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Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

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  • Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce


    Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

    Cross-Linked Silent HA and NA Polymorphisms Correlated with Fatal 225G Cases in the Ukraine and Russia
    • HA:syn413K encoded from A1281G, AAa->AAg
    • NA:syn407V encoded from T1221C, GTt->GTc

    PF11 Sequences Demonstrating Cross Segment Linkage
    • Iraq8529E3 with HA 131L, 160L, 194I, 298V and syn419L (Kentucky19 and 225G Utah42)
    • Iraq8529M1 with HA 131L, 160L, 298V and syn419L (Kentucky19 and 225G Utah42)
    • Iraq8531 with HA 130E, 131L, 298V and syn419L (Kentucky19 and 225G Utah42)
    • Australia Victoria2129 with potential H5N2 inclusions and NA 454S
    • Australia Victoria2130 with NA 454S
    • Ukraine Kyiv377 with mixture of 225D, 225G, 225N, 225S, 225T and 225A
    • Ukraine Lviv673
    • Ukraine Lviv682
    • Ukraine Cherkasy332
    • Ukraine Cherkasy333
    • Ukraine Cherkasy346
    • Ukraine Chernihiv855L with mixture of wt 225D / 225G and additional 1918 Markers (syn238E & 324I), Fatal outcome *
    • Ukraine Chernihiv856 with mixture of wt 225D / 225G , Fatal outcome *
    • Ukraine Chernihiv857 with mixture of wt 225D / 225G and additional 1918 Markers (186P, syn238E, 324I & G796A), Fatal outcome *
    • Ukraine Chernihiv858, Fatal outcome *
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk260
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk267
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk268
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk272
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk273 with mixture of wt 225D and 225G
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk274
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk1124
    • Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk1171
    • Ukraine LvivN2 with 225G
    • Ukraine LvivN6 with 225G
    • Ukraine TernopilN10 with 225G
    • Ukraine TernopilN11 with 225G
    • Ukraine Volin226 with 225G *
    • MoldovaG120
    • MoldovaG140
    • MoldovaG181
    • MoldovaG182
    • MoldovaG191
    • HA and NA Norway2924 with mixture of wt 225D and 225G
    • HA and NA Norway3364-2
    • HA and NA CatNS7362 TamiFlu Resistant
    • HA and NA CatS1096
    • HA and NA CatS1162
    • HA and NA CatS1179
    • HA and NA CatS1181
    • HA and NA CatS1267
    • HA and NA CatS1268
    • HA and NA CatS1402
    • HA and NA CatS1501
    • HA and NA CatS1687
    • HA and NA CatS1748
    • HA and NA CatS1751
    • HA and NA CatS1761
    • HA and NA CatS1827
    • HA and NA CatS1935
    • HA and NA CatS2120 with multiple swine markers
    • HA and NA CatS2151 with swine markers and 165N (TamiFlu Resistant CatNS7632 and Russian 225G Salekhard01)
    • HA and NA Guangdong02
    • HA and NA Guangdong05
    • HA and NA SingaporeON1156
    • HA and NA Stockholm31
    • Sweden Gothenburg2 with 146G, 324I (1918) and markers found extensively in Moldova and Russia
    • HA and NA Russia4 with syn238E and 324I (1918)
    • HA and NA Russia12 with 324I (1918)
    • HA and NA Russia14
    • HA and NA Russia19 with 324I (1918)
    • HA and NA Russia74
    • HA and NA Russia149
    • HA and NA Russia165
    • HA and NA Russia171 with 165N
    • HA and NA Russia178
    • HA and NA Russia180 with 165N, syn239P and 264G
    • HA and NA Russia190
    • HA and NA Russia191
    • HA and NA Kurgan01 with HA 214E (MoldovaG168, G176, G188) and NA mixture at 407 (Fatal 225G Abakan02)
    • HA and NA Omsk02
    • HA and NA Tver2969 with 225G, Fatal outcome
    • HA and NA Salekhard01 with 165N and 225G, presumptive Fatal outcome
    • HA and NA Orenburg2974 with 225N, potential Fatal outcome
    • HA and NA Perm01 with 131P, 225G and 324I, presumptive Fatal outcome
    • HA and NA NY3702
    • HA and NA NY3715
    • HA and NA NY3828
    • United States NewYork96
    • HA and NA RhodeIsland08
    • HA and NA Texas42102708
    • HA and NA Texas45072128
    • HA and NA Texas45122886
    • United States Kentucky19 from an 18 year old subject with HA 298V
    • United States Indiana20 from a 10M subject with 5 Avian H5N1 markers *
    • US Private Sequence TamiFlu Resistant
    • United States NorthCarolina37 from a 24F subject with HA 298V
    • United States NorthCarolina44 from a 50M subject with 6 Avian H5N1 markers *
    • United States NorthCarolina46_C2 from a 39F subject with HA 298V
    • United States NorthCarolina46_C2C1 from a 39F subject with HA 298V
    • HA and NA swine/NC/34752 with 298V

    91 sequences have encircled the globe as of 2010-01-31 * with high fidelity carrying a cross-segment paired set of background markers matching and contributing to fatal cases in the Ukraine and Russia. 225G appears in 14 on this background; 225N once and 225E precisely zero.

    Autopsy reports from Ukraine pandemic fatalities continue to demonstrate 225G and cross-segment linkages. 11 Sequences published from the Ukraine on 2010-01-27 covering late October to mid November 2009 show 6 225G sequences. 11 of 11 demonstrate the cross-segment linkage marker of NA syn407V. 6 of the 11 HA sequences are truncated just prior to the syn413K marker, but the 5 that do have the complete HA are a 100% match to the cross-segment marker.

    We would be quite grateful to see the missing portions of the HA segments to validate our model. Data sparsity is an undesirable parameter when accuracy involves human life.

    Incidentally, 6 225G sequences in various mixtures are found in the set of 11 with Chernihiv859 carrying the 'rrt' codon at the amino acid position 225 showing hyper-morphic behaviour like Kyiv377. 4 of those 225G sequences also fall on the cross-segment linkage background. Chernihiv appears to be on the march to higher virulence using 1918 polymorphisms with additional revisions from the very special bird from Argentina (2008). Chernihiv355L carries 3 1918 polymorphisms coding for 225G, syn238E and 324I in PF11 with markers from the red-winged tinamou. Chernihiv357 goes beyond the call of duty by appropriating 5 1918 changes coding for 186P, 225G, syn238E, 324I and 252M in PF11 with markers from the red-winged tinamou.

    Recall that 252M was found during July in Brasil, the first country to officially register 1,000 deaths. Furthermore, this polymorphism was isolated there from post-mortem blood, indicating not only a fatality in the 11 year old girl, but also spread of the viral particles via the bloodstream. HKswNS1659, a swine sequence frequently matched to PF11 genetic acquisitions, also carries the coding for 252M.

    Kyiv377 from early November in the Ukraine demonstrates a level of hyper-morphic behaviour at amino acid 225 that was previously undocumented in ΣPF11, but is the natural progression of the genetic acquisition trend line on this pandemic reservoir. Two sequences now additionally demonstrate the TamiFlu Resistant 275Y on NA, one from Spain in late November 2009 and one from the US with details stored in a private database.

    Areas covered include Texas (3), the Northeastern United States (5), Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina (5), China (2), Singapore, Australia (2), the Ukraine (23), Moldova (5), Russia (18), Iraq (3), Norway (2), Sweden (2) and extensive penetration in Spain (17 sequences).

    This particular cross linked background pattern may precurse 225G and mixtures of 225D / 225G. The Orenburg2974 sequence from Russia carries 225N on this background. Receptor Binding Site (RBS) changes at 225 are associated with fatality, 225G and 225N at a rate higher than 225E.

    If LvivN6 is officially confirmed as a vaccine escape event, these cross-segment pairs may be surveilled as potential future effectors of vaccine efficacy failure.

    If RBS revisions at Hemagglutinin amino acid 225 are, in fact, instructive of high pathogenicity, then Russia is in the FlightPath for a more virulent winter and the Ukraine has presently built a fog of miasma that appears to be capable of spreading across the globe while leading to an expected 1,000 deaths there in less than 80 days.
    Previous Study on this Topic:

    Please visit for insight into the latest published studies.
    Last edited by sharon sanders; February 1, 2010, 04:05 AM. Reason: updated

  • #2
    Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce


    Indiana20 with 5 Avian H5N1 markers
    NorthCarolina44 with 6 Avian H5N1 markers


    • #3
      Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

      via NS1 -


      A/swine/Argentina/SAGiles-31215/2009(H1N1) from June 2009 is NOT on the cross-linked background, supporting the concept of strong Avian influence on ΣPF11?s most recent genetic acquisitions. Red-winged tinamou/Argentina/MP1/2008 (Avian H1N1) shows the HA half of the cross linking with a very similar silent coding on the NA half. The two Nigerian Chicken strains from 2006 carry both cross-segment links (Avian H5N1).

      A significant proportion of ΣPF11 genetic acquisitions published in the past 3 months including the recent Ancona sequences from Italy are found on either the Tinamou H1N1 or the Nigerian chicken H5N1. Investigation is ongoing. Assistance appreciated.


      • #4
        Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

        What does this mean in layman's terms?
        "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta


        • #5
          Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

          As an amateur who is less able to comment that many on this board, it indicates the possiblity/probability that coinfections between H1n1 and H5N1 are occuring with recombinant exchanges of genetic material.

          Any one else please chime in.


          • #6
            Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

            Originally posted by Vibrant62 View Post
            As an amateur who is less able to comment that many on this board, it indicates the possiblity/probability that coinfections between H1n1 and H5N1 are occuring with recombinant exchanges of genetic material.

            Any one else please chime in.
            Maybe in birds or pigs, but not likely in humans. Independent of H1N1, an H5N1 infection in humans has more than a 30% CFR. We would be detecting those if there were any in the Ukraine.


            • #7
              Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

              Originally posted by alert View Post
              Maybe in birds or pigs, but not likely in humans. Independent of H1N1, an H5N1 infection in humans has more than a 30% CFR. We would be detecting those if there were any in the Ukraine.
              Not necessarily. The H5N1 CFR in Egypt for last year was about 10% suggesting that an altered strain, with an ameliorating death rate, is circulating in Egypt especially among children.


              • #8
                Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

                True, but Egypt is detecting those H5N1 cases. I can't imagine H5N1 is widespread in Ukraine (in humans) and we don't know it.


                • #9
                  Re: Ukraine - 100% of New Sequences with Required HA and NA on Cross-Linked Background; 225G on 6 of 11; 1918 Markers Coalesce

                  Originally posted by alert View Post
                  True, but Egypt is detecting those H5N1 cases. I can't imagine H5N1 is widespread in Ukraine (in humans) and we don't know it.

                  Yes. My point is that in the past a high CFR was a good indicator of H5N1. This may not be so in the future if the CFR for H5N1 declines. I agree, at this time, there is no strong reason to suspect that H5N1 is spreading in Ukraine.

