecular characterization of the influenza A/H5N1 viruses isolated during the outbreaks of avian influenza among birds in the European part of Russia in 2005: a virus strain with ozeltamivir-resistance mutation was found

          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr> <td class="labelName">Journal</td><td class="labelValue">Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">Publisher</td><td class="labelValue">Allerton Press, Inc. distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">ISSN</td><td class="labelValue">0891-4168 (Print) 1934-841X (Online)</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">Issue</td><td class="labelValue">Volume 23, Number 1 / March, 2008</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">DOI</td><td class="labelValue">10.1007/s11965-008-1006-3</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">Pages</td><td class="labelValue">31-41</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">Subject Collection</td><td class="labelValue">Biomedical and Life Sciences</td> </tr><tr> <td class="labelName">SpringerLink Date</td><td class="labelValue">Thursday, April 17, 2008</td></tr></tbody></table>

