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Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

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  • Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

    Since it was first recognised in 1997, highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 has infected domestic and wild birds in more than 60 countries across Asia, Africa and Europe. Over 250 million domestic birds have died from disease or been slaughtered in attempts to control its spread; the economies of the worst affected countries in southeast Asia have suffered greatly, with lost revenue estimated at over $10 billion (Diouf 2005), and there have been serious human health consequences. Over 350 human cases have been confirmed, more than 60% of these fatal (WHO 2007).

    Prior to HPAI H5N1, reports of HPAI in wild birds were very rare. The broad geographical scale and extent of the disease in wild birds is both extraordinary and unprecedented, and the conservation impacts of H5N1 have been significant. It is estimated that between 5-10% of the world population of Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus died at Lake Qinghai, China in spring 2005. At least two globally threatened species have been affected: Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis in China and Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis in Greece. During winter, approximately 90% of the world population of Red-breasted Goose is usually confined to just five roost sites in Romania and Bulgaria (BirdLife 2007), countries that have both reported outbreaks, as also have Russia and Ukraine where they also over-winter. However, the total number of wild birds affected has been small in contrast to the number of domestic birds affected, and many more wild birds die of commoner avian diseases each year. Perhaps a greater threat than direct mortality is the development of possible paranoia about waterbirds and misguided attempts to control the disease by disturbing or destroying wild birds and their habitats. Such responses are often encouraged by inflammatory and misleading messages in the media.

    Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 is a contagious viral disease caused by influenza A virus. There are many different influenza A viruses, and while some are capable of causing severe disease most cause infections that produce few, if any, symptoms. Avian influenza viruses are characterised as either of low or high pathogenicity (LPAI or HPAI). The natural reservoir of LPAI viruses is in wild waterbirds ? most commonly in ducks, geese, swans, waders and gulls (Hinshaw & Webster 1982; Webster et al. 1992; Stallknecht & Brown 2007).

    Given the ecology of the natural hosts, it is unsurprising that wetlands play a major role in the natural epidemiology of avian influenza. As with many other viruses, particles survive longer in colder water (Lu et al. 2003; Stallknecht et al. 1990b), and the virus is strongly suggested to survive over winter in frozen lakes in Arctic and sub-Arctic breeding areas. Thus, as well as the waterbird hosts, these wetlands are probably a permanent reservoir of LPAI virus (Rogers et al. 2004; Smith et al. 2004) (re)infecting waterbirds arriving from southerly areas to breed (shown in Siberia by Okazaki et al. 2000 and Alaska by Ito et al. 1995). Indeed, in some wetlands used as staging grounds by large numbers of migratory ducks, avian influenza viral particles can be readily isolated from lake water (Hinshaw et al. 1980).

    In these wetlands, LPAI viruses are a natural part of the ecosystem. They have been isolated from over 90 species of wild bird, and are thought to have existed alongside wild birds for millennia in balanced systems. In their natural hosts, avian influenza viruses generally do not cause disease; instead, the viruses remain in evolutionary stasis as indicated by low genetic mutation rates (Gorman et al. 1992, Taubenberger et al. 2005). When LPAI viruses are transmitted to vulnerable poultry species, only mild symptoms such as a transient decline in egg production or reduction in weight gain (Capua & Mutinelli 2001) are induced. However, where a dense poultry environment supports several cycles of infection, the viruses may mutate, adapting to their new hosts, and for the H5 and H7 subtypes these mutations can lead to generation of a highly pathogenic form. Thus, HPAI viruses are essentially products of intensively farmed poultry (GRAIN 2006; Greger 2006). They should be viewed as something artificial, made possible by human modification of a naturally balanced system.

    After an HPAI virus has arisen in poultry, it has the potential both to re-infect wild birds and to cause disease in other non-avian taxa, with different subtypes showing varying predilection for horses, pigs, humans, mustelids, felids, and even seals and cetacea. If influenza A viruses adapt inside these new hosts to become highly transmissible, there can be devastating consequences, such as the human influenza pandemics of the 20th century (Kilbourne 2006). The conditions necessary for cross-infection are provided by agricultural practices that bring together humans, poultry and other species in high densities in areas where there is also the potential for viral transmission from wild birds to domestic ducks on shared wetlands and in ?wet? (i.e. live animal) markets (Shortridge 1977; Shortridge et al. 1977).

    An agricultural practice that provides ideal conditions for cross-infection and thus genetic change is used on fish-farms in Asia: battery cages of poultry are placed directly over troughs in pig-pens, which in turn are positioned over fish farms. The poultry waste feeds the pigs, the pig waste is either eaten by the fish or acts as a fertiliser for aquatic fish food, and the pond water is sometimes recycled as drinking water for the pigs and poultry (Greger 2006). These kinds of agricultural practices afford avian influenza viruses, which are spread via the faecal-oral route, a perfect opportunity to cycle through a mammalian species, accumulating the mutations necessary to adapt to mammalian hosts. Thus, as the use of such practices increases, so does the likelihood that new influenza strains lethal to humans will emerge (Culliton 1990; Greger 2006).

    As well as providing conditions for virus mutation and generation, agricultural practices, particularly those used on wetlands, can enhance the ability of a virus to spread. The role of Asian domestic ducks in the epidemiology of HPAI H5N1 has been closely researched and found to be central not only to the genesis of the virus (Hulse-Post et al. 2005; Sims et al. 2005), but also to its spread and the maintenance of infection in several Asian countries (Shortridge & Melville 2006). Typically this has involved flocks of domestic ducks used for ?cleaning? rice paddies of waste grain and various pests, during which they are exposed to wild ducks using the same wetlands. Detailed research (Gilbert et al. 2006; Songserm et al. 2006) in Thailand has demonstrated a strong association between the HPAI H5N1 virus and abundance of free-grazing ducks. Gilbert et al. (2006) concluded that in Thailand ?wetlands used for double-crop rice production, where free-grazing duck feed year round in rice paddies, appear to be a critical factor in HPAI persistence and spread?.

    Yet there is wide international consensus that attempting to control HPAI through responses such as culling or disturbing wild birds, or destroying wetland habitats is both not feasible and diversionary, and thus should not be attempted, not least since it may exacerbate the problem by causing further dispersion of infected birds. Resolution IX.23 of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands states the ?destruction or substantive modification of wetland habitats with the objective of reducing contact between domesticated and wild birds does not amount to wise use as urged by Article 3.1 of the Convention, and also may exacerbate the problem by causing further dispersion of infected birds?. The key to the control of HPAI remains control and prevention in the poultry sector (Greger 2006; GRAIN 2006; Sims 2007) and ornithologists and the conservation community must play their part in this to ensure benefits to all.

    One of the central obligations of the Ramsar Convention is that Contracting Parties ?shall promote the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands? and subsequent decisions of the Conference of Parties have stressed the role of these reserves and associated wetland centres in enhancing public awareness of wetlands and communicating the need for waterbird conservation. Recent events have highlighted the risk that ill-informed media reporting (Figure 1) about the spread of HPAI H5N1 may undo decades of building positive public attitudes towards wetland and waterbird conservation. For example, as HPAI H5N1 spread across central Asia and Europe in winter 2005 and spring 2006, visitor numbers at wetland centres in the UK fell markedly with economic impacts for conservation organisations and changed public attitudes, which encompassed concern and even fear.

    Human lives are enriched by birds - contact with - and appreciation of which, is an important element of the well being of those who may otherwise have limited opportunities to interact with wildlife. Getting close to birds brings great pleasure. As the late Janet Kear, life-long waterbird conservationist, once said, ?just as you can?t sneeze with your eyes open, you can?t feed a bird from your hand without smiling.? It is crucial that we avoid preventable reactions that might encourage people to stay away from wild birds because of unfounded fears and false perceptions of risk. In the long-term, this could prove greatly damaging to public support for wetland and waterbird conservation.

    Currently, wildlife health problems are being created or exacerbated by activities such as habitat loss or degradation and close contact between domestic and wild animals. Ultimately, to reduce risk of avian influenza and other bird diseases, we need to move to markedly more sustainable systems of agriculture with significantly lower intensity systems of poultry production. These need to be more biosecure, separated from wild waterbirds and their natural wetland habitats resulting in far fewer opportunities for viral cross-infection and thus pathogenetic amplification (Greger 2006). To deliver such an objective in a world with an ever-burgeoning human population, hungry for animal protein, and with major issues of food-security throughout the developing world, will be a major policy challenge. However, the animal and human health consequences of not tackling these issues, in terms of the impact on economies, food security and potential implications of a human influenza pandemic, are quite immense.

    The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918

  • #2
    Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

    If its wild birds, H5N1, and "complex", its another conservation group propaganda piece.


    • #3
      Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

      No sir, they are essentially correct. The relationship between LPAI viruses, their conversion to HPAI in carriers and disease-susceptible birds, and the environment they inhabit are quite complex.

      They just don't exactly know why - yet.


      • #4
        Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

        In their natural hosts, avian influenza viruses generally do not cause disease; instead, the viruses remain in evolutionary stasis as indicated by low genetic mutation rates (Gorman et al. 1992, Taubenberger et al. 2005). When LPAI viruses are transmitted to vulnerable poultry species, only mild symptoms such as a transient decline in egg production or reduction in weight gain (Capua & Mutinelli 2001) are induced. However, where a dense poultry environment supports several cycles of infection, the viruses may mutate, adapting to their new hosts, and for the H5 and H7 subtypes these mutations can lead to generation of a highly pathogenic form.
        If LPAI to HPAI mutation can only occur in poultry how is the death of wild geese by HPAI H5N1 explained at remote Lake Qinghai?


        • #5
          Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

          Originally posted by Oracle View Post
          No sir, they are essentially correct. The relationship between LPAI viruses, their conversion to HPAI in carriers and disease-susceptible birds, and the environment they inhabit are quite complex.

          They just don't exactly know why - yet.
          Wrong. HPAI H5N1 has been around since 1996 and does NOT undergo major changes.
          Clade 2.2 in wild and domestic birds is essentially the same, "Wild birds as victims" is pure propaganda.


          • #6
            Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

            Originally posted by Sally View Post
            If LPAI to HPAI mutation can only occur in poultry how is the death of wild geese by HPAI H5N1 explained at remote Lake Qinghai?
            Although clade 2.2 can be easily distiguished from clade 2.1 and clade 2.3, they are all clade 2, and like clade 1 they are HPAI with a poly basic cleave site in HA, a 20 a.a. deletion in NA, and a 5 a.a. Deletion in NS.
            As soon as they bring in LPAI, they are blowing smoke.


            • #7
              Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

              Wrong. HPAI H5N1 has been around for well over 100 years, it was first *isolated and identified* in 1959 in Aberdeen.

              In the last decade, HPAI H5N1 changed from an episodic to chronic infection.

              Historically, it was confined to minor outbreaks. It NEVER killed that many waterbirds in a widespread epidemic pattern.

              And it never infected humans. It didn't jump species.

              In fact, you could say <i> it reverted to type.</i>


              • #8
                Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                Wrong. HPAI H5N1 has been around for well over 100 years, it was first *isolated and identified* in 1959 in Aberdeen.

                In the last decade, HPAI H5N1 changed from an episodic to chronic infection.

                Historically, it was confined to minor outbreaks. It NEVER killed that many waterbirds in a widespread epidemic pattern.

                And it never infected humans. It didn't jump species.

                In fact, you could say <i> it reverted to type.</i>
                The H5N1 of concern was first reported in 1996 and jumped to humans in 1997.
                It wasn't reported west of China until after Qinhai in 2005.
                The story is NOT complex. Same HPAI in asymptomatic wild birds as dead poultry. In more than 50 countries.


                • #9
                  Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                  thinking about the HP-LP conversion again..
                  it could be that it also happens in wild birds, but is evolutionary not
                  so fit as LP which remains dominant. However in poultry with concentrated
                  populations HP could be an advantage for the virus.
                  HP-->LP conversions could also happen, but obviously much rarer.

                  Are genetical insertions more likely than deletions ? Is the cleavage site in HA
                  different from other regions wrt. this ? I mean, is it more "exposed" to these
                  changes in some moments of the virus' life-cycle ?
                  I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                  my current links: ILI-charts:


                  • #10
                    Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                    MammaBird can correct me if I don't have this right...

                    LPAI = *susceptible* adult birds don't croak, quickly recover from mild infection.

                    HPAI = *susceptible* birds croak very quickly after exposure with high mortality rate.

                    HPAI can be carried silently by quasi-SUSCEPTIBLE wild birds and passed on as active virus through shedding under specific conditions to fully susceptible birds (poultry and NOW wild as well).

                    LPAI can be converted to HPAI in susceptible birds (poultry and wild) under action of specific factors.

                    Like lentogenic viruses (NVD), LPAI was detected by injecting /exposing few day old chicks (turkeys, ducks, chickens) and older birds to the virus. LPAI can kill very young birds because they don't have well developed immunity if they weren't exposed in utero (recently shown to be passed by Mamma birds into eggs). HPAI would kill young chicks and older birds, almost immediately.

                    Frankly, the bird health folks might as well adopt the NVD pathogenicity nomenclature. The diseases co-occur in the same locales and under roughly the same progenitor conditions, velogenic NVD is just about as toxic to birds as the worst HPAI strains. The symptoms are very similar, as is the cellular tropism differences in pathogenicity type.

                    Velogenic = neurotropic and respiratory, highly pathogenic
                    Mesogenic = respiratory, usually lethal to adults
                    Lentogenic = intestinal and usually nonlethal in adults, drop in egg production, antibodies present, some viral shedding.

                    Thus, stamping out LPAI in poultry breeding and layer facilities, as in AR earlier this year.


                    • #11
                      Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                      Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                      MammaBird can correct me if I don't have this right...

                      LPAI = *susceptible* adult birds don't croak, quickly recover from mild infection.

                      HPAI = *susceptible* birds croak very quickly after exposure with high mortality rate.

                      HPAI can be carried silently by quasi-SUSCEPTIBLE wild birds and passed on as active virus through shedding under specific conditions to fully susceptible birds (poultry and NOW wild as well).

                      LPAI can be converted to HPAI in susceptible birds (poultry and wild) under action of specific factors.

                      Like lentogenic viruses (NVD), LPAI was detected by injecting /exposing few day old chicks (turkeys, ducks, chickens) and older birds to the virus. LPAI can kill very young birds because they don't have well developed immunity if they weren't exposed in utero (recently shown to be passed by Mamma birds into eggs). HPAI would kill young chicks and older birds, almost immediately.

                      Frankly, the bird health folks might as well adopt the NVD pathogenicity nomenclature. The diseases co-occur in the same locales and under roughly the same progenitor conditions, velogenic NVD is just about as toxic to birds as the worst HPAI strains. The symptoms are very similar, as is the cellular tropism differences in pathogenicity type.

                      Velogenic = neurotropic and respiratory, highly pathogenic
                      Mesogenic = respiratory, usually lethal to adults
                      Lentogenic = intestinal and usually nonlethal in adults, drop in egg production, antibodies present, some viral shedding.

                      Thus, stamping out LPAI in poultry breeding and layer facilities, as in AR earlier this year.
                      You seem to have some major misconceptions. HPAI is define by illness and death in EXPERIMENTALLY infected CHICKENS (pathogenicity test). It has been largely replaced by the sequence analysis of the HA cleavage site. Multiple basic (K or R) amino acids at the site are used to define HPAI.
                      The pathogenticity varies greatly from species to species as well as clade (and sub-clade) to clade. WHO issued a MAJOR alarm at the end of 2004 after H5H1 from a DEAD patient in Vietnam was used to experimentally infected ducks. Although the ducks produce VERY high levels of H5N1 in their intestines and feces, the ducks were ASYMPTOMATIC (or had mild symtoms like conjunctivitis).
                      The HA cleavage site in that clade 1 isolate. like most H5N1 in Asia, including 1996, was RERRRKKR. Clade 2.1 in Indonesians is RESRRKKR. Clade 2.2 in wild birds and ALL countries west of China is GERRRKKR. Clade 2.3 is RERRRK_R.
                      ALL of the above are HPAI and have been for YEARS. There is no new evolution in poultry. The cleavage site is unchanged, but also found in MANY asymptomatic waterfowl, which are generally (but not always) resistant to HPAI.

                      Some humans, also have a relatively mild course (the live and don't develop pneumonia) after HPAI infection, such as southern Egtpt in the spring of 2007 (and who knows how many unreported cases in countries where H5N1 HPAI is endemic).
                      Last edited by sharon sanders; July 10, 2008, 12:20 PM. Reason: tyops


                      • #12
                        Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                        Originally posted by gsgs View Post
                        thinking about the HP-LP conversion again..
                        it could be that it also happens in wild birds, but is evolutionary not
                        so fit as LP which remains dominant. However in poultry with concentrated
                        populations HP could be an advantage for the virus.
                        HP-->LP conversions could also happen, but obviously much rarer.

                        Are genetical insertions more likely than deletions ? Is the cleavage site in HA
                        different from other regions wrt. this ? I mean, is it more "exposed" to these
                        changes in some moments of the virus' life-cycle ?
                        Please. The conversion of LPAI to HPAI has NOTHING to do with H5N1. It is a smoke screen. HPAI H5N1 has been in Asia since 1996 - no coversion required.


                        • #13
                          Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                          Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                          Wrong. HPAI H5N1 has been around for well over 100 years, it was first *isolated and identified* in 1959 in Aberdeen.

                          In the last decade, HPAI H5N1 changed from an episodic to chronic infection.

                          Historically, it was confined to minor outbreaks. It NEVER killed that many waterbirds in a widespread epidemic pattern.

                          And it never infected humans. It didn't jump species.

                          In fact, you could say it reverted to type.
                          You seem to have some major misconceptions about H5N1 in Asia, which has been likely fueled by the conservationist propaganda program, which has been in high gear since Qinghai Lake in May 2005.

                          The story on HPAI H5N1 in Asia is pretty straight forward. Although there has been H5N1 in Europe since 1959, that H5N1 is quite different than Asian H5N1, which first appeared in 1996 and caused the first reported human cases in 1997. Thus far all reported human bird flu fatalities have been H5N1 (only exception was H7N7 vet in Netherlands), and ALL H5N1 human fatalities has been Asia H5N1.

                          This H5N1 really didn't explode out of China until 2003/2004. Although there had been LPAI for some time worldwide, and LPAI had converted to HPAI in poultry farms, none of this has anything to with HPAI in Asia (which now is also reported in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa).

                          ALL H5N1 west of China (including south Asia) is clade 2.2 (Qinghai strain). They all have a polybasic cleavage site and were introduced by wild birds, most of which are assymptomatic waterfowl. Sometimes this H5N1 leads to death, which accounts for most of the clade 2.2 H5N1 isolates, but all are essentially the same with regard to HPAI (they all have a cleavage site of GERRRKKR or a close derivative).

                          The conservation groups bring up LPAI to support the nonsense about "wild birds as victims" and "dead birds don't fly", but HPAI has been in wild birds for some time. Their campaign kept the situation in Asia fairly muddy, because there was a lot of HPAI on farms, but the story became VERY clear after Qinghai in 2005, which is why the campaign shifted into high gear.

                          Qinghai was a remote nature reserve with massive wild bird die offs. Back in 2005 there was some speculation that the wild bird outbreak could burn itself out, but when Qinghai appeared in the summer of 2005 at Chany Lake in Siberia and Erhel Lake in Mongolia, the story was over.

                          The wild bird infected with H5N1 could fly, and they were the MAJOR transport and transmission vehicle of H5N1, which THEN spread to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Pror to Qinghai Lake ZERO contries west of China had reported Asian H5N1.
                          Last edited by sharon sanders; July 10, 2008, 12:12 PM. Reason: typos


                          • #14
                            Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                            best matching anchestors (of A/Gs/Gd/1996) in HA are:
                            A/Dk/HK/23/1976(H5N3) (and others)

                            both are LP.
                            Seems to have converted to HP in 1996 from a relative.


                            paper from 2007:
                            I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                            my current links: ILI-charts:


                            • #15
                              Re: Avian Influenza and Wetlands: Complex Interactions

                              Henry, those were CLINICAL signs, historically used to determine HPAI in poultry and in occasional wild bird outbreaks. I know **** well that LABORATORY confirmation includes serology and molecular diagnostics.

                              How about tthe word 'susceptible'? You seem to be working under a major misconception that HPAI is silent and nonlethal in wild birds.

                              When the conditions are right, HPAI infected birds die in large numbers MANY SPECIES in the SAME LOCATION, as they did on the Tibetan Plateau.
                              Last edited by sharon sanders; July 10, 2008, 12:17 PM. Reason: typos

