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pH1N1 Drug Resistant Low Reactor CDC Fall 2013

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  • pH1N1 Drug Resistant Low Reactor CDC Fall 2013

    pH1N1 Drug Resistant Low Reactor
    CDC Fall 2013

    <div style="text-align: center;">
    <hr style="width: 30&#37;;" />46 Cases over 49 Sequences<hr style="width: 30%;" /></div>

    In the 32 days covering 2013-10-17 to 2013-11-19, the&nbsp;<span style="color: #783f04;"><b>United States CDC</b></span>&nbsp;released a total of 49&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #632423; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">pH1N1</span></b>&nbsp;sequences at&nbsp;<strong>GISAID&nbsp;</strong>on 46 human cases<strong>&nbsp;</strong>sampled from February 2013 to October 2013. Geographic surveillance includes&nbsp;<b>America,</b>&nbsp;<b>Africa, Asia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay&nbsp;</b>and<b>&nbsp;Peru.&nbsp;</b>

    The sequences in this Analytic Report describe a high level of genetic activity at the <b><span style="color: #274e13;">Hemagglutinin</span></b> <b><span style="color: #660000;">antigenic area</span></b> between <b><span style="color: blue;">aa155</span></b> and <b><span style="color: blue;">aa158</span></b> with <b>5</b> amino variations and <b>4</b> silent revisions. &nbsp; <b><span style="color: #274e13;">HA</span></b> <b><span style="color: blue;">225G</span></b> is present in <b><span style="color: #660000;">quasi-species</span></b> on <b>2</b>&nbsp;American samples and as dominant form in <b>2</b> tropical countries. The <b>Dominican Republic</b> <b><span style="color: #274e13;">HA</span></b> <b><span style="color: blue;">225G</span></b>&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #660000;">Low Reactor Correlate</span></b> appears on a <b><span style="color: #7f6000;">TamiFlu Resistant</span></b> strain. &nbsp;<b><span style="color: #7f6000;">Drug Resistance</span></b> is also found in <b>2</b> US sequences and <b>1</b> South American case . . .

    Read the Open-Access, Full-Text
    Investigational Analytic
    including Genetic Details

  • #2
    Re: pH1N1 Drug Resistant Low Reactor CDC Fall 2013

    Data Sparsity
    Winter 2013

    Close of Business, Atlanta

    Due to a lack of integral information on the severity of the current influenza season, a small group of volunteer citizens has pursued the quantification of fatality rates in hospitalised cases around America [FT#217093]. Although Drug Resistance and Vaccine Escape continue to be reported around the country, including the US Navy [FT#519276], a single sequence has been deposited covering the geography during 2013 Weeks 51 and 52 for American states that are experiencing severe and fatal pH1N1 Influenza.

    Requests for Information have been made for several US States, including Texas and California, beginning in December and concentrating on four contiguous calendar weeks.

    RFI for Season Week
    • 2013-Week51
    • 2013-Week52
    • 2014-Week01
    • 2014-Week02

    A total of 6 sequences are on file from US Public Health sources to describe the entire state of Texas for the current season (s2013) and the inter-season (i2013). Genetic change counts are featured for each sequence's Hemagglutinin (HA) and Neuraminidase (NA) segment.
    • HA 22 & NA 15 for Texas 2013-December
    • HA 21 & NA 18 for Texas 2013-November
    • HA 23 & NA 16 for Texas 2013-October
    • HA 21 & NA 14 for Texas 2013-September
    • HA 26 & NA 13 for Texas 2013-August
    • HA 23 & NA 16 for Texas 2013-July

    pH1N1 decision-making using facts requires deploying current data and making rational projections based on knowledge of the viral genetics and the clinical presentation / progression.

    One sequence is not enough to build an understanding of the virus placing vaccinated, healthy young adults into Critical Care units around the nation.


    • #3
      Re: pH1N1 Drug Resistant Low Reactor CDC Fall 2013

      pH1N1 Drug Resistant Vaccine Escape
      Winter 2013
      Risk Factor Assessment
      Data Sparsity

      Close of Business, Atlanta

      GISAID Delta

      In a seemingly endless charade, the United States CDC at Close of Business today, 2014-01-27, added a partial set of segments for 1 new US sequence that was backdated and interspersed as having been published on 2014-01-09*. The new sequence was given a backdated and arbitrary delta modification date indicated as 2014-01-17.
      • New Hampshire C3 with No HA Segment*

      No new egg based passage strategies are in this surreptitious deposit, nor is even one sequence found covering an area of America experiencing High Intensity influenza during the time period of clinical and epidemiological escalation.

      Sparsity Profiles by State

      A publication quiescence has now extended beyond 8 weeks on experimental mechanisms that successfully demonstrated polymorphisms correlated to deep lung involvement in humans.

      These matters of clinical, genetic and statistical data sparsity are relevant and operative in the policy-making and medical delivery arenas during this pathogenic surge.

      Audit Standards

      Evidently, the larger organisations understand how to exploit the lack of basic audit standards within GISAID systems.

      The existing ability for organisations to slip in current work that they backdate with an arbitrary earlier date creates openings for data abuse, research anomaly and the potential for misleading the public using fraudulent research. No argument needs to made that point-in-time snapshots, factual observations, are the bedrock of scientific progress.

      We have made multiple, detailed enquiries to GISAID concerning these significant holes that prevent basic research conclusions and comprehensive analyses. No revision schedule has been communicated; although, system revision is occurring with various updates installed from time to time without announcement, including recent system software mods during this peak season of usage.

      Perhaps system design is outsourced to the larger member organisations who have a vested interest in preserving the security flaws and the backdoors around audits? The lack of transparency, this hegemony of monopoly, generally points to a foundational, even philosophical, error in the institution's experimental basis . . . intentions notwithstanding.

      * New Sequence on 2014-01-27 by Close of Business with a backdated arbitrary Submission Date of 2014-01-09

