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2 consecutive weeks with a new minimum of uploaded weekly ****** sequences at genbank
weekly number of new genbank ****** sequences:
108,315,298,309,598,338,189,111,523,209,246,211,38 7,228,218,243,048,269,125,1011,31,33
390,81,72,35,306,746,441,1247,93,65,1245,121,158,1 66,43,48,144,471,156,12,13
Just to compare: each week at GISAID beginning in November 2, Monday-Sunday until today:
Nov 2: 0, 0, 146, 226, 65
Dec 7: 62, 173, 53, 76
Jan 4: 152, 91, 47, 210
Feb1: 36, 80, 36
total: 1453
The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918
Italy submitted an unusual(?) NA sequence. I usually look for the series of YHY for oseltamivir resistance; the series turns to YYY if it's resistant. This one has YXY, with the normal codon for 823,824,825 is cac; this one is yac.
I can't find any other pH1N1 sequences with an X in that position.
average number of nucleotide-differences of the genomes
from the assumed Index at creation ~early 2009
the collection dates are different, most are early sequences with
few mutations.
horizontal lines are 0,10,20,30,40 mutations
The Cancun (index) virus had 11 mutations in early April already,
maybe I can make the same graph for Cancun viruses only
it's clear now, that ****** doesn't mutate much faster than old seasonal flu
(~35 mutations per genome per year).
Earlier estimates i.e. by the English group gave much higher mutation-rate etimates.
this is work in progress, I may change the picture...
3 Saskatchewan viruses in humans with triple-reassortant swine
are available now, whole genomes.
Also lots of H3 from 2002, maybe a new insight how Fujian-flu
developed ...(the anchestor of (almost)all H3N2 since 2004)
the current first isolate is HK/24044 from early June 2002
----edit---- no new Fujian-flu origin found------------
---edit---- again many new H3N2 fro Hong Kong