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Helicobacter pylori could be linked to causing Parkinson

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  • Helicobacter pylori could be linked to causing Parkinson

    Noticias de lo que pasa en Latinoamérica y del Mundo, desarrolladas minuto a minuto desde las redacciones y corresponsalías de Prensa Latina.

    Spanish to English translation

    Helicobacter pylori, in addition to causing Parkinson

    Washington, May 23 (Prensa Latina) The Helicobacter pylori, ulcer-causing bacteria could be linked to the development of Parkinson's disease, U.S. researchers say in a recent study.

    Presented at the meeting of the American Society for Microbiology from Louisiana State University specialists, the research highlights that bacterial infection has an association with neurodegenerative disease.

    In his essays of experimental pharmacology in mice, the scientists infected mice with the bacteria in middle age, the equivalent of having between 55 and 65 in human age.

    After half a year of analysis, the mice showed symptoms related to Parkinson's disease, and reduced ability to move and lower levels of dopamine, a brain chemical, explained the academic.

    The results were more dramatic in aged mice than in young. This shows how the normal aging increases the susceptibility of parkinsonian changes in these rodents, similar in humans, they said.

    Although for these researchers is not yet clear what the mechanism leading to this link, assume that the Helicobacter pylori produces substances toxic to the brain.

    Referring to these tests, Kieran Breen, director of research at the Parkinson's Uk organization, suggested taking cautious about such conclusions.

    So far the scientific community is certain that the most likely cause of Parkinson's is a combination of environmental factors with genetic susceptibility of individuals to develop the disorder, he said.

    There is also evidence that the bacteria prevents the absorption of levodopa, a drug of choice for the treatment of Parkinson's.