Greece Documents
pH1N1 Fatalities
Multiple Backgrounds
Early 2011
Map - Active and Detailed
<div style="text-align: center;">pH1N1 Fatalities
Multiple Backgrounds
Early 2011
Map - Active and Detailed
<hr style="width: 20%;" />57 <b><span style="color: #274e13;">HA</span></b> Sequences<hr style="width: 20%;" /></div>
On 2013-10-08, the <span style="color: #783f04;"><b>National Influenza Centre for Northern Greece</b></span> released a total of <b>57</b> <strong><span style="color: #4c1130;">pH1N1</span></strong> <b><span style="color: #274e13;">Hemagglutinin </span></b>sequence fragments at <strong>GISAID </strong>having 2 from early 2013, but with the larger set sampled during January and February 2011 [<a href="" target="_blank">map</a>]. All 57 patients sought medical attention. The <b><span style="color: #274e13;">Neuraminidase</span></b> segments were not released. A total of 9 <b><span style="color: #660000;">fatalities</span></b> are documented and 6 subjects were under the age of 60 at the time of their death from Influenza.
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