Re: mortality statistics
William Sanders , national heart and lung institute
prescribing drugs for high blood pressure
130000 Vietnamese refugees
John Armstrong, chief of mortality statistics at the census bureau
better medical care, better diet , better access to medical care
just in USA, not in Canada,Europe ?
the (suddenly increased speed of) decline in deaths was seen in
deaths from multiple causes, including diabetes,bronchitis,
pneumonia, liver/gallbladder/pancreas,ischemic heart disease,
but most from stroke and hypertensive disease.
But not in cancer deaths.
We typically see this multi-decline each year in summer.
(seasonality of deaths)
But the 1974-1976 decline is profound and long-lived.
Deaths from smog, air-pollution gives a similar patter
of causes, but the effect should not have been so big,
whatever pollutant might have been reduced starting
in 1974.
Maybe a general change in diet of the elderly
or food additives ? Or sudden availability of blood-pressure
measurement for the masses ? Some health campaign ?
William Sanders , national heart and lung institute
prescribing drugs for high blood pressure
130000 Vietnamese refugees
John Armstrong, chief of mortality statistics at the census bureau
better medical care, better diet , better access to medical care
just in USA, not in Canada,Europe ?
the (suddenly increased speed of) decline in deaths was seen in
deaths from multiple causes, including diabetes,bronchitis,
pneumonia, liver/gallbladder/pancreas,ischemic heart disease,
but most from stroke and hypertensive disease.
But not in cancer deaths.
We typically see this multi-decline each year in summer.
(seasonality of deaths)
But the 1974-1976 decline is profound and long-lived.
Deaths from smog, air-pollution gives a similar patter
of causes, but the effect should not have been so big,
whatever pollutant might have been reduced starting
in 1974.
Maybe a general change in diet of the elderly
or food additives ? Or sudden availability of blood-pressure
measurement for the masses ? Some health campaign ?